Biography of Jay Palmer Farnsworth

Jay Palmer Farnsworth dates his residence in Muskogee from 1902, and has engaged in the practice of law in this city since 1904, having made steady advance in his profession, in which progress is made only through merit and ability. He came to Oklahoma from Texas, his birth having occurred in San Antonio, February 287 1880, his parents being J. P. and Helen (Bowker) Farnsworth. The father was a chemist, who during the youthful days of his son and namesake removed with the family to Topeka, Kansas, and there Jay P. Farnsworth of this review pursued a public school education. He afterward became a student in the Columbia National University at Washington, D. C., from which he was graduated on the completion of a literary course in 1900, while in 1902 he completed a course in the law department of the same institution.

Immediately after his graduation Mr. Farnsworth was appointed a law clerk in the government offices in Muskogee and thus served until 1904. He then opened an office and has since devoted his attention to general law practice. He brought to the starting point of his career a keen, rapid, logical mind, plus the business sense and a ready capacity for hard work. He also brought certain rare gifts; eloquence of language and a strong personality which combined with a thorough grasp of the law and ability accurately to apply its principles have been the factors in Mr. Farnsworth’s effectiveness as an advocate.

In 1905 occurred the marriage of Jay P. Farnsworth and Miss Mamie Porter; a daughter of General Pleasant Porter, one of the distinguished citizens of Oklahoma. She passed away February 13, 1921, leaving a son, Porter, who was born July 28 1906.

Aside from his law practice Mr. Farnsworth is interested in valuable farming property in this state. Fraternally he is a Mason, belonging to the lodge and the Commanery and the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of the Country Club and president of the Civitan Club. He is appreciative of the social amenities of life, loyal in his friendships and easily wins high regard by reason of the possession of those traits of character which in every land and clime awaken respect and confidence.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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