Biographical Sketch of William Sherod

The subject of this sketch is one of the well known business men of Wallowa County and conducts a mercantile establishment in Wallowa, being one of the substantial, capable and wide awake men of the business world, and is actuated by a broad public spirit which leads him to labor assiduously for the welfare of his county, as well as prosecute his business with enterprise and characteristic skill and ability, while his amiability and sound principles have won for him the esteem and confidence of all who may have the pleasure of his acquaintance.

William was born in Tennessee, the eastern part of that states, on February 28, 1849, being the son of George and Mary (Hammond) Sherod, natives of the same state, and numbered with the agricultural population. In the year of his birth our subject lost his father by death and he was reared by the hands of his mother alone. In 1859 the family migrated from the old home state to Kansas, and when William reached the age of fourteen years he entered upon the realities of life for himself. He herded cattle for two years and worked at other enterprises until he had reached his majority and then he took land under a government right and settled down to farming in Butler County, Kansas. This life continued until 1881, when he came west to Oregon, purchasing a quarter section two miles south from Wallowa. In 1886 he took up sheep raising and did well at this industry until the panic of 1892 tightened all resources and for the next few years it seemed a desperate case to simply hold even, with the odds toward going down, but pluck and perseverance won the day and in 1896 light came and sheep raising became a paying industry again. In 1898 he sold his entire interests in sheep and retired from the activities of the farm, renting his valuable ranch of one section and repaired to Wallowa and opened a first-class general mercantile establishment. He owns a fine residence in the town and has by his ability, uniform treatment of patrons with affability and consideration, and wise selection of stock, gained a flattering patronage, while he takes rank with the best merchants of the entire county.

On December 23, 1880, at Joseph, Oregon, occurred the marriage of Mr. Sherod and Miss Jennie, daughter of David and Elizabeth (Kessler) Eads, all natives of Missouri, and the parents migrating hither in 1883. To this happy union there have been born two children, Glen, and Hazel, deceased. Two other children, Tony and Earl, were born to a previous marriage. Mr. Sherod is a member of the I.O.O.F., Lodge No. 154, while he and estimable are communicants of the Christian church, being faithful in exemplification of the virtues and graces of their faith in their entire walk.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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