Biographical Sketch of John Blechschmid

Blechschmid, John; florist; born, Germany, June 7, 1870; son of John and Christina Hess Blechschmid; educated, public schools, Germany, and Newport, Ky.; married, Cleveland, April 26, 1906, Marie Sterk; three children; 1893, worked for Eugene Walter, florist, Lexington, Ky.; one year for Wm. Jones, florist, Newport, Ky.; one year for Mrs. Hennings, florist, Cincinnati, and several other firms and private parties; then was in Indianapolis, Ind.; then back to Cincinnati, as head gardener in The Zoo; was there two years; in 1904, started his own business in Cleveland; designer and decorator; vice. pres. The Florist Club.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Wheeler Pratt

Pratt, Charles Wheeler; engineering, civil and landscape; born, Nashua, N. H., in 1865; son of Charles W. and Sarah Ann White Pratt; early education in public schools of Boston, Mass.; attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology; married, Cleveland, 1902, Miss Frederika Bailey; in 1881, worked for E. W. Bowdich, of Boston; engaged in waterworks and sewer construction and landscape gardening; came to Cleveland in 1893, and in 1894, entered the employ of the old park board, as chief engineer; during the time all the present public parks were built: in 1900, took up private practice of his profession; designed. Ambler Heights, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Fild

Fild, Edward; milk dealer; born, Cleveland, July 18, 1887; son of Herman and Catherine Schnabel Fild; graduated from Orchard School and went to West High school two years; graduated from the Grammar School in 1901; married, Cleveland, June 25, 1905, Lauretta Corcoran; two children; succeeded his father, Herman Fild, who established the business in 1888; member Milk Dealers’ Fraternal League. Recreations: Bowling and Baseball.

Biographical Sketch of Joel Haven Fuller

Fuller, Joel Haven; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Sept. 6, 1851; son of William and Catherine M. Haven Fuller; educated, common, graded and preparatory schools, Cleveland and Oberlin, O.; married, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1888, Lillian Beatty Turner; issue, one daughter, living and one son, deceased; Republican in National polities, Independent in State, County and Municipal; left school at 17, to take clerkship with C., C., C. & St. L. R. R. Co.; served several years then in County Auditor’s office, and later served thirteen years in office of the Standard Oil Co.; left their employment in 1890, to engage in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis C. Greiner

Greiner, Louis C.; optometrist; born, Cincinnati, Ohio; son of Charles and Augusta Fichs Greimer; educated, Cincinnati public school and Hughes High School, same city; has been in the optical business since leaving school; formerly in the employ of A. M. Jordan, one of the largest optical houses in Cincinnati; came to Cleveland, Oct. 17, 1910; has been with The Dodd-Rogers Co. since; member Walnut Hill Lodge, No. 483, F. & A. M., Kilwinning Chapter, No. 97, R. A. M. Recreations: Photography.

Biographical Sketch of Moses Gray Carrel

Carrel, Moses Gray; dist. passenger agt. B. & O. R. R.; born, Fulton County, O., June 4, 1854; son of William P. and Elizabeth Waite Carrel; educated at High School and College, Hillsdale, Mich.; married, Reading, Mich., June 8, 1875, Jennie E. Bradley; two daughters and one son; telegraph operator, freight and ticket agt. L. S. & M. S. R. R., 1870 to 1880; ticket agt. Union Depot, Cleveland, 1880 to 1891; sec’y and treas. Merchant’s Bank & Storage Co., Cleveland, 1891 to 1893; mgr. and editor railroad magazine, “The Station Agent,” and financial editor the Cleveland Press, 1893-1894; general … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas A. Burke

Burke, Thomas A.; surgeon; born, Cleveland, April 18, 1864; son of Thomas A. and Ellen Shannon Burke; A. B., Canisius College, 1885; A. M., same college, 1892; Western Reserve Medical College, 1888; married, Cleveland, 1892, Lillian G. McNeil; three children; after graduating in medicine, received appointment as house surgeon at City Hospital; later assistant to supt. Cleveland State Hospital; 1890, appointed visiting physician to St. Alexis Hospital, and later to same position Charity Hospital; 1902, elected coroner Cuyahoga county; re-elected 1906 U. S. pension examiner in President Cleveland’s administration; has made three trips abroad to study in London and Vienna … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elden J. Hopple

Hopple, Elden J.; lawyer; born, Crawford County, Ohio, Feb. 5, 1881; son of Jeremiah and Martha Schieber Hopple; educated, Heidelberg University, Tiffin, O.; Western Reserve University Law School; early education, public schools; married, Cleveland Oct. 12, 1912, Elizabeth Benoit; State Senator 80th Democratic General Assembly; admitted to practice law June, 1905; member firm of McCullough & Hopple; previous to admission to the bar, taught school for three years, in the public schools of Crawford county; director Cleveland Chamber of Progress; member Bunton D. Babcock, F. & A. M., No. 600, McKinley Chapter, R. A. M., No. 181, B. P. O. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Shadrack Reed

Reed, Charles Shadrack; lawyer; born, North Fairfield, O., Sept. 17, 1862; son of David H. and Caroline Long Reed; attended school at Oberlin College, and Delaware; Law Course at University of Michigan; married, Fredonia, Kas., Nov. 16, 1887, Nellie B. Baughman; issue, three sons and two daughters; prosecuting attorney of Wilson County, Kas., three terms; judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1st Sub-division of 4th Judicial District of Ohio, from September 1899, to September, 1911; elected three times; served twice under appointment of Gov. Bushnell; from law school went West to Fredonia, Kas., practiced law there until 1897; moved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John M. Sulzmann

Sulzmann, John M.; cigar mnfr.; born, Cleveland, Dec. 4, 1869; son of Maximilian and Christina Ansenhofer Sulzmann; educated, St. Joseph’s School, 7th grade; married, Cleveland, Nov. 25, 1890, Emma Reiblers; issue, fourteen children; member City Council from 5th District, 1901-1903; councilman-at-large, Jan. 1, 1912, to Jan. 1, 1914; during his career as councilman has introduced a number of ordinances of importance, regarding traffic regulations, the consideration of traffic policemen, the relief of the poor; was active in helping the late Mayor Tom L. Johnson secure three-cent fare for the City of Cleveland; active in the annexing of Brooklyn, which gave … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter Horace Cottingham

Cottingham, Walter Horace; president The Sherwin Williams Co.; born, Ounenice, Ont., Canada, Jan. 8, 1866; son of William and Lucy Cottingham; first employed as clerk in hardware store in Peterboro, Ont.; prop. Walter H. Cottingham & Co., paints and varnishes, Montreal; senior partner Cottingham, Robertson & Co., Montreal; in 1896, mgr. Montreal branch, The Sherwin Williams Co.; appt. gen. mgr. Sherwin Williams Co. of Ohio, in 1898; vice pres. and gen. mgr. in 1903; pros. in 1908; is also pres. Sherwin Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd.; Cleveland Box Co. and Ozark Smelting Co.; chairman of board, Lewis Berger & Sons, … Read more

Biography of Oliver Denious

Oliver Denious, a resident of Erie, Kansas, since 1894, has lived a life full of activity. His experiences have been in the role of a farm laborer, soldier, farmer, business man, public official, and wherever and in whatever place destiny has put him he has given a good account of his ability and character. He was only twelve years of age when he became self supporting. That was back in Stark County, Ohio. His first work was to hire out to neighboring farmers, and though extremely young, he often did a man’s work. Naturally enough he had limited advantages to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Thomas Biggerstaff

Biggerstaff, Charles Thomas; mason contractor; born, Welland, Can., May 16, 1885; son of Thomas and Harriet Ann Castle Biggerstaff, educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, May 16, 1906, Minnie Schroeder; one daughter, Harriet, age 6 years, and one son, Thomas, age 4 years; his father and mother left Oxford, Eng., in 1884, and came to Welland, Can., in 1887, they came to Cleveland, where he has always lived; after going through the East Madison Avenue public school, he learned the bricklaying trade, going into the mason contracting business with his father in 1911, as junior partner, and taking full charge … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. K. Turner

Turner, J. K.; editor; born, Chicago, 1863; son of J. K. and Ellen Brady Turner; educated, common schools, three years; married, Milwaukee, Wis., 1896, May Grace Schiffman; issue, three children; pres. The Manufacturers’ Information Bureau Co.; editor The Mediator Magazine; owner The Mediator Printery; member Chamber of Commerce, Geauga County Farm Improvement Ass’n, Cleveland Humane Society; member the following: The Square Deal Club, The American Academy of Political and Social Science, The American Civic Association, American Geographical Ass’n, National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, National Educational Ass’n; member Colonial, Tippecanoe, and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of E. C. Balzhiser

Balzhiser, E. C.; ice industry; born, Batavia, O., Aug. 24, 1868; son of Henry and Mary Balzhiser; common school education; married in 1892, Miss Cora May Walker of Oswego, N. Y.; issue, one daughter; settled in Cleveland in 1888, entering the employ of the Knickerbocker Ice Co., as driver; by 1893 had be-come supt. of the business, which in 1893, was sold to the Forest City Ice Co.; entered the employ of the Pictet Ice Co.; first plant to make manufactured ice in the city; bought interest in the Independent Ice Co.; became director, sec’y and mgr.; in 1902, became … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas P. Ballard

Ballard, Thomas P.; real estate; born, Canton, O., Apr. 27, 1854; son of Martin and Sophia Ball Ballard; educated, A. B. Amherst College, 1876 and A. M. 1879; married, Columbus, O., Jan. 20, 1886, Isabella Clerk (deceased) ; one son, Clifford B. Ballard; married, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 29, 1907, Frances Anne Keay; one son, Hyde Whitcomb Ballard; 1877-79, supt. schools Navarre, O.; 1879-80, prin. Unadilla N. Y. Academy; 1880-90, agt. for Ginn & Co. of Boston at Columbus, O.; 1890, admitted as partner of Ginn & Co., 1892-99, Chicago office of Ginn & Co.; 1899-1906, social and settlement worker, Philadelphia; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Norris J. Clarke

Clarke, Norris J.; born, Cleveland, Aug. 29, 1880; son of Jay M. and Lena D. Clarke; educated, Cleveland public schools and Central High School; married, Sewickley, Pa., June 24, 1907, Katherine Pearson; two daughters, Kathleen and Marguerite; entered the employ of The Bourne-Fuller Co. in 1897, as office boy and worked at all office positions, becoming salesman in 1904, and mgr. of their Pittsburgh office from 1906 to 1911 when he accepted his present position; sec’y The Upson Nut Co.; pres. Searight Supply Co., and sec’y Union Nut & Bolt Co.; member Union and Athletic Clubs, of Cleveland, and the … Read more

Biography of Fred L. Stephenson

Fred L. Stephenson is president of the Commercial State Bank of Yates Center. He had many other interests that connect him with that community, and for many years had been one of the live and energetic citizens, ever ready to co-operate in any plan for the advancement of local welfare. Mr. Stephenson had spent most of his life in Kansas and he owes to his individual energies and the opportunities of the state his prosperity and his position in affairs. His ancestors were English people who came to New York in Colonial days. His grandfather was Thomas Stephenson, a native … Read more

Biography of Capt. Hiram Smith

CAPT. HIRAM SMITH. – Capacity for business may make a man a miser or a shark. Generosity may make him a pauper. In the one case he may so use his talent as to over-reach and distress his neighbors; and in the other he may impoverish himself and become a burden rather than a benefit to society. The benevolent heart is best when joined to a sagacious head. No man seems so happy, and certainly none so useful, as he who is able to gratify his love of doing good by having the means for its accomplishment ever at hand. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Felix Hughes

Hughes, Felix; singer; born at Lancaster, Mo., Oct. 1, 1874; son of Felix Turner and Jean Amelia Summerlin Hughes; brother of Rupert H. (q. v.); academic education; studied at Rudy Institution, Paris, and under singing masters in Paris, Berlin and London; married, Adella Prentiss, of Cleveland, Oct. 5, 1904; appeared in concerts in France; made debut in La Juive, Liege, Belgium; returned to United States, 1901; has sung in concerts, recitals, and oratorios under Van der Stucken and Paur; baritone; repertoire includes 40 operas and all standard oratorios. Clubs: Hermit, Euclid, Mayfield Country.