Edwards, Ora Dell Ricketts – Obituary

Clark Co., WA Ora Dell, age 90, December 10, 1980, Vancouver, Wash. Born February 7, 1890, Cheney, Wash., lived at 3605 Y St., Vancouver and had been a Clark County resident 50 years. She was a homemaker. Sons, Leonard Edwards, Battle Ground, Wash., and Kenneth Edwards, Vancouver. Daughters, Ruth McAlpine, Yuma, Ariz., and Frieda Jones and Merle Andrews, both of Portland, Ore. Brother, Marvin Ricketts, Portland. Sister, May Beer and Elizabeth Taylor, both of Portland. Fourteen grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. She was a life member of Pioneer Daughters of Washington. Her grandfather, E. P. Ricketts was … Read more

Biography of Rev. Cushing Eels, D. D.

REV. CUSHING EELS, D.D. – Dr. Eells was born at Blandford, Massachusetts, February 16, 1810, and was the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Warner) Eells. He was descended from Samuel Eells, who was a major in Cromwell’s army, and who came to America in 1661. Cushing Eells was brought up at Blandford, became a Christian when fifteen years old, prepared for college at Monson Academy, Massachusetts, entered Williams College in 1830, and graduated four years later. The distance from his home to college was forty-five miles. Twice he rode the entire distance, – when he entered and after he graduated, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Major W. F. Hooker

MAJOR W.F. HOOKER. – This leading citizen of Eastern Washington, whose capacity for public affairs, and whose independence in politics, have become proverbial, is a native of the Palmetto state, having been born at Hookerton, Green county, North Carolina, in 1835. Like all true Southerners, he is proud of his ancestry, his father having been a captain in the war of 1812 and twice a member of the legislature of North Carolina, and a member of the convention which formed the constitution of that state. Young Hooker was educated at Wake-forest College in his native state, and at the age … Read more

Biography of Hon. D. F. Percival

HON. D.F. PERCIVAL. – It is a source of pleasure to write a biographical sketch of a man like Mr. Percival, or, in fact, any of the argonauts of the Pacific slope, as their lives were so fraught with diversity, their careers so different and so much more interesting than the monotonous, humdrum life of the average individual. Among the men who came West in “early days” as it is called, there are many who can look back to the times when, in a comparatively few years, they had been miners, mechanics, ranchers, teamsters, merchants, law-givers, office-holders, and turned their … Read more

Kaemming, Carson, Jr. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Carson Kaemming Jr., 18, of Cheney, Wash., died Oct. 22, 2004, from injuries received in an automobile accident at Cheney. His funeral was today at Cheney Funeral Chapel in Cheney. Burial will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Carson was born on March 30, 1986, at St. Augustine, Fla. He moved to Cheney, Wash., with his family in 1987 and lived at Cheney and Ritzville where he attended school and worked at Zips restaurant in both communities. Survivors include his father, Carson Kaemming Sr. of Spokane,Wash.; his mother, Sharon Kaemming of Four Lakes, Wash.; … Read more

Bowman, James – Obituary

James Bowman Passed Away In His Cheney Home. Father Of Twenty-One Children, Thrice Married, A Dweller In Pennsylvania, In Virginia, In Kansas, And In Washington-Sister And Four Brothers Living. Cheney, Wash., Jan. 31-James Bowman died at his home in this city at 1:30 yesterday afternoon of pneumonia, at the age of 94 years 2 months and 12 days [January 30, 1901]. Mr. Bowman was born in Pennsylvania, November 18, 1806. The early part of his life was spent in Pennsylvania and Virginia, after which he moved to the west central states. He had been married three times, and is the … Read more