Biographical Sketch of C. G. Beckwith

Beckwith, C. G.; electrical engineer; born, Dowagiac, Mich., Apr. 19, 1870; son of Edwin Walter and Clara L. Sullivan Beckwith; educated, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; married, Cassapolis, Mich., Feb. 19, 1895, Belle M. Norton; adopted son, Raymon N. Ellis; operating and electrical foreman, 1888-1891; supt. of construction of lighting plants in various parts of Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, 1893-1895; supt. electrical engineering, Montpelier, O., Municipal Plant, 1895-1900; supt. and electrical engineer, Collinwood, O., Municipal Plant, 1900-1910; supt. and electrical engineer City of Cleveland Municipal Plant, 1910, to the present time; member American Institute Electrical Engineers, Cleveland Engineering Society, … Read more

Biography of Edward P. Ashby

EDWARD P. ASHBY. – Among those who came to Union county with limited capital and have been enabled to work out here a competence for themselves, becoming prosperons and well-to-do in the goods of this world, may be mentioned the successful agriculturist and stockman whose name is at the head of this brief article and who stands to day as one of the substantial and worthy citizens of this progressive and wealthy county. At the present time Mr. Ashby owns a good farm about seven miles north of North Powder, and also a comfortable residence in the town of North … Read more