SAMUEL JOHN HUNTER: entomologist; b. Ireland, Nov. 11, 1866; s. of Rev. James and Rebecca (Davison) Hunter, removed with parents to Iowa in infancy; A.B., A.M., U. of Kans. 1893; grad. student, Cornell U., 1896; investigator Marine Biol. Lab., 1901-02; m. Lida W. Campbell of Atchison, Kans., June 16, 1897; 1 dau. Geneva (Mrs. John N. Monteith). Prin. Columbus (Kan.) High Sch., 1890-91, Atchison County School (High) 1893-96; absent on leave, 1894, to visit zool. laboratories of Europe; asst. prof. Entomology, 1896-99, asso. prof. 1899, asso. prof. Comparative Zoology and Entomology, 1901, head dept. Entomology, 1902, prof., 1906, curator entomol. collections, 1909, U. of K. State Entomologist; mem. Kansas State Entomol. Commn., 1907; collaborator, Federal Bur. of Entomology; mem. Nat. Cam. on Unification of State and Federal Hort. Inspection Legislation, mem. Kans. Council for defense, World War. Pres. Eastern Kans. Teachers’ Ass’n., 1894-95; mem. American Assn., Econ. Entomologists, Kans. Acad. Science. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma XI; Fellow A.A.A.S., Am. Entomol. Soc. Author: “Elementary Studies in Insect Life,” 1902; “An Account of Kansas Coccide and Their Hosts,” 1903; “Morphology of Artificial Parthenogenesis,” 1904; “Insect Parthenogenesis,” 1906; “Problems in Parthenogenetic Parasites,” 1911; etc. Chmn. Science Bull, editorial com., 1916-24. Owner (49 acres) and developer West Hills, Dist., Lawrence. Clubs: Rotary, Country. Home: Lawrence, Kan.