Biographical Sketch of Dr. E.C. Heilman

He located at Ida Grove, Iowa, August 20, 1877. He was born in Cedar County, Iowa, July 18, 1856, son of Samuel and Mary (Ranck) Heilman. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania and of German descent. He was reared in Iowa, received his literary education at Cornell College and took his medical course at the Medical College of Ohio at Cincinnati, graduating at the latter institution in March 1877. Upon his arrival here he entered into a partnership with Dr. F. D. Seeber, & was associated with him for 2 years. After conducting his practice alone for 2 years, Dr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Tirzah B. McMillen

Mrs. TIRZAH B. McMILLEN. – Especial interest surrounds the life of those mothers who made possible the social conditions of our state. They will be held in everlasting remembrance. Tirzah, the daughter of Edward and Hannah H. Barton, was born in Clermont county, Ohio, in 1832, and at a very early age accompanied her parents to Cincinnati, later to Indiana, and in 1851 across the plains to Oregon. In October of the same year she was married in Portland to James H. McMillen, and soon removed to their new home on Tualatin Plains, ten miles west of Portland. It was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gardner Abbott

Abbott, Gardner; attorney; born, Cincinnati, O., Dec. 11, 1878; son of Willard and Caroline Powers Younglove Abbott; educated Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; Yale University, A. B.; Columbia Law School, LL. B.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1912, Lois A. Allen; member Cleveland Board of Health, 1912; Troop A, 1st Sergt.; entered the office of Blandin, Rice and Ginn, 1905; started business for himself in 1909; vice pres. Bates Valve Bag Co.; pres. Abbott Realty Co.; sec’y Babies’ Dispensary and Hospital and Cleveland Music School Settlement; member Andover P. A. E.; Alpha Delta Phi; Wolf’s Head; Columbia Phi Delta Phi; director Union … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. W. Neal, M. D.

J. W. Neal, M. D., physician and surgeon, Charleston; was born July 22, 1851, in what is now Cumberland Co., but then a part of Coles Co.; his father. William Neal, is a prominent and wealthy farmer and stock-raiser, who came to the State fifty-five years ago, at the age of years, from Bourbon Co., Ky.; Dr. Neal remained at home on the farm till he was 19 years old, then entered Lee’s Academy, in this county, graduating in 1871, and at once began the study of medicine with Dr. T. B. Dora, of Mattoon. The winter of 1872-73 he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Frommel

Frederick Frommel, Charleston, of the firm of Weiss & Frommel, proprietors of the Charleston Woolen-Mill; was born in Ravensburg, Kingdom of Wurtemberg, Germany, Dec. 5, 1825; at the . age of 14, he was apprenticed in a woolen-factory to learn the trade, and worked there until he came to this country in 1854; he spent several years in Philadelphia, New York and Connecticut; after which, he came West to Cincinnati, where he was engaged in traveling for two of the principal woolen houses in that city until 1869; he then removed to Charleston, and engaged with Henry Weiss, proprietor of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Harlow Bates

Bates, Albert Harlow; patent lawyer; born, Cincinnati, O., Jan. 24, 1869; son of Cyrus S. and Lavena S. Bates; educated, Kenyon Military Academy, Gambier, O.; Brooks Military Academy, Cleveland; Lehigh University; graduated, 1889, Mechanical Engineer, Ohio State University; graduated, 1892, LL. B.; married, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 11, 1904, Kathleen Jones; two daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth; one son, Darwin Bates; in 1892-3, in legal dept. of The Brush Electric Co., Cleveland; 1893-96, with Robert H. Parkinson, patent lawyer, Chicago, Ill.; 1897-1905, member the firm of Thurston & Bates, patent lawyers, Cleveland; 1906-9, member firm of Bates, Fonts & Hull, patent lawyers, … Read more

Biography of A. B. Rabbeson

A.B. RABBESON. – Mr. Rabbeson, who observes that “he was born of rich but honest parents” at New York in 1824, was devoted from his youth to the most interesting and desperate adventures. Nevertheless, he was always delivered from his perils just at the right time, and lives to-day in hale age at Olympia. His boyish adventures began not many years after the death of his father in 1833. His step-father he did not like, and consequently left home. We find him out in Canada, soon at New York City with his grandparents and attending school, but within a few … Read more

Biography of James H. Riggs

JAMES H. RIGGS. – One of the capable and esteemed gentlemen of Union county is named at the head of this article and is deserving of representation in the history of his county, since he has labored here with assiduity and energy for the development of the county and its resources and has manifested meanwhile both ability, sagacity, and integrity in his endeavors, being one of the leading agriculturists of the county. Mr. Riggs was born in Roachdale, Lancashire, England, on December 18, 1837, being the son of Levi and Elizabeth (Standring) Riggs, natives also of England. The father was … Read more

Biography of Henry Brandley

Henry Brandley was born in Switzerland October 12, 1839, and died at his beautiful home at Matfield Green in Chase County June 1, 1910. When he was about twelve years of age his parents came to America, being fifty-two days in crossing the ocean. In 1852 the family settled in Cincinnati, where he finished his education and worked at the painter’s trade. In 1856 the Brandleys moved to Randolph. County, Indiana, and there the young man had further experience as a farm hand, in a shingle mill, as rail maker and digger of ditches. In the spring of 1859 he … Read more

Washington Irving at Fort Gibson, 1832

Irving Washington

The McIntosh Creeks had been located along Arkansas River near the Verdigris on fertile timbered land which they began at once to clear, cultivate, and transform into productive farms. The treaty of 1828 with the Cherokee gave the latter a great tract of land on both sides of Arkansas River embracing that on which the Creeks were located. This was accomplished by a blunder of the Government officials, in the language of the Secretary of War, “when we had not a correct knowledge of the location of the Creek Indians nor of the features of the country.” This situation produced … Read more

Biography of Louis R. Roter

Louis R. Roter. One of the very able business men of Parsons was the late Louis R. Roter, who was president of the Parsons Cold Storage and Crystal Ice Company and had followed merchandising and various lines of business in Kansas and other states for many years. He died in his fifty-fourth year at Parsons February 3, 1907. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 2, 1853, a son of Henry Roter, who was born in Germany and died at Dillsboro, Indiana. Henry Roter came to this country a young man, lived in Cincinnati many years, and then moved to … Read more

Biography of William H. Manser, M. D.

William H. Manser, M. D.,had that splendid satisfaction which comes to the man who found himself in a congenial vocation early in life and had steadily broadened and improved his service and capacity for doing good. Dr. Manser is now the oldest physician in point of continnous service at Burden, where he had practiced thirty-three years. Though of New England ancestry, the Mansers having located in Massachusetts in Colonial times, Dr. Manser is a native of old Virginia, born at Beckley in what was then simply Western Virginia and as a result of the Civil war became the State of West Virginia. … Read more

Biography of Col. La Fayette Mosher

COL. LA FAYETTE MOSHER. – There is perhaps no resident of Oregon more widely known and generally respected than L.F. Mosher. He has held so many prominent positions, and is so well qualified to fill them, that it only seems a natural thing to see him in the senate, and as a justice of the supreme court. He was born in Benton County, Kentucky, September 1, 1824. So entirely did he bend his energies tot he gaining of an education, that at the age of nineteen years we find him a graduate of Woodward College, Cincinnati, where he carried off … Read more

Biography of Major Joseph H. McGee

Joseph H. McGee was born in Clermont county, Ohio, July 6, 1821. His grandfather, Peter McGee, in company with seven brothers, emigrated from Ireland to the United States prior to the Revolutionary War, and settled in New Jersey. Peter McGee was a major under Washington and participated in the celebrated battle of Monmouth, New Jersey, at which place he now lies buried. Charles McGee, the father of our subject, was born near Monmouth, where he lived until 1815, when he removed to Ohio and settled in, Clermont county. The family lived in the Buckeye State until 1837, Joseph then being … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gunther Weiss

Gunther Weiss, of the firm of Weiss & Frommel, proprietors of the Charleston Woolen-Mill, Charleston; was born in Leutenberg, Sharzburg, Rudolstadt, Germany, July 6, 1823; he attended school till the age of 14, and was then apprenticed to learn the weaver’s trade; in 1845, he came to the United States, landing in Galveston, Texas; on the breaking-out of the war with Mexico,. he volunteered in the 18th Tex. V. I., and served under Gen. Taylor; in the spring of 1848, he went to Cincinnati, where he remained until 1852, when he went to Terre Haute, Ind., and began business as … Read more

Biography of Joseph Franklin Hickey

Joseph Franklin Hickey, president of the Mercantile Insurance Agency of St. Louis, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 19, 1876, a son of William P. and Elizabeth (Roddey) Hickey, both of whom were also natives of the Buckeye state. The father served during the Civil war as a member of an organization for home defense known as Squirrel Hunters and received honorable discharge and special mention for individual service from Governor David Tod of Ohio at the close of the war. Joseph F. Hickey was educated in the public schools of Cincinnati and in a private school at Ludlow, Kentucky. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moses J. Gries

Gries, Moses J.; rabbi; born, Newark, N. J., Jan. 25, 1868; son of Jacob and Katie Gries; educated, Hughes High School, Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College; married, Cleveland, June 15, 1898, Frances Hays; issue, two sons; pres. Central Conference of American Rabbis; member Board of Governors, Hebrew Union College, Board of Editors, Department of Synagogue and School Extension; member committee on Municipal Arts and Architecture of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce (group plan); member board of trustees Cleveland Associated Charities; trustee Cleveland School of Art; Federation of Jewish Charities; director of The City Club of Cleveland; also … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis Wolsey

Wolsey, Louis; rabbi; born, Jan. 8, 1877, Midland, Mich.; son of William and Frances Krueger Wolsey; educated, public and High Schools, Chicago, University of Cincinnati, B. A., 1899, Hebrew Union College, B. H. L., 1894; rabbi, 1899; post-graduate University of Chicago and Western Reserve University; married, June 12, 1912, Florence H. Wiener, daughter of Abraham Wiener, Cleveland; rabbi Congregation B’Ne Isreal, Little Rock, Ark., 1899-1907; rabbi Euclid Ave. Temple, Cleveland, 1907-; during incumbency new temple built at Euclid Ave. and East 82d; Chaplain-General Arkansas State Guard, 1905; member American Association of Political Science, Religious Education Ass’n, Central Conference of American … Read more

Biography of Rollo Stewart Bassett

Rollo Stewart Bassett is a lumberman of wide and thorough experience in both the manufacturing and business ends of the industry, and for the past ten years has been district manager of the Alexander Lumber Company, with headquarters at Champaign. Mr. Bassett was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, March 9, 1872, a son of Charles F. and Bertha (Stewart) Bassett. His father was born in Cincinnati and his mother in Newport, Kentucky. His father is an old time lumberman, is an honored veteran of the Civil War, having served three years in the armies of Burnside, and is still living at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Bottoms

John Bottoms was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1812, and came to America in 1840; he landed at New Orleans, and from there went to Nauvoo, Illinois, where he was a member of the Mormon Church. He remained there until 1845, when he went to Cincinnati and worked in a bucket factory for about three years. In 1848 he went to Council Bluffs and remained there until 1852. He then went to Salt Lake City and remained there until 1858, when he came to California. During this time he had had prolonged trouble with the Mormons and concluded to stand … Read more