Graham, Powell – Obituary

LaGrande, Oregon Powell Graham, 87, of La Grande died June 6 at his home. A memorial service will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday June 10 at Daniels Chapel of the Valley, 1502 Seventh St. Burial will be private. Mr. Graham was born April 25, 1919, to Harry and Dora Powell Graham in Milton. At the age of 16 he received his Eagle Scout Badge from Mayor La Guardia and Jimmy Durante in New York City. He earned a degree in pharmacy from Oregon State University, and owned Graham Drug. In September 1940 he married Marjalee Purdy of La Grande. He … Read more

Bean, Rufus Eusebeous – Obituary

Rufus E. Bean of Milton, well-known civic and political leader of Umatilla County, died Saturday afternoon [April 5] at a Walla Walla hospital of cerebral thrombosis. Born January 1, 1876 at Virgil City, Mo., he was the youngest of 13 children. After four years of schooling in a one-room school in Michigan, he learned telegraphy at Janesville, Wis., where his teacher was George Parker, fountain pen inventor. He worked as a telegraph operator at Floodwood, Minn., and at Portland. He became and agent for the O.W.R. & N. Company at Milton, and lived in this community for the rest of … Read more

McCumber, Arkley ‘Mac’ – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Arkley B. “Mac” McCumber, 73, of Cove died Friday morning at his home. He was born May 19, 1914 at Milton to Robert and Millie (Brown) McCumber. McCumber attended school at The Forks, east of Miltonand worked briefly as a ranch hand in Sparta. In 1935, he moved to Juntura where he did reach work. Se served three years in World War II. In October 1945, he married Vivian Robertson. She died earlier. He went to work for the Oregon State Highway Division at Juntura in 1946 and retired as a foreman on June 1, 1976. … Read more

Pierce, Nathan – Obituary

A message to relatives received in Milton Wednesday, states that Nathan Pierce died in San Francisco, Wednesday, the 26th inst., of heart disease. Mr. Pierce left his home about two weeks ago, going to San Francisco for his health. His son Henry was in San Francisco and was in attendance on his father. The remains will be brought from San Francisco and the funeral will probably take place Sunday at Milton, as the body is expected on today’s train. Nathan Pierce was for many years a prominent figure in politics of Umatilla county and the state of Oregon. In 1892 … Read more

Trainor, Mrs. Guillia – Obituary

Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Guillia Trainor passed away at the Sheets Hotel last Saturday morning after a long illness. She was a pioneer of Wallowa County, having lived here since 1883. Guillia Scott was born in Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 10, 1870 and died in Joseph Feb. 6, 1937, aged 67 years, 26 days. She came by covered wagon with her family when a small child and after living in Milton a short time the Scott family came to Wallowa County. She was married Sept. 10, 1885 to Allen J. Kutch and to this union was born Mrs. Belle … Read more

Coverdale, Zadock – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Zadock Coverdale, a pioneer of Upper Prairie Creek, this county, but of late a resident of Milton, Oregon, died December 15th at the advanced age of 83 years. Chieftain, Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, January 4, 1912 Contributed by Pat Higley

Oliver, Henry William – Obituary

Henry Oliver Dies At Milton Home Henry William Oliver, 85, a former school teacher and Seventh Day Adventist minister in Wallowa County, passed away Monday, Feb., 23: at his home in Milton following a long illness. He had resided in Milton for about ten years and had lived in Oregon since 1884. Mr. Oliver was born near Memphis, Tenn., on Aug. 10, 1863. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon from the Adventist church in Milton and burial was in the College Place cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jessie Oliver at the home; two sons, J. Paul Oliver … Read more

George, Ella Mrs.

Death Takes Widow of Pioneer Minister (By Halfway Correspondent) Milton, Feb. 4. – Mrs. Ella George, widow of Rev. David George, who died 15 years ago, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C.D. Walters, here Monday night. Mrs. George was well known in the valley, having lived here the greater part of her life. She was born in Iowa in 1858 and crossed the plains when but a very small child coming with her parents first to California. In that state in 1875, she married the Rev. Mr. George, who was a circuit rider for the Methodist Episcopal … Read more

Downing, Mrs. J.A. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. J.A. Downing, resident of the county for nearly 50 years, passed away at the Enterprise hospital Saturday evening, August 7, 1937. She had made her home with her children in recent years, and went to the hospital when taken seriously ill. Funeral services were held at the Booth chapel Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. H.G. Luscombe, pastor of the Methodist church, and burial was in the Wallowa cemetery. Ella Zerba was born in Wisconsin July 13, 1862, and when she was young the family moved to Nebraska and then to Milton. She was married in … Read more

Beaumont, J.W. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Chas. Beaumont received word yesterday that his brother J. W. had died at Milton from the effects of the “Flu.” He went to that place yesterday. Wallowa County Reporter, Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Thursday November 28, 1918.

Biographical Sketch of Weaver, James

A man of sterling worth and a well-known citizen of Malheur, was born in Minnesota in 1860, and with his parents moved to this state in 1864, settling near Walla Walla, Wash. He received his education in the schools of Milton, Or. and then followed farming in that section until 1885. Moving to Morrow County, near Heppner, he followed the sane avocation until 1890. He then moved to Malheur County, and in 1892 bought out the drug store of A. W. Rime of Vale, and has successfully conducted it since. He carries a complete line of drugs and sundries, schoolbooks, … Read more

Conley, Mary Eliza Wood Mrs. – Obituary

Flora, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. J. M. Conley Dies, Early Settler Here Mrs. J.M. Conley, resident of the Flora district for many years, passed away at a nursing home at Milton, Monday, February 26. She had been in poor health for some years and had been cared for in a private institution. Funeral services were held yesterday at Milton, and were attended by her daughters who live in Wallowa county, and by Mrs. J. C. Conley and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Strickler. Mary Eliza Wood was born December 6, 1859, and was married to Jesse Monroe Conley at Mulberry, … Read more

Conley, Mary Eliza Wood Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. J. M. Conley Dies, Early Settler Here Mrs. J. M. Conley, resident of the Flora district for many years, passed away at a nursing home at Milton, Monday, February 26. She had been in poor health for some years and had been cared for in a private institution. Funeral services were held yesterday at Milton, and were attended by her daughters who live in Wallowa county, and by Mrs. J. C. Conley and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Strickler. Mary Eliza Wood was born December 6, 1859, and was married to Jesse Monroe Conley at Mulberry, Missouri December 25, … Read more

Cross, C. W. Private – Obituary

News reached Union Saturday last of the death in France of Private Charles W. Cross, of Union. He was a member of Company K, 308th Infantry, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cross, of Union. The cause of his death was given as pneumonia, though another report states that he was killed in action. C. W. Cross was born in Milton, Umatilla county, September 29, 1894, and lived in Union for a long time, where he had many friends who have expressed great sorrow at his death. (later newspaper report follows) The body of Charles William Cross … Read more

McGinnis, Dellivan – Obituary

Died-In Ashland, Wisconsin, July 13, 1920, Dellivan McGinnis, age 33 years, 6 months and 15 days. Dellivan McGinnis was the son of Mrs. Lillie Cross, of Union. He was born at Milton, Oregon, in 1887. He was married to Miss Rita Wilson, July 30, 1910. He enlisted in the U.S. Marines in May, 1918, and received a discharge March 4, 1919. He died at Ashland, Wisconsin, July 13, 1920. His body accompanied by his wife arrived in Union Tuesday morning, July 20. He is survived by his widow, his mother and step-father, two half-brothers and three half-sisters. Two half-bothers preceded … Read more

Biography of R. G. Winston

Many of the substantial and thrifty citizens of this western county of Wallowa have come from the east as is the case in many of the other adjacent counties, and here these pioneers have found a home, while they have taken hold of the resources given by nature and have wrought out wealth and the comforts of civilization. Notable among this number is the esteemed and genial citizen whose name is at the head of this paragraph and to whom we are pleased to accord a representation in the history of our county, since he has labored here from the … Read more

Finley, Henry L. – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Henry L. Finley, Early Wallowa Co. Settler, Dies Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Milton Christian church for Henry L. Finley who passed away Monday afternoon at St. Mary’s Hospital in Walla Walla, Washington. Truman Robbins, local pastor, was in charge of the services and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore of Athena sang “No Night There” and Beyond The Sunset”. Pall Bearers were the four grandsons: Joe Wise, Melvin Schott, Fred Zielke, Donnie Scott and two great-grandnephews, Jack Loyd and Bill Morse. Burial was in the 100F cemetery at Milton. Henry Finley was born … Read more