Biography of Rev. Crittenden Reeves

HON. CRITTENDEN REEVES was born in this county December 28, 1842. In 1849, he moved with his brothers to Missouri; remained there until 1856, and then returned to Todd County. Of his father, an obituary notice says: ” Benjamin H. Reeves, the eldest son of Brewer and Martha Reeves, was born in Augusta County, Va., March 21, 1787, and moved with his parents to Christian County, Ky., about the commencement of the present century, and settled on the West Fork of Red River. Shortly after their arrival in Kentucky his father died, leaving his widow and infant children in comparatively a wilderness, surrounded by the red men of the forest. His mother, a lady of uncommon energy, firmness, and fine powers of mind, richly stored with the truths of the Gospel, in the absence of anything like good schools, laid the foundation for his future elevation in life by her industry, and, with his assistance, they managed to support the younger members of the family. To them he was both a parent and an elder brother; his heart seemed to be entwined around them during life. By his own generous worth and energy of character he soon acquired the esteem and confidence of his countrymen. On the declaration of war by the United States against Great Britain in 1812, he took up arms in defense of his country’s rights, and was, on the fourth day of July in that year, elected Captain of the first company of volunteers from Christian County, and in a short time joined the army in the then Territory, now State, of Indiana, stationed at Vincennes; was shortly after promoted to the rank of Major; commanded an escort to the relief of Zachary Taylor, the present President of the United States. In November, 1812, he returned to Kentucky, having been, at the August election previous, elected a member of the Legislature of Kentucky from Christian, and took his seat as a member of that body on the first Mon-day in December thereafter, and continued a member of that body, with the exception of one or two years, until 1818, when he moved to the then Territory of Missouri. In 1821 he was elected a Delegate from the county of Howard to assist in framing a Constitution for that State, and was, a few years thereafter, elected Lieutenant-Governor of Missouri. In 1826 he was appointed by the Government of the United States a Commissioner to survey and mark out a road from Missouri to the Spanish provinces in a direction to Santa Fe. In the recent Indian wars on the frontiers of Missouri, he again took up arms in defense of his country. In 1836 he returned from Missouri, and settled in Todd County, Ky. The partiality of his countrymen soon called him to represent them in Legislature in several successive years. He filled many civil and military offices in Missouri and Kentucky. In private life his virtues shone most conspicuous -a dutiful child, a kind husband, a fond parent, a devoted friend. Warm-hearted, generous, and devoted in his sentiments, he had many personal and devoted friends. About the first of January last his health began to decline rapidly, and on Monday, the 16th day of April, 1849, at his residence in Todd County, having, as his friends fondly hope, made his peace with God, with a smile on his countenance, and without a struggle or a groan, fell asleep in Jesus, universally lamented by his family, relations and friends.” Brewer’s sons were: Benjamin H., Willis L., Ottaway, and Archibald. Subject’s mother was Virginia T. (Garth) Reeves, who died in 1850. Col. Benjamin’s children are: William L., Jennette (Leonard), Mary (Wilson), Benjamin, Missouri (Ainslie), Eugenia (Griffin) and our subject, who procured a good education at the common schools in the county and at the Central College of Missouri. At the commencement of the late war, he enlisted in Company I, First Kentucky Cavalry, in which he remained two years. December 16, 1863, he was married to Miss Louisa IT., daughter of Squire Roscoe C. and Emily (Harris) Dickinson, of Todd County, who died June 16, 1874. To them were born: Elijah S., Eugenia A., Benjamin H. and John C. Subject was next married October 14,. 1875, to Miss Martha, daughter of John W. and Martha D. (Bar-clay) McElwain, of Todd County, Ky., and this union has been blessed with: Robert D., Luke P. B., Martha V. and Belle C. In 1879, Mr. Reeves was chosen a member of the Legislature of his State; and his public career, while in the discharge of his duties, was endorsed by his constituents in his return to the same honorable position in 1881. He is a prominent and high-toned gentleman, and certainly has a bright future before him. He is by profession a farmer, owning 187 acres of valuable and productive land, which he is successfully engaged in cultivating, in the profitable staples of this country. He is a Granger, and also an active member of the Democratic party.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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