Biographical Sketch of G. P. Brookings

G. P. Brookings, firm of Brookings & Harrington, lumber, is a native of Sagadahoc County, Me. There he followed lumbering. In 1867, he came to Silver Creek, Neb,; engaged in farming; in 1875, was elected County Treasurer, and at once removed to Tekamah, where he has since resided. In 1878, he commenced the lumber business. He owns about eight hundred acres of land, four hundred of which are under cultivation.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Wood

Thomas Wood, grocer, is a native of Leicestershire, England; in 1857, came to Ogle County, Ill.; followed farming. Enlisted in 1861, in Company K, Forty-sixth Illinois Infantry, and served to the end of the war. In 1866, he came to Marshall County, Iowa, and there followed farming; in 1871, he came to Decatur, and ran a threshing machine and engaged in breaking prairie. In March 1879, he commenced this business; he sold the past year fifty-five hogs, and owns now 140 hogs.

Biographical Sketch of F. A. Wallerstedt

F. A. Wallerstedt, druggist, was born in Mercer County, Ill. At the age of eighteen years, he commenced to learn this business, which he has since followed. In the fall of 1876, he opened a store at Orion, Ill.; continued there in business till the fall of 1879, when he removed to Oakland, where he has since been carrying on a very prosperous business.

Biographical Sketch of W. B. Newton

W. B. Newton, Postmaster, blacksmith and farmer, Section 2, P. O. Arizona, is a native of Chautauqua County, N. Y.; came to Barry County, Mich., in 1851; came to Tekamah, Neb., in 1857; the following year removed to his present locality. He owns 267 acres of land; about two hundred twenty of this he has improved. In 1868, he opened a general store; continued this business till 1879, when he sold out to Mr. Ellis. He was appointed Postmaster in 1869, which office he still holds. He opened a blacksmith shop in 1865, which he has since continued. He owns … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Lydick

Jonathan Lydick, farmer, Section 2, P. O. Arizona, is a native of Knox County, Ohio. In 1845, came with his parents to Jefferson County, Iowa. Assisted on their farm. September 1856, came to this farm, where he made a claim, consisting of 320 acres. He now owns about 1,000 acres, and has one of the best-improved farms in this locality. He has from five to six miles of hedge fence, which he planted himself. He has just completed a new barn, which occupies the site of one that was destroyed by fire about three years ago.

Biographical Sketch of Hon. William B. Beck

Hon. William B. Beck, farmer, Section 11, P. O. Arizona. He is a native of Scotland. In 1834, he came with his parents to Wyoming County. N. Y. There he assisted on their farm. In 1849, went to California; engaged in mining; returned to New York in 1851, there continued farming till 1855, when he came to Nebraska, located in Burt County, where he has since resided, except for one year in Colorado. He owns one of the best-improved farms in this locality, consisting of about 400 acres, and is largely engaged in stock raising. He represented this county in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Robert Hanson

Hon. Robert Hanson, farmer, Section 12, P. O. Oakland, is a native of Denmark; in 1863, he came to Racine, Wis., and worked at the carpenter trade; in 1866, he came to Omaha and worked at his trade till 1870, when he removed to this farm; he homesteaded 160 acres, and now owns 420 acres of land, about one hundred and twenty-five acres under cultivation and otherwise well improved. He represented this county in the Legislature in 1879; has been School Treasurer since its organization. He was married in 1870 to Miss Sophia Hanson, of Denmark; they have four children–three … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Denny

John Denny, farmer, Section 23, P. O. Tekamah, was born in Lawrence County, Ind.; there raised and engaged in farming; in 1866, came to Nebraska, and located on this farm. They own 640 acres of land, part of which he entered. He and his sons are largely engaged in livestock. They have 150 head of cattle and about 150 hogs, and employ five teams.

Biographical Sketch of George E. Atwater

George E. Atwater, of the firm of Atwater & Hoppock, general merchandise, is a native of La Porte County, Ind. In 1872, he came to Decatur, and the following year he established this business. His means then were limited to $25 only. He has worked into a large and prosperous business. Their sales now amount to about $25,000 a year. He is chairman of the village Board of Trustees, and Vice President of the Decatur Mining Company, organized in February 1881.

Biographical Sketch of E. Shafer

E. Shafer, firm of Shafer & Wilson, hardware, is a native of Knox County, Ohio; came, with his father, to Jefferson County, Iowa, in 1844; assisted on the farm; in 1857, came to Burt County, Neb.; followed farming about twelve years; then removed to Tekamah, and, with Mr. Gibson, opened a store, which they carried on several years. The past four years, the business has been carried on by Shafer & Wilson. He owns a farm of 250 acres half a mile north of town, also two stores and three residences in town, with a half interest in the brick … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. B. Barlow

C. B. Barlow, dealer in drugs and general merchandise, was born in Cheshire, England, in 1861, and came to Paterson, N. J., where he remained a few months, then came to Boston and engaged in silk manufacturing, known as the Boston Silk and Woolen Mills. In 1865, he returned to England; remained there but four months, then came to Chicago. In 1867, he came to Decatur and opened a general store, which he has since continued. In 1873, he bought out a stock of drugs, and has since then carried on this business also. He has been a member of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. G. Smith

T. G. Smith, furniture and undertaker, is a native of Ontario; came to Buffalo, N. Y., in 1865; worked at house building about one year; then went to Pennsylvania oil region, where he remained about two years; came to Omaha in 1868; there he followed the carpenter trade. In 1873, he came to Tekamah, where he has since resided, following his trade. In 1878, he commenced his present business, which is rapidly increasing. He now occupies a brick store, which he built in 1881, 24×85 feet, cost about $2,500. He holds the office of Coroner of the county.

Biographical Sketch of Joe Bayer

Joe Bayer, farmer, Section 15, P. O. Alder Grove, is a native of Franklin County, Penn; came to Burt County in 1872, and located on this farm, then an unbroken prairie; he owns 440 acres, now well improved and a large part fenced; his house, barn and other buildings will compare with any others in this county. He is wintering about fifty head of cattle, about one hundred hogs, and employs three teams to work his farm.

Biographical Sketch of J. R. Sutherland

J. R. Sutherland, contractor and builder, is a native of Woodstock, Can.; in 1866, came to St. Joseph, Mo., in 1868, came to Omaha; October 1869, came to Tekamah, and at once commenced this business. He is now the oldest contractor in Tekamah. He built the Odd Fellows’ building, school house, the Methodist and Presbyterian churches and many other buildings, and is the principal contractor in this locality; has been a member of the Council since its organization and is Chairman of the board; also President of the School Board; is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Austin Nelson

Nelson, Austin Hon. Hon. Austin Nelson, retired, is a native of Norway. When a child he came with his parents to New Bedford, Mass., where he was raised and educated. In 1856, he came to Nebraska, soon after returning to Massachusetts. He, however, made frequent trips West, and permanently settled in Burt County in 1868; located in Silver Creek, engaged in farming and stock-raising. He owns 400 acres of land, also property in Tekamah. In 1872, he was elected to the Legislature. He then removed his family to Tekamah, where they have since resided.

Biographical Sketch of A. Beckman

A. Beckman, live stock dealer and real estate, is a native of Sweden. In 1864, he came to Henry County, Ill.; came to Oakland Precinct in 1864; homesteaded 160 acres; he now owns 240 acres which he improved. In the spring of 1881, he commenced the livestock business; he handled the past eight months about $95,000 worth of hogs; he also attends to the sale of lands in the Logan Valley.

Biographical Sketch of E. L. Parmelee

E. L. Parmelee, of the firm of Driscoll & Parmelee, butchers and meat market, is a native of Middlesex County, Conn. When a boy, he was brought up to the butcher business, which he has since followed. In 1871, he, with his father, removed to Humboldt, Kan., and carried on the butcher business about four years. He then returned to Connecticut, afterward to Philadelphia, continuing in this business. In 1877, he came to Tekamah, and has since been identified with this firm in this business.

Biographical Sketch of George C. Latta

George C. Latta, farmer, Section 1, P. O. Tekamah, was born in Jackson County, Iowa, where he was raised; followed farming; in 1878, he settled on this farm. He owns 520 acres of land, which is improved with a substantial class of buildings. He is largely engaged in live stock. He is feeding about 175 head of cattle, and is carrying through about 300 head. His stock is mainly shipped to Chicago. Six teams are in use in working this farm.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel D. Cornelius

Cornelius, Samuel D. Samuel D. Cornelius, farmer, Section 17, P. O. Tekamah, born in Huntingdon County, Penn.; came to Tekamah in 1857; ran a hotel there about two years; he then worked at the carpenter trade about six years; in 1859 he was appointed Postmaster; held this office six or seven years. He engaged in farming in about 1863, which he has since continued. He owns 160 acres of land; which he homesteaded.

Biographical Sketch of L. H. Burpee

L. H. Burpee, farmer, Section 22, P. O. Tekamah, is a native of Worcester County, Mass.; came to Nebraska in 1857; located in Arizona Precinct, where he has since resided. He entered 160 acres of land; now owns 200 acres most of which is under cultivation. He has been twelve years Treasurer of the School Board.