Biographical Sketch of W. O. Smith

Last Updated on August 30, 2011 by

W. O. Smith, farmer and stock-raiser, also proprietor and superintendent of Smith’s flour, feed and saw mills; P. O. Oakland; born in Champaign Co., Ohio, Oct. 8, 1824, where he followed farming until 25 years of age, when in 1849 he removed West, and located in Coles Co., Ill., purchasing 140 acres of land, where he lived until 1869; when he removed to Oakland and purchased the steam flour and saw mill, which business he has since followed; he owns his mill and four houses and lots in Oakland, besides upward of 700 acres of land in Coles and Douglas Counties, Mostly under cultivation. He married Aug. 3, 1843, Kezia Chance; she was born Oct. 19, 1821; she died July 9, 1872, at Oakland, leaving four children now living – John P., Benjamin F., Mary E., Theresa; his marriage with Mrs. Mary E. Ashmore was celebrated Jan. 6, 1876; she was the widow of George W. Ashmore, one of the early pioneers of Coles Co.; she has one son by her former husband, Charles C.; Mrs. Smith was born in Ohio, March 30, 1830. Mr. Smith has filled the office of School Director for fourteen years in succession.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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