Biographical Sketch of Elizabeth Thatcher Stokes

(See Foreman) Herschael Vetran, son of Jeremiah Young and Mary Malinda (Walker) Stokes, born Sept. 21, 1882 educated in Cooweeescoowee District. Married at Muskogee June 28, 1909 Elizabeth, daughter of Joel T. and Mary L. (Kitchum) Thatcher, born in Delaware District November 12, 1883 and educated at Vinita. They are the parents of: Herschael Owen, born, April 2, 1910 and Darwin Clark Stokes, born September 13, 1911. Minerva Jane Taylor married Robert Wesley Walker and they were the parents of Mary Malinda (Walker) Stokeg. Robert Wesley Walker was elected Judge of Going Snake District March 24, 1879, appointed Attorney General … Read more

Slave Narrative of Henry F. Pyles

Person Interviewed: Henry F. Pyles Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma Date of Birth: August 15, 1856 Age: 81 That’s how the niggers say old Bab Russ used to make the hoodoo “hands” he made for the young bucks and wenches, but I don’t know. ’cause I was too trusting to look inside de one he make for me, and anyways I lose it, and it no good nohow! Old Bab Russ live about two mile from me, and I went to him one night at midnight and ask him to make me de hand. I was a young strapper about sixteen years … Read more

Biography of Andrew J. Snelson, M. D.

Dr. Andrew J. Snelson, who has been actively and successfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in northeastern Oklahoma during the past two decades, has continuously maintained an office in Checotah since 1908 and is numbered among the leading representatives of the profession here. His birth occurred in Johnson County, Arkansas, on the 1st of January, 1862, his parents being John and Cynthia S. (Davis) Snelson, both of whom were natives of Overton county, Tennessee. The father enlisted for service in the Confederate army at the time of the Civil war and was killed in battle at Camden, … Read more

Biography of Luther Kyle

Luther Kyle, attorney at law, whose practice has largely to do with land and mineral law gild who since the 1st of April 1920 has practiced in partnership with S. B. Dawes, under the firm style of Dawes & Kyle, was born in Carroll County, Tennessee, his parents being Erastus Robert and Angeline (Butler) Kyle, the former a farmer by occupation. In the acquirement of his education Luther Kyle attended the public schools and afterward became a student in the Southern Normal University at Huntington, Tennessee, where he was graduated as a member of the class of 1894. The succeeding … Read more

Slave Narrative of Nancy Rogers Bean

Person Interviewed: Nancy Rogers Bean Location: Hulbert, Oklahoma Place of Birth: Boggy Depot, Oklahoma Age: 82 I’m getting old and it’s easy to forget most of the happenings of slave days; anyway I was too little to know much about them, for my mammy told me I was born about six years before the war. My folks was on their way to Fort Gibson, and on the trip I was born at Boggy Depot, down in southern Oklahoma. There was a lot of us children; I got their names somewheres here. Yes, there was George, Sarah, Emma, Stella, Sylvia, Lucinda, … Read more

Biography of Myron White

Myron White, an active representative of the Muskogee bar for the past two decades, has been accorded an extensive and gratifying clientage in recognition of his skill in the handling of intricate legal problems. He is numbered among the native sons of Kangas, his birth having occurred in Brown county on the 6th of September, 1875. His father, Jesse H. White, a native of Ohio, came of Revolutionary stock and was of English lineage. He served as a soldier of the Union army during the four-year period ‘of the Civil war and after the close of the conflict he married … Read more

Biography of Judge Charles Wheeler

Judge Charles Wheeler, judge of the city court of Muskogee, was born in Three Rivers, Michigan, November 11, 1856, and is a son of Ransley and Electa (MacOmber) Wheeler. The father was a miller and farmer and active business man. The son obtained a country school education and afterward attended the preparatory department of Hillsdale College, where he pursued the regular four years college course, graduating in 1882 with the B. A. degree. Later he became a student in the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. His law studies were pursued in an office in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and later in … Read more

Biography of George Washington Nolle

When one realizes that but few decades have passed since Muskogee was a tiny village, there must also come a realization of the fact that its citizens have been of a most substantial class, willing at all times to cooperate in plans and measures for the general good and that-their labors have been of a most practical character, producing far-reaching results. Through a period of seventeen years George W. Nolle has here made his home, giving his attention to the real estate and insurance business and in both lines he has met public requirement, gaining a large clientage as the … Read more

Biography of Robert Lee Mitchell, M. D.

Dr. Robert Lee Mitchell, a member of one of the old and prominent families of Oklahoma, founded here in early territorial days, engaged in the general practice of medicine at Vinita from 1909 to the close of the year 1921, and during the period which has since elapsed has firmly established himself in the public regard as a man of high professional attainments. He was born at Oaks, which was at that time situated in the Delaware district of the Cherokee Nation, in Indian Territory, and is of Cherokee extraction in the maternal line, his parents being George Washington and … Read more

Biography of Art Harris

Art Harris, president of the Art Harris Transfer & Storage Company of Muskogee, was born in McDonald county, Missouri, December 31, 1876, and is a son of M. A. and Rhoda A. (Richardson) Harris, the former a native of New York and the latter of Tennessee. The father went to Texas with his parents when a boy and later became a resident of Missouri, settling in Pineville, where he engaged in contracting and building. Later his work of this character took him into Arkansas and Kansas and he continued his contract work in those states and in Missouri until the … Read more

Biography of Q. B. Boydstun

Q. B. Boydstun, attorney-at-law, practicing as a member of the firm of Mountecastle & Boydstun at Fort Gibson, Muskogee County, is a native son of Oklahoma, his birth having occurred at Caddo, Bryan County, December 8, 198. His parents were R. B. and A. R. (Massengill) Boydstun, the former a native of Tennessee, while the latter was born in Texas. The father is a rancher and stock-man, who came to the Indian Territory with his parents in the year 1872 and has since given his attention to the management of his ranch and to stock raising. For the past twenty-four … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. James Grady Harris

(See Cordery) Parker Collins born November 9, 1845, married Angeline Davis born July 19, 1859, in DeKalb Go., Ala. They are the parents of Robert Harris, born Dec. 19, 1882; Colonel Parker Harris, born July 3, 1885 ; Emily Harris, born April 29, 1887; Dr. James Grady Harris, born February 18, 1889; Susie Ella Harris, born September 4, 1890; Mary Vann Harris, born October 10, 1893; George Harris, born November 14, 1895; Martha Harris, born June 2, 1899; lda Harris, born March 1, 1901, and Catherine Harris. Dr. James Grady Harris was educated in the Male Seminary, Northeastern State Normal, … Read more

Biography of J. R. Graves, M. D.

Coming to Boynton in 1919, Dr. J. R. Graves has already proven his skill and ability as a physician and surgeon and his practice is assuming large proportions. A native of Arkansas, he was born in Logan county on the 29th of November, 1883, his parents being G. W. and Mary (Suter) Graves, who were also born in that state. The paternal grandfather, Jacob Graves, was a veteran of both the Civil and Mexican wars, having charge of Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, during the latter conflict. He was a charter member of Masonic Lodge, No. 9, at Clarksville, Arkansas, with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Samuel Benge Jr.

(See Hildebrand, Ghigau, Oolootsa and Grant.)-Samuel Houston, son of Samuel Houston and Josephine J. (Walker) Benge, was born at Fort Gibson in 1898. Educated at Fort Gibson. Married in 1918, Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrand. They are the parents of Samuel Houston Benge. Mr. Benge is a farmer near Fort Gibson. Samuel Houston, son of Martin and Eliza (Lowrey) Benge was born January 28, 1832. Elected Councilor from Sequoyah District Aug. 3, 1857, and elected solicitor of the same District in 1859. He was First Lieutenant of Company A, Third Indian Home Guards, and a signer of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Zeb Pettigrew Jackson

Zeb Pettigrew Jackson, whose activity in the field of real estate in Muskogee is bringing substantial results in the attainment of success, was born in Fayetteville, Arkansas, August 10. 1886, and is a son of U. L. Jackson, mentioned on another page of this work. Spending his boyhood days under the parental roof, he supplemented his early educational opportunities by study in the University of Arkansas, devoting a year to civil engineering. In April, 1908, he became associated with his father in the insurance, real estate and loan business which the father had established in 1901. The partnership was maintained … Read more

Biography of Henry O. Valeur

Henry O. Valeur, architect and builder, of Muskogee, was born in Norway, April 30, 1882, a son of Alrik and Dorothy Valeur. He enjoyed liberal educational advantages, receiving his more advanced training in universities of Norway and of Germany, pursuing university studies in his native country for three years and in Germany for four years. In young manhood he went to sea, spending three years as a sailor, and it was subsequent to this time that he became a student in Germany, thus qualifying for important and responsible duties in life. It was with the belief that he would have … Read more

Biography of Jasper Newton Wilkinson

Jasper Newton Wilkinson of Muskogee is widely known as a most enthusiastic Rotarian and as an untiring worker in the interests of boys. In the latter connection he is state councilor of the Order of DeMolay for Boys and is doing a work of far-reaching importance. In the business world, too, he has made a creditable name and place for himself as a lumber dealer in Illinois and as a banker in Oklahoma. He was born in Vinton County, Ohio, a son of Jackson and Mary (Morrison) Wilkinson, both of southern descent. In 1874 he was graduated from the Illinois … Read more

Biography of Gabe Edward Parker

Actuated at all times by high ideals having to do with all of the duties and relations of life and particularly in connection with the Choctaw and other civilized tribes of what was once the Indian Territory, Gabe Edward Parker of Muskogee has left the impress of his individuality and ability in large measure upon the history of this section. He retired from the office of Superintendent of the Five Civilized Tribes on the 31st of May, 1921, and is now concentrating his efforts and attention upon the management of private business interests, being the President of the Muskogee Ice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Brown

Albert, son of John T. and Lou (Griggs) Brown, was born in Muskogee in 1887. Educated in the public schools. Married at Claremore in 1908. Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Carter. They are the parents of : Juanita and Gabriel. Mr. Brown is a farmer and a member f the A. H. T. A.

Biographical Sketch of Bower Broaddus

Bower Broaddus, attorney and counselor at law, devoting his attention to civil law practice in Muskogee, was born in Chillicothe, Missouri, May 30, 1888, a son of Elbridge Jackson and Emma (Hollingsworth) Broaddus, the former also a member of the bar. Liberal educational opportunities were accorded Bower Broaddus, who obtained his more advanced training in the Missouri State University and in the Kansas City School of Law, from which he was graduated in 1910. Seeking the opportunities of the growing southwest he came to Muskogee in the same year and here opened a law office. Through the intervening period he … Read more