Biography of Alfred Eoff

Alfred Eoff, the able and widely known cashier of the Boise City National Bank, possesses the undaunted spirit and business enterprise which have developed and are developing the marvelous resources and wealth of the western states and territories. All credit is due the brave and fearless frontiersman who paves the way for the on-coming tide of civilization, and, by his industry and zeal opens a thousand avenues for commerce and progress. In such a work Mr. Eoff has largely aided and in the history of Idaho he well deserves representation. Of Dutch ancestry, the forefathers of Alfred Eoff settled at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Joseph MacAdams

MacAdams, Albert Joseph; merchant; born in Chicago, Aug. 19, 1868; son of Henry and Carrie Crosby MacAdams; public school and high schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 18, 1913, L. Jean Sowers; started mnfg. woodturning machinery, and became stationary engineer; went into grocery business in Ashtabula, 1886, but sold out and went into retail store; came to Cleveland, 1888, and associated himself with Bowman’s wallpaper store; later joined Keep Mnfg. Co., makers of shirts, until they discontinued business here in 1890, when he went into haberdashery with W. B. Davis; became member of the firm in 1898, and in 1902, after spending … Read more

Biography of W. E. Taylor, M. D.

Placed at the head of a great state charitable institution, carrying the responsibility for the welfare of hundreds of unfortunates whose reason has been shattered and imbued with an earnest desire to restore his unfortunate charges to health and friends, stands Doctor W. E. Taylor, superintendent of the Illinois Western Hospital for the Insane at Watertown. He was born at Waukesha, Wisconsin, May 24, 1854, where his parents, E. T. and Esibell (Irving) Taylor resided. Here his boyhood was spent, and after thoroughly fitting him-self in preparatory schools, he entered the University of Wisconsin, and upon completing a course in … Read more

Charles Montezuma

There always have existed among the North American Indians, and still exist, many examples of intellectual ability, of genius, of high moral feeling and as noble and pure patriotism as was ever found in any nation of people and as proof of this fact I relate the following: Some twenty-five years ago a photographer of Chicago, being in Arizona on a vacation trip, found and rescued from an Apache camp an abandoned Indian male infant of full blood. The photographer became possessed with a desire to take the boy home with him and adopt him. In spite of warnings that the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Michael McNamara

MICHAEL McNAMARA. – This prominent resident of Skagit county was born in Woodstock, Canada, in 1848. His early years, however, were spent in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and at Chicago, where he completed his growth and education at Chatham, Canada. In 1865 he came overland to California, and the next year reached Puget Sound, finding employment ten years in the logging camps. In 1876 he was able to set up a business of his own, keeping a hotel at Stanwood, and three years later building his present commodious hotel, the Ruby House, which is first class in every respect. His own residence … Read more

Ellithorpe, Erie – Obituary

Erie E. Ellithorpe, at his residence, 6122 Prairie Ave.  Funeral Friday, March 12 [1915] at 2:30.  Interment at Mount Hope.  [Erie was survived by his wife Lillian Pegg] Contributed by:  Shelli Steedman

Biography of John W. Parker

Among the younger business men of Rock Island County few have demonstrated their ability in as many different fields as has John W. Parker. City bred, and trained originally for commercial pursuits, he has been successful alike in trade, manufacturing, politics and ‘even agriculture. In addition, he has through his own efforts, secured a liberal education, including a fair knowledge of law, although dependent upon his own resources since the age of sixteen. Mr. Parker was born November 1, 1870, at Henry, Illinois, the son of Samuel and Anna Parker. His father was a native of Ohio and his mother … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry C. Hieber

Hieber, Henry C.; funeral director; born, Oct. 9, 1879; son of Carl Christian and Maria Christine Hieber; educated in public schools, Stuttgart, Germany, and Chicago; came to Cleveland in 1893; started to work at the Dental tool business until 1903; studied undertaking during that time; started in business, July, 1903; member Concordia Lodge, No. 345. F. & A. M.. Hillman Chapter, No. 166, R. A. M., Pearl Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Cleveland Chamber of Industry, Funeral Directors’ Ass’n of Ohio; Jennings Square Business Men’s Ass’n; Zion Evangelical, and Pilgrim Congregational Churches; Freiheit Unterstuezungs Verin; United German Union; Humboldt Lodge, V. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. L. Marks

A. L. Marks, general merchant, was born in Prussia August 7, 1842. He came to America in June 1855, and located in Chicago, Ill. In 1861 he enlisted in Company K, Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He enlisted May 22, 1861, and was discharged June 24, 1865. Was taken prisoner May 17, 1864; was in prison at Cahaba, Ala., and Meridian, Miss., and was held until April, 1865. Returned to Chicago, then went to Lee County, Iowa, the same year; thence to Missouri; thence to Nebraska; thence to Jewell City, Kan., where he went into the merchandise business, and went in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. R. Patton, M. D.

W. R. Patton, M. D., physician, and surgeon, Charleston; is a native of Illinois; he was born in Palestine, Crawford Co., Oct. 14, 1836; he is a son of Dr. E. L. Patton, a prominent physician of Palestine, who came from Washington Co., East Tenn., to Crawford Co., about the year 1833, and practiced medicine there until his death, which occurred in December, 1864. Dr. Patton was educated in the public schools, and at Hanover College, Ind., and, in 1858, began the study of medicine in his father’s office. In 1860, he entered Rush Medical College, Chicago; graduating in the … Read more

Biography of Charles E. Schaff

Charles E. Schaff, receiver for the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad Company, was born on a farm in Licking county, Ohio. February 4, 1856. He is a son of the late Isaac M. Schaff, who was also born in the Buckeye state and represented one of the old families there of Dutch descent. In early life the father engaged in agricultural pursuits and later turned his attention to railroading, becoming connected with the train service of various roads. He passed away in Carroll county, Missouri, in 1888, aged fifty-seven years, having become a resident of Missouri four years before. He … Read more

Ingram, Jewell L. “Judy” Connor Mrs. – Obituary

Jewell L. “Judy” Ingram, 74, a former Baker City resident, died July 8, 2003, at Creston, British Columbia, as a result of a motor vehicle accident. Her funeral will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at Precht Harrison Funeral Home in Okanogan, Wash. There will be a graveside service after the funeral. A dinner will be served at noon at the Okanogan Senior Center. Judy was born on Nov. 26, 1928, at Christopher, Ill., to Barton Edward Connor and Roxie Gulley Connor. She had 10 brothers and sisters. She worked and lived in Chicago during World War II. She traveled to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Banks Rogers

Rogers, William Banks; clergyman; born at Cincinnati, Dec. 7, 1857; son of Joseph Hill and Mary Rose (Mcllvain) Rogers; academic and collegiate course St. Xavier’s College, 1869-1875; St. Stanislaus Seminary, Normal, Florissant, Mo., 1875-1879, Woodstock College, Maryland, philosophy, science, 1879-1881; Louvain, Belgium, metaphysics, ethics, 1881-1882; Woodstock College, theology, 1887-1891; taught English and classics, St. Ignatius College, Chicago, 1882-1884; St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, 1884-1887; ordained Roman Catholic priest, 1890; perfect studies, St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, 1891-1892, Marquette College, Milwaukee, 1893-1895, St. Louis University, 1896-1898; pres. Marquette College, 1898-1900, St. Louis University, 1900-1908; resigned February, 1908, on account of ill health; in … Read more

Biography of William Horlick, Jr.

It is too often true that successful business men seem to find no time for public affairs and lightly regard the duties and obligations of citizenship. A notable exception to this rule and one whose example is well worthy of emulation is that of William Horlick, Jr., who, while actively connected with the management and interests of the Horlick Malted Milk Company, has also found time and opportunity for co-operation in those plans and projects which have to do with the development and upbuilding of the community in which he lives. He was born in Chicago, in 1875, a son … Read more

Curran, John Paul – Obituary

John Paul Curran, 85, of Enterprise died Dec. 16 at a care center. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Katherine’s Catholic Church at 11 a.m. Wednesday with Father Peter Fernando officiating. Burial will be in the Enterprise Cemetery. Mr. Curran was born Aug. 19, 1920, to Richard and Madeline Dumas Curran in Chicago, Ill. He served in the Marines Corps during World War II, and worked as a truck driver for many years. He was a member of the VFW and served as a commander. Survivors include a daughter, and her husband, Linda and Steve Testerman … Read more

Chandler Family of Boston and East Bridgewater MA

This Boston – East Bridgewater Chandler family, the head of which was the late Hon. Peleg Whitman Chandler, long one of the leading counselors of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and one of a family of lawyers, comes of a Massachusetts-Maine branch of the ancient Duxbury family whose progenitor was Edmund Chandler. The branch just alluded to for several generations at New Gloucester and Bangor, Maine, and at Boston in this Commonwealth, has been one of liberal education, college-bred men, men who have adorned the legal profession, and it has allied itself through generations with a number of the ancient and first families of the Old Colony. There follows in chronological order from Edmund Chandler, the first American ancestor of this branch of American Chandlers, and in detail the family history and genealogy.

The Miami of Illinois

The Illinois were driven from the Chicago region by the Iroquois, for in 1671 Dablon states that they were then living across the Mississippi, where they had been driven by the former people. Their place seems to have been taken by the Miami, another Algonkian tribe, who appear to have been formerly associated with the Illinois, as well as the northern Lake tribes. These people were first met by the French near Green Bay, Wisconsin, where Perrot visited them on the headwaters of the Fox River in 1666 and 1670.  In 1671, part of the tribe at least were living … Read more

Heitz, John Ray – Obituary

John Ray Heitz, 67, of Island City, died at his home Sept. 28 from mesothelioma. Funeral services will begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Island City. A viewing will precede the service beginning at 9 a.m. John was born Sept. 7, 1940, to John Helmic and Vera W. Heitz in Chicago. At 2, his family moved to Fruitland, Idaho, where they eventually acquired a small farm. John learned to work as he attended school. He hoed beets, picked fruit, worked at the cannery and graduated from high school. He also learned … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Sherman Van De Boe

Van De Boe, Joseph Sherman; real estate; born, Jan. 20, 1859, Cooperstown, N. Y.; son of John Leeland Van De Boe; common school education; married in December, 1881, Miss Mary A. Wood, of Lebanon; issue, one son, Hugh Robert, born Oct. 14, 1885; Mrs. Van De Boe died in December, 1909, while visiting her son, in Hong Kong, China; business career, began to work when 12 years of age; worked on a farm; mgr. Drug Co. in Andover, N. Y.; realizing the need of further education, worked in country store in Ulysses, Pa., and attended Academy there; then went to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adrian Dwight Joyce

Joyce, Adrian Dwight; Sherwin-Williams Co., mgr.; born, Sumner, Ia., Nov. 18, 1872; son of M. H. and Anne Hotham Joyce; educated, Olivet College and University of Michigan; married, Stafford, N. Y., June 9, 1879, Anna Page; issue, Marion, born March 11, 1898, Dwight, born May 31, 1900, Dorothy, born Jan. 27, 1902, Phyllis, born July 23, 1909; lived on a farm until he was 17 years old; taught country school, after leaving home; also village school for three years, unable to finish college course because of poor health; went into the wholesale hay and grain business in Memphis, Mich., in … Read more