Biographical Sketch of Nelson C. Cotabish

Cotabish, Nelson C.; sales mgr.; born, Cleveland; educated, public schools, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Helen McBride; one child; Councilman City of Lakewood, 1906-1907; mayor of Lakewood, 1910-1911; since 1890, sales mgr. of The National Carbon Co.; treas. Lakewood Yacht Club; Lakewood Masonic Temple Co.; Ramsford Engine Co.; Past Master, K. O. T. M.; F. & A. M. No. 601; member West Side Chamber of Industry, Chamber of Commerce, Lakewood Chamber of Commerce; Highland and Lakewood Tennis Clubs, and Misable Trout and Game Club. Recreations: Hunting and Fishing and General Out-door Sports.

Biographical Sketch of William Kornman

Kornman, William; prop. cafe; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 21, 1866; son of Peter and Marguerite Frank Kornman; educated, public schools, Pittsburgh, Pa.; married, Cleveland, 1907, Jennie Pendergrast; one son, William H. Kornman, Jr.; member National Order of Eagles and Knights of Pythias.

Biographical Sketch of Martin A. Marks

Marks, Martin A.; sec’y and treas. Cleveland Worsted Hills; born, Feb. 6. 1853; son of Aaron and Sarah August Marks; common school education; married, Cleveland, Oct. 28, 1885, Belle Hays; issue, two daughters, Florence, now Mrs. Herman Moss, and Ethel Hays Marks; when a young man, went into his father’s store and became later a member of the firm of A. Marks & Co., in Madison, Ind.; came to Cleveland in 1887; member firm of Klein, Marks & Co.; in 1890, went with the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.; then with the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York, as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Everett

Everett, Henry A.; capitalist; born, Cleveland, Oct. 16. 1866; educated, public and private schools, Cleveland; pres. Toledo Railways & Light Co., Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co., London St. R. R., London, Can.; chairman board of the Detroit United R. R.; interested in numerous corporations, telephone and traction companies; member Union, Euclid, Century, Colonial, and Electric Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Stephen E. Brooks

Brooks, Stephen E.; pres. The Brooks Co., mfg. stationers and printers; born, Elyria, O., Dec. 13, 1850; son of Henry J. and Abagail Hart Brooks; grandfather, Samuel Brooks, one of Lorain County’s early settlers, driving ox team from Connecticut; family moved to Cleveland in 1861; public school education; 1871, founded present house of the Brooks Co., which was incorporated in 1878, with himself as president, the position he still holds; pres. of the Forest City Savings & Trust Co., of which he was an incorporator; director Peoples’ Savings Bank Co.; director W. S. Gilkey Printing Co.; stockholder of many banks … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James J. Tanyan

Tanyan, James J.; Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.; born, Illinois, Nov. 14, 1874; educated in Chicago; married; has children; came to Cleveland ten years ago, as local mngr. for The Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., manufacturers of plate window glass, mirrors, paints, varnishes and brushes; member Knights of Columbus, B. P. O. E., Athletic, Rotary, Advertising, Tippecanoe, Lumber and Manufacturers’ Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Harry C. Gammeter

Gammeter, Harry C.; inventor; born, Akron, O., Feb. 27, 1870; son of Christian and Anna Mauerhover Gammeter; public school education in Akron and Buchtel College and Case School of Applied Science; married, Oct. 25, 1905, Miss and F. Frye; issue, two children, Electa L. and Harry F.; traveled for seven years studying modern methods of manufacturing; worked for the United Typewriting & Supplies Co.; recognized the need of a duplicating machine for business purposes; became associated with H. C. Osborne, and the Multigraph machine was developed; in 1902, a company was formed; now has 65 offices and employs 600 men; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis Klein

Klein, Louis; cigar business; born Austria, Sept. 25, 1871; son of Benj. and Augusta Klein; attended public schools in Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Aug. 14, 1894, Fanny G. Gottlieb; issue, Cecile Penrose, and Ruth Helen; with Halsey & Montgomery, cigar dealers; Excelsior Laundry Co., Cleveland Steam Laundry Co., nine years with J. R. Quinn, in the cigar business; in 1907, incorporated and pres. the Louis Klein Cigar Co., with nine retail stores in the city; also wholesale business; member Elks, H. B. S. U., and the Cleveland Independent Aid Ass’n.

Biographical Sketch of George A. Schneider

Schneider, George A.; sec’y and mgr. Athletic Club; born, Cleveland, May 24, 1874; son of Mathias and Elizabeth (Wiltgen) Schneider; educated, High school and Business College; married, Cleveland, April, 1896, Margaret H. Smith; one son, George H., eight years; cashier U. S. Life Insurance Co.; two years editor American Sportsman, four years general newspaper work, sec’y Cleveland Athletic Club, May 1, 1908; sec’y and mgr., since November, 1911; sec’y fiscal trustees, Maternity Hospital; member Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M., and Cleveland Chapter, R. A. M.; member Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club; vice pres. Amateur Athletic Union of the U. … Read more

Slave Narrative of John W. Matheus

Interviewer: Bishop & Isleman Person Interviewed: John Williams Matheus Location: Steubenville, Ohio Age: 77 Place of Residence: 203 Dock Street WPA in Ohio Federal Writers’ Project Bishop & Isleman Reporter: Bishop (Revision) July 8, 1937 Topic: Ex-Slaves Jefferson County, District #5 JOHN WILLIAMS MATHEUS Ex-Slave, 77 years “My mothers name was Martha. She died when I was eleven months old. My mother was owned by Racer Blue and his wife Scotty. When I was bout eleven or twelve they put me out with Michael Blue and his wife Mary. Michael Blue was a brother to Racer Blue. Racer Blue died … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herman D. Berner

Berner, Herman D.; merchant; born, Cleveland, Jan. 12, 1864; son of Christian and Magdalena Berner; educated, common and high schools; married, Cleveland, April 21, 1883, Margaret Kalina; one daughter, Clara, born Feb. 14, 1889; 1889, started mfgrs’ agent New York City and New England; in various mercantile enterprises; pres. H. D. Berner & Winterbauer Co., New York and Brooklyn; proprietor Berner’s Art Store; pres. The Phonograph Co. of Cleveland, and stockholder The Bishop-Babcock-Becker Co.; member Athletic and Willowick Clubs, Cleveland, and Arion Society, New York. Recreations: Golf and Automobiling.

Biographical Sketch of Davis Hawley

Hawley, Davis; banker; born near Hamilton, Ont., Sept. 18, 1850; son of Davis and Sabra Amelia Lake Hawley; educated, district schools; married, Cleveland, November, 1873, Miss Mary Switz; issue, one son, Davis Hawley, Jr., born Oct. 5, 1878; employed in Detroit, Mich., two years, came to Cleveland in 1866, went to work as cigar boy at the Weddell House; after three years entered the shops of the White Sewing Machine Co.; remained three and one-half years; in 1878, clerk Hotel Clinton, run by his brother, in 1878, became mngr. of the Hotel Clinton; in 1882, with his brother, D. R. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Bishop Shepherd

Shepherd, Arthur Bishop; electric machinery and building materials; born Troy, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1871; son of William A. and Martha Vail Shepard; educated, St. Paul School, Garden City, L. I.; Columbian University, Washington, D. C.; Massachusetts, Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.; married, New York City, September, 1900, Gertrude Robins; three children; designing engineer for The General Electric Co., Schnectady, N. Y.; afterwards mgr. of their Cleveland office; with the company fourteen years; one year pres. Toledo; Chicago Interurban R. R.; at present, district mgr. for the following corporations: Wagner Electric Mnfg. Co., Asbestos Protected Metal Co., Colonial Fan & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Audley P. McCallie

McCallie, Audley P.; Superior Peanut Co.; born, Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 15, 1888; son of Jack and Jennie Purcell McCallie; educated, Buffalo, N. Y., Grammar School and West Springfield and Meadville, Pa., High schools; managing partner of The Superior Peanut Co.; member Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Alfred Burns Smythe

Smythe, Alfred Burns; banking and real estate; born, Nevada, O., Aug. 4, 1874; son of Marcus and Mary Burns Smythe; educated, common schools and Oberlin Academy and Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; married, Oil City, Pa., Nov. 13, 1902, Catherine Loomis; issue, two sons, mgr. Real Estate Dept. of The Cleveland Trust Co.; pres. The Land Security Co., The Loop Realty Co., The Seneca Security Co.

Biographical Sketch of William Ganson Rose

Rose, William Ganson; writer; born, Cleveland, Oct. 29, 1878; son of William Russell and Eliza E. (Ganson) Rose; (A. B. Adelbert College, W. R. U., 1901); Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1902-1907, sec’y Cleveland convention, N. E. A., 1908; joint taxation committee, Ohio State Board of Commerce, and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1908; mgr. Cleveland Industrial Exposition, 1910; mgr. Newark Industrial Exposition, 1912; sec’y Cleveland Auditorium Committee, since 1912; vice pres. National Safety Device Co.; member American Press Humorists, Chamber of Commerce, Delta Tau Delta, Cleveland Advertising, Rotary, Cleveland Athletic Clubs, Cleveland; Quest Club, of Fort Wayne, Ind. Author ” Comic History … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Barnsdall Parker

Parker, Charles Barnsdall; surgeon, born, New York, Nov. 23, 1853; son of James and Harriet (Barnsdall) Parker; A. B., University of Rochester, 1874; M. D., Wooster Medical College, Cleveland, 1877; Vienna and London, 1877-1880; (M. R. C. S., London, 1880; M. S., Ohio Wesleyan University); married Lena Schlather, of Cleveland, June 24, 1891; prof. clin, surgery, 1894, dean, 1896-1898, Cleveland College Physicians and Surgeons (Ohio Wesleyan University); surgeon, St. Luke’s and St. John’s hospitals; consulting surgeon, Cleveland City Hospital, 1894.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Winston Burnham

Burnham, Thomas Winston; mfr. and banker; born, Cleveland, Jan. 22, 1844; son of Thomas and Maria Louisa White Burnham; educated, Cleveland public schools and Union University of Schenectady, N. Y.; degree of A. B.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1869; Mary Kate Coll; two daughters, Mrs. G. W. Grandin and Mrs. J. P. Burton; pres. The Star Elevator Co. and The Kilby Mfg. Co.; director and chairman of the Board National City Bank; director The Cleveland Burial Case Co., Cleveland Union Stock Yards Co., Citizens’ Savings & Trust Co. and F. H. Hill & Co., Chicago; member Union, University, Country, Roadside … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Russell S. Hartzell

Hartzell, Russell S.; rubber business; born, Alliance, O., July 19, 1887; son of D. H. and Lois A. Skinner Hartzell; Mount Union College; manager Cleveland Branch, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.; member Signia Nu Fraternity; belongs to Athletic and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Levi A. Johnson

Johnson, Levi A.; real estate and fire insurance; born, Cleveland, Sept. 1, 1873; son of Philander L. and Sarah M. Clarke Johnson; educated, Cleveland public schools, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University; married, Cleveland, Oct. 24, 1911, Margaret Taylor Dodge; one son, Levi Clarke Johnson; sec’y and treas. The Johnson Realty Co.; director The Wood & Spencer Co.; member Chamber of Commerce. Cleveland Real Estate Board, Delta Psi Fraternity of Yale University; member Union, and Country Clubs; his grandfather, Levi Johnson, came to Cleveland, March 10, 1809; he built the first steamboat that sailed from Cleveland, built … Read more