Biographical Sketch of Moses J. Gries

Gries, Moses J.; rabbi; born, Newark, N. J., Jan. 25, 1868; son of Jacob and Katie Gries; educated, Hughes High School, Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College; married, Cleveland, June 15, 1898, Frances Hays; issue, two sons; pres. Central Conference of American Rabbis; member Board of Governors, Hebrew Union College, Board of Editors, Department of Synagogue and School Extension; member committee on Municipal Arts and Architecture of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce (group plan); member board of trustees Cleveland Associated Charities; trustee Cleveland School of Art; Federation of Jewish Charities; director of The City Club of Cleveland; also … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Harlow Bates

Bates, Albert Harlow; patent lawyer; born, Cincinnati, O., Jan. 24, 1869; son of Cyrus S. and Lavena S. Bates; educated, Kenyon Military Academy, Gambier, O.; Brooks Military Academy, Cleveland; Lehigh University; graduated, 1889, Mechanical Engineer, Ohio State University; graduated, 1892, LL. B.; married, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 11, 1904, Kathleen Jones; two daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth; one son, Darwin Bates; in 1892-3, in legal dept. of The Brush Electric Co., Cleveland; 1893-96, with Robert H. Parkinson, patent lawyer, Chicago, Ill.; 1897-1905, member the firm of Thurston & Bates, patent lawyers, Cleveland; 1906-9, member firm of Bates, Fonts & Hull, patent lawyers, … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Gritman, M. D.

Among the ablest representatives of the medical profession of Idaho is Dr. Gritman, of Moscow, who is successfully engaged in practice as the senior member of the firm of Gritman & Ward, and is also conducting the Moscow Hospital. He was born near Springfield, Illinois, December 28, 1862. His grandfather, Erastus Gritman, was a native of Germany, and when a young man crossed the broad Atlantic to America, locating at Lockport. He thus became the progenitor of the family in the United States. He was married at Lockport, spent the remainder of his life there and died at the age … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Bottoms

John Bottoms was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1812, and came to America in 1840; he landed at New Orleans, and from there went to Nauvoo, Illinois, where he was a member of the Mormon Church. He remained there until 1845, when he went to Cincinnati and worked in a bucket factory for about three years. In 1848 he went to Council Bluffs and remained there until 1852. He then went to Salt Lake City and remained there until 1858, when he came to California. During this time he had had prolonged trouble with the Mormons and concluded to stand … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis C. Greiner

Greiner, Louis C.; optometrist; born, Cincinnati, Ohio; son of Charles and Augusta Fichs Greimer; educated, Cincinnati public school and Hughes High School, same city; has been in the optical business since leaving school; formerly in the employ of A. M. Jordan, one of the largest optical houses in Cincinnati; came to Cleveland, Oct. 17, 1910; has been with The Dodd-Rogers Co. since; member Walnut Hill Lodge, No. 483, F. & A. M., Kilwinning Chapter, No. 97, R. A. M. Recreations: Photography.

Heidel, Edward Richard “Eddie” – Obituary

Edward Richard “Eddie” Heidel, 69, of Haines, died April 8, 2006, at the Boise Veterans Extended Care Unit. At his request, his body was cremated. There will be a celebration of his life Saturday, April 22, at the Haines School. Everyone is welcome to bring a potluck dish and share memories of Eddie. He was born on Sept. 29, 1936, at Cincinnati to Earl and Eunice Schwartz Heidel. After graduation from Hamersville High School in Ohio in 1956, he joined the U.S. Army. After a brief marriage and the birth of a son, he left Ohio for the West Coast. … Read more

Biography of Thomas M. Sechler

Moline is a city of manufacturers, one of the most prominent of whom is the subject of this sketch, Thomas M. Sechler. He was born October 25, 1841, in Milton, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, at which place his father, D. M. Sechler, at that time conducted a carriage factory. His father, Daniel Montgomery Sechler, was born at Danville, Pennsylvania, March 4, 1818, and his mother, Pamela (Mackey) Sechler, was born in Rutland Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, December 19, 1819. She is still living at her home in Cincinnati, Ohio. T. M. Sechler’s paternal great-great-great grandfather came from Holland in 1685, together … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Tracy W. Guthrie

Guthrie, Tracy W.; manufacturer; born, Chicago, Ill., Feb. 2, 1866; son of Julius C. and Emily A. Tracy Guthrie; educated in Chicago public schools, Chickering Institute, Cincinnati, public schools in Detroit, Mich., and Elmira, N. Y.; married, New Rochelle, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1910, Settal Horn; pres. Continental Coal Co., Columbus, O., 1903-1904; pres. Republic Iron & Steel Co., Pittsburgh, 1905-1911; sec’y and gen’l mgr. Standard Welding Co., Cleveland, to date; member Loyal Legion, Union and Country Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Louis Wolsey

Wolsey, Louis; rabbi; born, Jan. 8, 1877, Midland, Mich.; son of William and Frances Krueger Wolsey; educated, public and High Schools, Chicago, University of Cincinnati, B. A., 1899, Hebrew Union College, B. H. L., 1894; rabbi, 1899; post-graduate University of Chicago and Western Reserve University; married, June 12, 1912, Florence H. Wiener, daughter of Abraham Wiener, Cleveland; rabbi Congregation B’Ne Isreal, Little Rock, Ark., 1899-1907; rabbi Euclid Ave. Temple, Cleveland, 1907-; during incumbency new temple built at Euclid Ave. and East 82d; Chaplain-General Arkansas State Guard, 1905; member American Association of Political Science, Religious Education Ass’n, Central Conference of American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles W. Pattison

Pattison, Charles W.; lawyer; came to Cleveland from Cincinnati, O., in 1903; began law practice in Cleveland, was in partnership with the late Jas. J. Hogan, and later with Francis C. McMillin, now of the New York bar; now associated with Harvey R. Keeler, formerly of the Common Pleas Bench of Cuyahoga County; also W. H. Hasselman and C. F. McConnell, under the firm name of Keeler & Pattison; university and law education, specializing in insurance law; member Ohio State and American Bar Associations, Commercial Law League of America; member Cleveland Credit Men’s Ass’n, The Cleveland Real Estate Board. The … Read more