Biography Of Irving Hill

Irving Hill, of this sketch, is one of the citizens of prominence in Lawrence, who is identified with the younger generation in the promotion of its industries, its finances and its civic affairs. He is of good Scotch blood, and comes naturally by his traits of intellectual and business acumen. William Hill, his father, was born in Greenock, a suburb of Glasgow, and when a boy came with his parents to the United States and settled at Baraboo, Wisconsin. There he followed newspaper work, became owner of a paper in that place, and later corresponded for the Chicago Tribune and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John S. McCarrens

McCarrens, John S.; advertising; born, July 27, 1869; son of D. A. and Anna McGinley McCarrens; educated, public schools, Bradford, Pa., and Niagara University, Suspension Bridge, N. Y.; married, Toledo, O., June 24, 1896, Mary Sweeney; issue, two daughters and two sons; advertising mgr. and business collector; member Cleveland Advertising Club. Fond of Horseback Riding.

Biography of William J. Bovaird

William J. Bovaird. Due to the important position occupied by Independence in the oil and gas fields of Kansas and Oklahoma, it had become the center of many large business corporations, and one of these is the Bovaird Supply Company of Kansas, whose president is William J. Bovaird. Mr. Bovaird had been identified with the manufacture of tools and apparatos used in the oil fields since an early age, his father having established a business of that kind in Western Pennsylvania in the early days. In 1903 Mr. Bovaird located at Independence and established the Bovaird Supply Company, at first … Read more

Biography of Albert L. Alderman

ALBERT L. ALDERMAN. – The pioneer experiences of Mr. Alderman are not exceeded in interest by those of any of the early settlers. Born at Old Bedford, Connecticut, and taken as a child to Wyoming county, New York, where he lived until twenty-one years of age, he set out at the age of twenty-four upon the career that did not end except upon the Pacific coast. He was at Bradford, Pennsylvania, for a time with an uncle, and in 1845 came out to Quincy, Illinois, and that same winter made up an outfit for coming to the mythical Oregon. At … Read more

Biography of Andrew Benson

Andrew Benson has had a long and varied experience in the oil fields of both the East and West, and for a number of years had been established at Independence, from which city as headquarters he had operated extensively in the oil and gas districts of Southern Kansas and Oklahoma. Born March 5, 1864, in Warberg, Sweden, he was six years of age when his parents came to the United States in 1870 and settled in Jamestown, New York. He grew up there on a farm, received a fair amount of schooling, and in 1883, at the age of nineteen, … Read more

Biography of Clark H. Kountz

Clark H. Kountz, of Independence, though a young man, is a veteran in the oil industry, and for over ten years has been a factor in the Kansas oil fields, being now vice president of the Prairie Pipe Line Company. He was born near Bradford, McKean County, Pennsylvania, August 24, 1883, a son of Frank P. and Maggie E. Kountz. His father was born in 1847, and died in 1911, and his mother, still living, was born in 1849. The Kountz family removed from Western Pennsylvania to Findlay, Ohio, which was then in the center of the Ohio oil fields, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ralph Martin Hulett

Hulett, Ralph Martin; architect; born, Cleveland, March 28, 1873; son of Martin Paul and Esther Fawcett Hulett; graduated from the Cleveland public schools in 1891, then took up the study of architecture under special tutors; married, Bradford, Pa., Aug. 28, 1895, Clara C. Goodyear; one boy, Coulter Townsend Hulett, age 15; was architect for numerous buildings in Cleveland, such as high class apartments and residences, The Farmers & Mechanics Bank Bldg., the lodge rooms of Brooklyn Lodge, F. & A. M., The Richmond Hotel, Akron and several school buildings for the centralized school districts adjacent to Cleveland and Akron; since … Read more

Settlers from Bradford, Pennsylvania

From Bradford, Penn., in the early spring of 1883, a colony consisting of sixty-five men, women and children settled along the south side of the Keya Paha river. They played an important role in the early history of the eastern end of the county. Their children and grandchildren are still numbered among Keya Paha County’s leading citizens. Iowa, Wisconsin and eastern Nebraska also sent large numbers of settlers. Probably no other section of Nebraska has seen more crime and tragedy enacted on its soil than has that section which is now Keya Paha County. It was the battleground between the … Read more

Biography of David Francis Craig

David Francis Craig. Independence is the home of one of the most widely experienced and prominent contractors and producers in the oil and gas fields of the Southwest. Mr. Craig was born in Pennsylvania, got his first experience in the oil industry there, and has followed the progress of oil and gas development in all the important fields of the United States. A man of great foresight and judgment, and of equally remarkable energy, Mr. Craig has accumulated business interests in various sections of the country, but for a number of years has had his home and business headquarters at … Read more

Biography of Roderick Morrison

Roderick Morrison, a well known oil producer and manufacturer at Independence, became identified with the oil industry in the eastern states when a young man, and while other enterprises have engaged him his interests have been continuousty identified with some phase of the petroleum industry through all his active years. Out of his experience he had elaborated one of the important devices used in oil and gas fields, and is now manufacturing it at Independence under the name of the Eclipse Pulling Machine. Mr. Morrison is a Canadian by birth and of Scotch ancestry. His grandfather was Angus Morrison, who … Read more