Botetourt County VA

Pauling’s Company Of Volunteers

Last Updated on August 26, 2012 by Dennis Pauling’s Company Of Volunteers Of The Botetourt County Regiment. Officers Henry Pauling Captain Edward Goldman Lieutenant (Wounded in Battle of Point Pleasant) Samuel Baker Ensign Obediah H. Trent Sergeant Robert Fittdley Sergeant James Woods, Sergeant Privates Robert Watkins Pnilip Hanes James DeHority William Thompson William Honey Joel

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Captain Philip Love’s Company Of Volunteers

Last Updated on August 26, 2012 by Dennis A List Or Captain Philip Love’s Company Of Volunteers in The Botetourt County Regiment OFFICERS. Philip Love Captain Daniel McNelll Lieutenant John Mills Ensign William Ewing Sergeant Major Francis McElhaney Quarter M. S. Shelton Taylor Sergeant James Alexander* Sergeant, (Wounded at Point Pleasant) John Crawford Sergeant Privates

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Genealogy of the Shanks family in America

David Shanks is descended from Thomas Shanks, who was living in Washington Township, York County, Pennsylvania by 1763 when he first appears on a land warrant there. The genealogy then deals with the descendants of David and Hannah Morrison Shanks of Amsterdam, Botetourt County, Virginia, the second son of said Thomas.

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John Murray’s Company Of Volunteers

Last Updated on August 26, 2012 by Dennis A List Of Captain John Murray’s Company Of Volunteers in The Botetourt County Regiment Officers John Murray Captain (Killed at Point Pleasant) William McKee Lieutenant (Assumed command of the company when Captain Murray was killed.) Samuel Wallace Lientenant Adam Wallace Ensign William Taylor Sergeant Moses Coller Sergeant

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John Stewart’s Company Of Greenbrier Valley

Last Updated on August 26, 2012 by Dennis A List Of Captain John Stewart’s Company Of Greenbrier Valley Volunteers in The Botetourt County Regiment. Officers John Stuart Captain, (Manuscript torn) James Donnally Sergeant Charles O’Hara Sergeant Skidmore Harriman Sergeant Privates Daniel Workman Samuel Williams William O’Harra Robert O’Harra James Pauley James Clarke John Pauley Archibald

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Captain Robert McClennahan’s Company Of Greenbrier Valley Volunteers

Last Updated on August 26, 2012 by Dennis A List Of Captain Robert McClennahan’s Company Of Greenbrier Valley Volunteers in The Botetourt County Regiment. Officers Robert McClennahan Captain William McCoy Lieutenant Mathew Bracken, : Ensign (Killed at Point Pleasant) Thomas Williams Sergeant William Craig Sergeant Samuel Clarke Sergeant William Jones Drummer Privates John Harmon James Kinkaid

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