Genealogy of the Shanks Family in America

Genealogy of the Shanks family in America

David Shanks is descended from Thomas Shanks, who was living in Washington Township, York County, Pennsylvania by 1763 when he first appears on a land warrant there. The genealogy then deals with the descendants of David and Hannah Morrison Shanks of Amsterdam, Botetourt County, Virginia, the second son of said Thomas.

Biographical Sketch of Richard Jones

Richard Jones, who was born in England, married a Miss Love, and settled in Botetourt Co., Va. He was a member of the Baptist Church, but had to give a hogshead of tobacco every year for the support of the Episcopal Church. The names of his children were William, John, and Silas. William married Elizabeth Metcalf, and settled first in Shelby Co., Ky., from whence he removed to Missouri and settled on Darst’s Bottom, St. Charles County, in 1818. In 1820 he removed to Callaway County, and built a horse-mill, under the shed of which the Baptists held religious services … Read more

Pauling’s Company Of Volunteers

Pauling’s Company Of Volunteers Of The Botetourt County Regiment. Officers Henry Pauling Captain Edward Goldman Lieutenant (Wounded in Battle of Point Pleasant) Samuel Baker Ensign Obediah H. Trent Sergeant Robert Fittdley Sergeant James Woods, Sergeant Privates Robert Watkins Pnilip Hanes James DeHority William Thompson William Honey Joel Doss William Ray Dangerfield Harmon Stepnen Holston James Wilson Dudley Callaway William Canaday John Clerk John Frazer George Davis Thomas McCrary Richard Rollins Michael Looney John Gibson Charles Ellisson John Agnew James Donahoo David Belew Andrew Rogers Robert Ferrell Andrew Harrison George Zimmerman Thomas Wilson Alexander Caldwell William Gilliss Edward Ross Matthew Ratcliff … Read more

John Stewart’s Company Of Greenbrier Valley

A List Of Captain John Stewart’s Company Of Greenbrier Valley Volunteers in The Botetourt County Regiment. Officers John Stuart Captain, (Manuscript torn) James Donnally Sergeant Charles O’Hara Sergeant Skidmore Harriman Sergeant Privates Daniel Workman Samuel Williams William O’Harra Robert O’Harra James Pauley James Clarke John Pauley Archibald McDowell William Hogan Andrew Gardiner Quavy Lockhart Samuel Sullivan Thomas Ferguson (Wounded at Point Pleasant.) John McCandless Thomas Gillispie Henry Lawrence John Grain William Dyer Edward Smith John Harris Joseph Currence William Clendenin Spencer Cooper Daniel Taylor Joseph Day Jacob Lockhart George Clendennin John Burke Charles Kennison (Wounded at Point Pleasant.) William Ewing … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George P. Allen

George P. Allen was born in Botetourt county, Virginia, July 30, 1821. His parents, William and Caroline Allen, were both natives of the same State. He received his education in the common schools of Virginia, and began the study of civil engineering. He learned the surveyor’s art, and has been engaged principally in that business through life. For the first few years after leaving school he was engaged in the mercantile business in his native State. In 1854 he removed to Missouri and settled in Daviess county, and from 1856 to 1861 held the responsible’ position of county surveyor. In … Read more

Biography of Peter VanBibber

Peter and Isaac VanBibber, of Holland, came to America and settled in Botetourt Co., Va., previous to the revolution. Peter married Marguety Bounds, and they had Peter, Jr., Jesse, Jacob, James, Joseph, Matthias, Nancy, Sophronia, Ellen, and Olive. James married Jane Irvine, and settled in St. Charles County in 1803. He was Coroner at the time William Hays was killed by his son-in-law, James Davis. In 1817 he removed to Callaway County, and settled on the Auxvasse. His children were Joseph, Irvine, Frances. Lucinda, Melissa, Daniel and Minerva. Joseph was a surveyor and made the government surveys in range eight, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Kiser

William Kiser, farmer; P. O. Charleston; was born in Botetourt Co., Va., March 11, 1814; the same year, his parents moved to Ross Co., remaining there until 1842. Mr. Kiser lived with his parents up to the time of his marriage with Miss Mary Ann Coon, of Ross Co., Ohio, which occurred Aug. 22, 1841; in October, 1846, they moved to Coles Co., and settled on Sec. 31, living there until the year 1851, when they came to the farm upon which he at present resides, on Sec. 33; his wife was born in Washington Co., Md., near ‘Harper’s Ferry, … Read more

Biography of John F. Richards

John F. Richards, born October 23, 1834, in Bath County, Virginia, the founder of the wholesale hardware house Richards & Conover Hardware Company of Kansas City, Missouri, and now residing at 200 Forty-fourth Street in that city, is not only one of the merchants who have risen to prominence in this section of the Middle West, but had a career connected by many experiences and activities with the Territory and State of Kansas. His parents were Walter and Nancy (Mayse) Richards, both natives of Virginia. Their old farm, Cloverdale, was situated on one of the stage lines which then crossed … Read more

Captain Robert McClennahan’s Company Of Greenbrier Valley Volunteers

A List Of Captain Robert McClennahan’s Company Of Greenbrier Valley Volunteers in The Botetourt County Regiment. Officers Robert McClennahan Captain William McCoy Lieutenant Mathew Bracken, : Ensign (Killed at Point Pleasant) Thomas Williams Sergeant William Craig Sergeant Samuel Clarke Sergeant William Jones Drummer Privates John Harmon James Kinkaid George Kinkaid David Cutlip James Morrow, Sr. James Morrow, Jr. James Gilkeson Evan Evans William Stewart Edward Thomas Patrick Constantine William Custer Lewis Holmes William Hutchinson Edward Barrett John Williams Richard Williams James Burrens John Patton Thomas Ellias Charles Howard James Guffy Thomas Cooper William McCaslin John Cunningham Francis Boggs John Vaughn – … Read more

Slave Narrative of Fleming Clark

Person Interviewed: Fleming Clark Location: Ohio Age: 74+ My father’s name wuz Fleming Clark and my mother’s name wuz Emmaline Clark. Both of dem wuz in slavery. Der massa’s name wuz David Bowers. I don’t know where dey cum from but dey moved to Bad Creek after slavery days. Der wuz three of us chillun. Charles, de oldest, den Anthony next and den me, de youngest. I wuz workin’ for a white man and wuz old enough to drive cows and work in de ‘bacco fields, pickin’ worms off de leaves. De other brudders worked wid my father on another … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James T. Allen, M. D.

James T. Allen was born in Botetourt, Botetourt county, Virginia, July 16, 1833. He lived with his parents until he was sixteen years old, then attended the Presbyterian High School for one year, and was a student one year at Princeton College, New Jersey. In 1851 he began reading medicine under Dr. Matthew Wallace, of Pocahontas County, Virginia, and continued under his preceptorship until 1853. During the winter of 1854 and 1855 he attended medical lectures at the Virginia Medical College, at Richmond. He came to Missouri in the spring of 1855 and settled at Auberry Grove, now Jamesport, and … Read more

Captain John Lewis Company Of Volunteers

A List Of Captain John Lewis Company Of Volunteers in The Botetourt County Regiment. Officers. John Lewis Captain• This Captain John Lewis was a son of General Andrew Lewis, and a cousin of Captain John Lewis, (son of Thomas) of the Augusta Regimen, this father being a brother of the General. John Henderson Lieutenant Robert Alliet (Eliott) Ensign Samuel Glass Sergeant William Bryans Sergeant Peter Huff Sergeant William Wilson Sergeant Samuel Estill Sergeant John Donnally Fifer Thomas Alsbury Drummer Privates John Swope Alexander Kelley Edward Eagin James Ellison John Deniston James Stuart John Savage Christopher Welch James Crawley James Dulin … Read more

Captain Philip Love’s Company Of Volunteers

A List Or Captain Philip Love’s Company Of Volunteers in The Botetourt County Regiment OFFICERS. Philip Love Captain Daniel McNelll Lieutenant John Mills Ensign William Ewing Sergeant Major Francis McElhaney Quarter M. S. Shelton Taylor Sergeant James Alexander* Sergeant, (Wounded at Point Pleasant) John Crawford Sergeant Privates Robert Owen Samuel Andrews William Scott Samuel MtGumery (Montgomery) William Teasy John Todd Thomas Pierce Thomas Armstrong John Dunn Charles Byrne Thomas Gilbert Abraham DeMonts William Hooper Samuel Savage Thomas Welch Thomas Welch Jr. Patrick Conner Joseph Pain William Armstrong Daniel McDonald James Simpson Thomas Brown James Neeley Abraham Moon George Craig Richard … Read more

John Murray’s Company Of Volunteers

A List Of Captain John Murray’s Company Of Volunteers in The Botetourt County Regiment Officers John Murray Captain (Killed at Point Pleasant) William McKee Lieutenant (Assumed command of the company when Captain Murray was killed.) Samuel Wallace Lientenant Adam Wallace Ensign William Taylor Sergeant Moses Coller Sergeant John Larken Sergeant John Simpson Sergeant Barney Boyls Sergeant Privates John Gilmore Hugh Logan James Hall James Arnold Stephen Arnold William Moore John Nelson John Sedbury William MacCorkle George Milwood Andrew Evans Joseph McBride Thomas Nail John Lapsly James Walker Ezekiel Kennedy John Jones John Moore William Simpson Thomas McClure Peter Cassady Robert … Read more