Biography of William M. Brown, M. D.

The medical fraternity is ably represented by Dr. William M. Brown, who is the leading physician of Cuprum, whither he removed in June of the present year, 1899, from Salubria, where he had continuously and successfully engaged in practice from June 1892. He was born in Preble County, Ohio, on the 18th of November, 1860. His ancestors were early settlers of South Carolina, and his grandfather, James Brown, was born in Due West, that state. James Scott Brown, the Doctor’s father, was a native of Preble County, Ohio, and having arrived at man’s estate he married Miss Julia Robertson, of Brighton, Iowa, who was born at Spring Hill, Indiana. He spent his entire life, however, near the old homestead where his birth occurred, and was an industrious, prosperous and honorable farmer. He and his wife were valued members of the United Presbyterian Church and exemplified in their daily lives their religious belief.

Dr. Brown, the eldest in their family of nine children, eight of whom are yet living, was liberally educated and thus fitted for the responsible duties of life. Having attended the public schools of the Buckeye state, he further continued his studies in the university at Oxford, Ohio, and in Mommouth College, at Monmouth, Illinois. He was graduated in the Miami Medical College of Cincinnati, Ohio, in the class of 1888, having therein completed a course in medicine, after which he engaged in the practice of his chosen profession in Omaha, Nebraska, until June, 1892, when he came to Salubria. For seven years he made his home there and his practice constantly extended throughout the valley. In June 1899, he removed to Cuprum. Idaho, where in connection with his practice, he conducts a drug store. He numbers among his patrons many of the best people of this section of the state, and his success is richly merited, for he is a close student of his profession and spares no efforts whereby he will be better fitted to minister to the needs of suffering humanity and check the ravages of disease.

Dr. Brown erected a good residence in Salubria and there resided with his interesting family until his removal to Cuprum. He was married on the 1st of October 1889, to Miss Emma L. Sherman, of New York, a daughter of Jesse S. Sherman, of the Empire state. They have two daughters, Winifred and Mildred, and the members of the family are highly esteemed in the community. The Doctor is a valued member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and in his political preferences and affiliations he is a Republican. He has served as coroner of Washington County and takes a deep interest in everything pertaining to the welfare and advancement of town, county and state.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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