Biography of John J. McGrath

San Mateo is fortunate in having so many of San Francisco’s substantial business men listed among its residents. John J. McGrath Is one of them who, although burdened with the responsibilities of an Important position, gives painstaking support to every movement for the good of the city and enables the community to ‘reap the benefit of having men of his type as a resident. Mr McGrath is an expert sales manager, having been in this line for twenty-five years. His first sales position was with Swift & Co., when he had emigrated from Ireland and settled In Chicago. Two years … Read more

Biography of Paul Phillip MacCaskill

Paul Phillip MacCaskill. One of the younger members of the Kansas bar, in active practice at Parsons, Paul MacCaskill has already had a wide range of experience in his profession and in public affairs. While studying law and since he spent a good deal of time in the service of public men, at Topeks and elsewhere, and in 1915 was secretary to Hon. Baille P. Waggener, the Atchison County representative in the State Senate. He is of a fine strain of Scotch ancestry. The name MacCaskill, or MacAskill, is of Norse origin, meaning Anses Kettle, or sacrificial vessel to the … Read more

Biography of Samuel R. Langworthy

Samuel R. Langworthy is one of the most progressive and energetic real-estate and insurance men of Riverside. He established his office and business in May 1888, at a time when the “boomers ” were rapidly retiring from the field of real estate in disgust. He is not a boomer,” but is a wide awake, energetic business man, confining himself to legitimate straightforward dealings, and his success in business and the rapid extension of his operations are a sufficient proof that bona-fide real-estate transactions can always be consummated in Riverside, when based upon their real value. It is to his efforts … Read more

Biography of James G. Mehlin

James G. Mehlin, a pioneer farmer of Nowata county who is now residing one and one-half miles northeast of Alluwe, was born in Stuttgart, Wurtemburg, Germany, on the 21st of January, 1841. His parents were both born in that country and the father died there. Mrs. Mehlin came to America prior to her son James G. and located in New York, where her death occurred in 1870. James G. Merlin came to America in 1854 and, landing in New York, remained there a short time, but later removed to Maryland. Subsequently he went to Chicago, Illinois, where his brother Charles … Read more

Biography of Jesse L. Conant, M. D.

The subject of this sketch is a worthy example of the large class of well read, careful and honorable physicians who are dear to their fellow townsmen wherever their lot may be cast. They are near to the people in sickness and trouble and grow very near to them in all relations of life, and become, many of them, the most influential men in their communities. Doctor Jesse Lyman Conant, mayor and prominent physician and druggist of Genesee, Idaho, was born in Birmingham, Essex County, New York, May 31, 1831, and is descended from an old Norman family which went … Read more

Biography of Samuel Henry Melcher

Samuel Henry Melcher is the son of Woodbury Melchor, Esq:, and a grandson of Capt. Samuel B. French, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., October 30, 1828. Was educated at Gilford and Gilmanton academies; graduated at medical department, Dartmouth College, in Grafton county, N, H.; then in Boston, Mass., until 1859, when he traveled South and through Texas; and at the close of that year, settled in Potosi, Washington county, Missouri. On the breaking out of the war, he offered his services at once to Gen. Lyon, at St. Louis arsenal; and was mustered in as assistant surgeon 5th Regt. … Read more

Biography of Arthur Louis Cludas, M. D.

Arthur Louis Cludas, M. D. The medical profession in Ottawa County had no better representative than Dr. Arthur Louis Cludas, who for the last eighteen years had been established at Minneapolis and through professional knowledge and skill and high personal character had became representative of the city’s best citizenship. Doctor Cludas was born at Vinton, Iowa, November 3, 1872, and is a son of William and Belle (Gatka) Cludas. William Cludas was born at Berlin, Germany, in 1833 and there his parents both died. He was educated in Berlin and at Heidelberg University, served, as did his father, in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. A. Barrick

He was one of the representative business men of Battle Creek, Ida County, Ia., since 1881. In 1878, he married Hannah Gillmore of Jackson County, Iowa. They had two children: Roy and Archie. He is a native of Chicago, Illinois, born June 5, 1852, son of William and Elizabeth Barrick, natives of England. When A. A. was a year old, his father moved to Clinton County, Ia., and on a farm he grew to manhood. He served an apprenticeship to the blacksmith’s trade and was engaged in business on the Maquoketa road one year. He engaged in blacksmithing in Morris … Read more

Biography of Miss Callie Eaton

There is no doubt that the teacher is one of the most important forces in the progress of the world, and Rachel Caroline Eaton, familiarly known as “Miss Callie,” county superintendent of schools of Rogers county with residence in Claremore, a conscientious and progressive educator, deserves prominent mention in a work relating to northeastern Oklahoma and those who have contributed most to its development. A native of Oklahoma, she is a daughter of G. W. and Nancy Elizabeth (Williams) Eaton. Mr. Eaton came to Indian Territory soon after the Civil war and Married Nancy Williams of Siloam Springs, Arkansas. In … Read more

Biography of Myron M. Buck

Myron M. Buck was born in Shortsville, Ontario county, New York, January 16, 1835. His ancestors settled in central New York, when the state was wild and uncultivated, his maternal grandfather, Theophilus Short, in whose honor Shortsville, New York, was named, having been a member of the “Old Holland Land Purchase Company,” and prominent in every way in the affairs of the community. Attracted by the fertility of the soil in this undeveloped district, the company purchased a large portion of central New York. They at once proceeded to establish homes for the pioneers who were the leading spirits. The … Read more

Biography of William Small

William Small. In the death of William Small Leavenworth lost one of its greatest merchants and one of its most upright, energetic and lovable citizens. He had been a resident of Leavenworth nearly thirty years. He developed the largest real estate establishment of the city, a permanent monument to his name, and still conducted as William Small & Company. He was a man of even and gentle disposition, thoroughly alert in business matters, and public spirited in his attitude toward citizenship and towards the larger social life of his community. He was an invaluable factor in the growth and enterprise … Read more

Biography of Edgar W. Boardman, M. D.

Edgar W. Boardman, M. D. Medicine is constantly making tremendous strides forward, with scientific progress shown on every side, and discoveries and inventions are practically changing methods of practice and broadening the viewpoint of both physician and patient. To practice according to the enlightened ideas of the present century requires not only a most careful training but a certain, sure aggressiveness, and no physician of Parsons has this and other admirable qualities in greater degree than has Dr. Edgar W. Boardman, a practicing physician and surgeon of this city since 1888. Doctor Boardman was born at Fort Dodge, Iowa, January … Read more

Biography of Rev. Thomas Mackin

Reverend Thomas Mackin was born in County Armagh, Ireland, January 4, 1841, the son of Daniel and Ann Mackin. His rudimentary education was received in the Government schools of his native land, and upon his completion of the course afforded there, he turned to teaching as a means of livelihood, and to pave the way for the attainment of wider educational advantages. In 1861 Thomas Mackin came to America, settling in Leland, Illinois. Here his brother James, was engaged in the dry goods, commission and land business. It was during war time and they did an extensive business. Thomas, however, … Read more

Guy Crandall Todd of Chicago IL

Guy Crandall Todd9, (Walter S.8, Ira7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Jan. 4, 1857, deceased, married Sept. 27, 1882, Ida Noyes in Chicago, Ill. Children: 2605. Blanch, b. 1883; unmarried. 2606. Emery Walter, b. July 9, 1885.

Draper, Noah – Obituary

Noah Draper, 77, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Powers at Medical Springs Monday morning March 14. Mr. Draper was born near London, England May 1, 1850, and came to this country when a young man. He lived many years in and around Chicago and had a family of four children, but drifted away from them thirty years ago and was never able to locate them. For the past ten years he has made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Powers. The funeral was held at Cock Bros. Chapel Tuesday March 15, at 1 o’clock p.m., services … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Washington Schaffer

The subject of this sketch, George Washington Schaffer, was born in St. Louis, Missouri, July 4, 1847. His parents removed, during his boyhood, to Galesburg, Illinois, where they resided several years. Returning to St. Louis, Mr. Schaffer engaged in the butcher business, and continued there until the fall of 1868. His next field of operation was Kansas City, where he followed his trade for some time. From Kansas City he went to St. Joseph, where he remained until 1874, and then returned to St. Louis. He lived in St. Louis one year, during which time he had a rib broken while … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas P. Ballard

Ballard, Thomas P.; real estate; born, Canton, O., Apr. 27, 1854; son of Martin and Sophia Ball Ballard; educated, A. B. Amherst College, 1876 and A. M. 1879; married, Columbus, O., Jan. 20, 1886, Isabella Clerk (deceased) ; one son, Clifford B. Ballard; married, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 29, 1907, Frances Anne Keay; one son, Hyde Whitcomb Ballard; 1877-79, supt. schools Navarre, O.; 1879-80, prin. Unadilla N. Y. Academy; 1880-90, agt. for Ginn & Co. of Boston at Columbus, O.; 1890, admitted as partner of Ginn & Co., 1892-99, Chicago office of Ginn & Co.; 1899-1906, social and settlement worker, Philadelphia; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Barton R. Deming

Deming, Barton R.; real estate and bldg.; born, Mudson, Ont., August, 1875; son of Huburt U. and Susan Wigle Deming; Ontario schools, graduated Sarnia High School; married, Chicago, Ill., July 8, 1908, Helen R. Rice; one daughter; five years with Oglebayhorton & Co., iron ore; pres., treas. and mngr. The Deming Bros. Co.; pres., treas. and mngr. The B. R. Deming Co.; member Chamber of Commerce and the Euclid and Automobile Clubs.

Slave Narrative of John Cameron

Person Interviewed: John Cameron Location: Jackson, Mississippi Date of Birth: 1842 John Cameron, ex-slave, lives in Jackson. He was born in 1842 and was owned by Howell Magee. He is five feet six inches tall, and weighs about 150 pounds. His general coloring is blackish-brown with white kinky hair. He is in fairly good health. “I’se always lived right here in Hinds County. I’s seen Jackson grow from de groun’ up. “My old Marster was de bes’ man in de worl’. I jus’ wish I could tell, an’ make it plain, jus’ how good him an’ old Mistis was. Marster … Read more

Biography of Frederick J. Wagner M.D.

Frederick J. Wagner, M. D. A resident of McFarland, Kansas, for about eight years, Doctor Wagner had found many responsibilities and pleasant relationships with that community, where he is a well known and capable physician, a druggist and present incumbent of the office of postmaster. Doctor Wagner is a native of Chicago, where he was born January 15, 1883. His father, Charles Wagner, was born in Waldek, Germany, in 1855, and at the age of seventeen accompanied his three brothers to America. Locating in Chicago, he became a well known business man, building a wholesale and retail grocery establishment and … Read more