Bonner County, Idaho Census Records

  1870 Bonner County, Idaho Census Free 1870 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1870 Bonner County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1870 U.S. Census Guide 1880 Bonner County, Idaho Census Free 1880 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1880 Bonner County, Census (images and index) 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1880 U.S. Census Guide 1890 Bonner County, Idaho Census Free 1890 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1890 … Read more

McMillen, Carl Richard – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Carl Richard McMillen, 71, of Spirit Lake, Idaho, and formerly of La Grande, died April 7 in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho. Celebration of life services begin at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Clark Fork Senior Center in Idaho. A private family interment will follow at the Clark Fork Cemetery. Loveland Funeral Chapel is in charge of arrangements. Carl was born June 26, 1936, to Maxine Petrina Skillingstad and William Hyrum McMillen in Salt Lake City. During WWII the family moved to San Francisco to work in the war effort. Carl attended grade school in San Francisco at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Asa Thomas Weeks

Asa Thomas Weeks was born in La Honda on March 1, 1859, where he spent his early boyhood, being educated in the public schools and St. Matthew’s School. In 1881 he decided to leave home and try his hand at mining in Idaho; and while there built the finest house at Sand Point. He then removed to Alaska to engage in mining; and while there served three years as United States Commissioner. In 1904 he came to Pescadero and engaged in the lumber business which he continued for five years. He then decided to try his hand at mining again … Read more

Simonson, William “Doug” – Obituary

William “Doug” Simonson, 76, died at an assisted living center on Sept. 28, 2007. His memorial service will be at 11 a.m. PDT at the McEwen Bible Fellowship Hall, 15403 Sumpter Stage Highway (on Highway 7 three miles south of the Sumpter junction). Doug was born on March 1, 1931, at Sandpoint, Idaho. He lived with his mother, Ida Veda, his father, William E. Simonson, and his brother, Dave, at Hope, Idaho, until the age of 10 when his mother died. Because of his father’s job with the Spokane Railroad, which took him away from home a great deal, he … Read more

Rogers, Ardis Rea Mrs. – Obituary

Ardis Rea Rogers, 90, of Baker City, died July 19, 2005, at Settlers Park. Her memorial service will be at 10 a.m. Friday at Coles Funeral Home. Pastor Robin Harris of Cornerstone Baptist Church at North Powder will officiate. Ardis was born on Jan. 12, 1915, at Alpena Pass, Ark., to Minnie Walker and James Howard Rea. The family moved to Sandpoint, Idaho, in 1915 where they farmed. Ardis, her sister, Theta, and her brother, Paul, went to grade school at Sandpoint. Her parents moved to Meridian, Idaho, where she finished grade school. Her parents moved to Barber, Idaho, a … Read more

Bruhn, George Clifford, Sr. – Obituary

George Clifford Bruhn Sr., 74, of Baker City, died Oct. 5, 2005, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. His graveside service was Saturday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Truscott Irby of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, No. 3048, officiated. The Oregon Army National Guard presented military rites in his honor. George was born on July 1, 1931, at Sandpoint, Idaho, to Ted and Eva Bruhn. He was raised and educated at Sandpoint and Naples, Idaho. George joined the U.S. Marines in 1950 and served during the Korean and Vietnam wars. He attained the rank of sergeant E5. George served his country for … Read more

McKinnion, Dr.

Died in Auto Wreck A hidden chuck hole in the Baker road, near Haines, caused an automobile to overturn and resulted in the death of Dr. McKinnion of Sandpoint, Idaho, Wednesday of this week. Dr. McKinnion was on of a party of four, touring this section of Oregon, on his way to Yellowstone National Park. The wife of the physician and Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Smith of Standpoint (sic), were the other occupants of the car and escaped without injury. Dr. McKinnion was driving the car and was pinned under the steering wheel. He was removed from beneath the machine … Read more

Showers, Bill – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Earnest (Bill) Showers passed away on August 18, 1978 at the General Hospital at Sandpoint, Idaho. His home address was Sagle, Idaho. Born October 21, 1934 at Enterprise, he was the son of Kenneth and Dorothy Showers. He lived in Enterprise and Wallowa County from birth to 1969. He was a millwright, and a veteran of the Korean War. On September 23, 1967, he was married to June Frades at Enterprise. Mr. Showers was a member of the Grace Lutheran Church of Enterprise. Funeral services were held Tuesday, August 22 at 2: 00 p.m. at the … Read more

Bonner County, Idaho Cemetery Records

Idaho Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Idaho county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Bonner County Cemetery Records Hosted at Hosted at USGenWeb Idaho Archives Blanchard Cemetery Boyer Cemetery Brinkwood Cemetery Cabinet Cemetery Clara Cemetery Clark Ford Cemetery Colburn Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Surnames A-E Surnames F-G Surnames H-L Surnames M-Q Surnames R -Z Gamlin Lake Cemetery Greenwood Cemetery Hope Cemetery Humbird Cemetery Lakeview Cemetery Surnames A-E Surnames F-J Surnames K-O Surnames P-T Surnames … Read more

Stehwien, Ruth Everson Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Ruth Stehwien, 89, of Baker City, died March 12, 2003, at her home. Her memorial service and a celebration of her life will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Calvary Baptist Church at Third and Broadway streets. Pastor Ed Niswender of the church will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at the Calvary Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Visitations will be from 9 a.m. to noon at the Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Mrs. Stehwien was born June 24, 1913, at Rockville, Mo., to Emma and Isaac Everson. She attended school at Humansville, Mo. She married … Read more