Biographical Sketch of J. R. Wheeler

J.R. Wheeler, dealer in lumber and coal, was born in N.Y. in 1834; removed to Eau Claire, Wis., in 1854, and engaged in the lumber business. In 1861 he enlisted in the 16th Wis. Inft.; was wounded in the face by a bullet at Shiloh; carries two gun-shot wounds in his legs, and received injuries at Atlanta; was discharged in April, 1865; returned to Wis. and engaged in shipping lumber, and in Nov., 1866, established lumber yards at Denison and Woodbine, and the next year established a yard at Dunlap. He sold the first lumber sold in Crawford and Harrison … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sylvester B. Kibler

Sylvester B. Kibler, senior member of the firm of Kibler Bros. & Winter, dealers in general merchandise, was born in Portage County, Ohio., in 1846; moved to Harrison County, Ia., with parents in 1853. He engaged in present business with his brother G.H. and in August 1880, they took into the firm Mr. Winter. They have one of the finest buildings in the county, built in 1878, and carry a very large and complete stock of goods; are also agents for the Mason & Hamlin organs and the American sewing machine. S. B. Kibler was married in 1873, to Caroline … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M.M. Vining

M.M. Vining, proprietor of Temperance billiard hall, was born in 1860, in Harrison County, Ia. He is a son of Richard Vining, one of the oldest settlers of the county. He established business in Dec. 1881; keeps for sale confectionery and cigars, but no intoxicants of any kind.

Biographical Sketch of Frank P. Easton

Frank P. Easton, painter and auctioneer, was born in Concord, N.H., in 1844; removed with his parents to Cass County, Mich. In 1862 enlisted in Co. I., 4th Mich. Cav.; was in several important battles; was discharged in Sept., 1864, on account of injuries received from being thrown from a horse; returned to Mich. and became a member of the firm of Eaton Bros. & Co., carriage and wagon manufacturers, at Dowagiac. In 1867, he engaged in traveling for a Chicago house, which he continued until 1871; then settled at Dunlap, Ia., and engaged in farming in Harrison township for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. B. Patterson

J.B. Patterson, of the firm of Patterson, Dally & Co., was born in Hghland County, Ohio., in 1847; moved to Harrison County, Ia., 1867; was engaged in clerking for R.B. Hillas, two years, then for Mitchell & Laub eight and one-half years, and June 26th, 1879, formed his present partnership. He enlisted in the late rebellion in 1863, in the 18th O. Inft.; was in several battles, and was discharged in the autumn of 1865. He was married in Oct., 1871, to Maggie Farren, and has three children.

Biographical Sketch of J. S. Whiting

J.S. Whiting, proprietor of billiard parlor, is a native of Mass.; moved to Wis. in 1854; thence in 1859 to Colorado, where he engaged in mining; from there he went back to Oregon and Idaho, and then back to Mass., where he remained one year, and in 1866 came to Ia. In 1875 he removed to Salt Lake City, Utah, and engaged in the bottling business. A year later he settled at Little Sioux, and engaged in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of Irving C. Wood, M.D.

Irving C. Wood, M.D., was born in 1857, in Franklin County, N.Y., attended the Delaware Institute, at Franklin, graduating in the literary course in 1875. He attended the Medical Department, of University, at N.Y. City, also Jefferson Medical College, at Philadelphia, Pa., where he received degree in 1880; the following spring took a practical course in operative surgery at the Philadelphia School of Anatomy, and was assistant surgeon at the Pa. hospital in outpatient surgical department one year. In July 1881, he located at Woodbine, Ia.; office at Mr. Giddings’ drug store. Dr. Wood is already enjoying a lucrative practice. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. T. Noonan

J. T. Noonan, proprietor of the Dunlap meat market, was born in Va. in 1851; removed to Tenn. with parents, and in 1861 to Ky.; thence to Galway, Ireland; remained there seven years; returned to America; lived in N.Y., N.J., and Tenn., and finally, in 1872, settled at Dunlap, Ia., and for two years engaged in farming; then was employed in the meat market of Dunham & Guilford, and in 1879 established his present business. He is a member of the city council; also the fire department; is president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians; was county delegate of that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Geo W. Thompson

Geo. W. Thompson, was born Mar. 26th, 1842, in Whiteside County, Ill. He enlisted in Aug., 1862, in the 8th Ill. Cav.; was in several important battles, and in Dec., 1863, was transferred to the command of Co. C, U.S. colored troops; was discharged in Dec., 1865, and returned to Morrison, Ill., and engaged in the study of law; was admitted to the bar in No., 1866, and practiced there until the spring of 1869, when he came to Dunlap, Ia., where he continued the practice of law, until the organization of the Dunlap bank in 1871, of which he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reuben Wallace, M.D.

Reuben Wallace, M.D., was born in Mass. in 1812. He began the practice of medicine in 1845, at North Adams, Mass. In 1849 removed to St. Lawrence County, N.Y., where he remained until 1857, when he came west. At the close of the war he settled in Harrison County, and engaged in the practice of his profession.

Biographical Sketch of H. C. Harshbarger

H.C. Harshbarger, dealer in groceries, was born in Spencer County, Ind., in 1840; removed with parents to Mahaska County, Ia., in 1848, and to Harrison County in 1856, locating near present town of Woodbine. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. I, Neb. Inft. was in several prominent battles, and in 1865 was discharged and returned to Harrison County. In 1865, he was elected county auditor, and county recorder in 1866, and in 1870 engaged in the mercantile business, which he continued for three years; then engaged in farming for six years, and in 1881 sold his farm and engaged in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Comstock Willey

Comstock Willey, farmer, was born in Asthabula County, Ohio., in 1821; removed to Harrison County, Ia., in 1867, and located on present farm, in Boyer township; owns 170 acres of good farming land, well improved, with bearing vineyard of two hundred vines, and good young orchard. He has been justice of the peace five years; is a member of the A.F. & A.M. order. He was married in Ashtabula County, Ohio., to Rosanna Bell, and has four children.

Biographical Sketch of M. C. Dally

M.C. Dally, of the firm of Patterson, Dally & Co., dealers in general merchandise, was born in Hamilton County, Ia., in 1857; came to Harrison County with parents in 1859. He was bookkeeper for Mitchell & Laub, for three and one-half years previous to engaging in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of D. P. Simmons

D.P. Simmons, of the firm of Simmons & Co., dealers in hardware and agricultural implements, was born in Curtlandt County, N.Y., in 1849; removed with parents to Beloit, Wis., in 1854, where he attended the Beloit College; then traveled for Northwestern Paper Co., of Chicago; then for Booth & Hinman, of Beloit, and in 1873 engaged in the boot and shoe business. In 1879, he removed to Dunlap, Ia., and bought out the stock of Mr. Jackson, and with T.S. Simmons, engaged in his present business. They handle goods from the leading manufactories, and employ a first-class tanner. He is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. S. Stockwell

J.S. Stockwell, blacksmith, is a native of Ind.; moved to Ia. in 1855, and settled in Harrison County; was one of the original proprietors of California Junction. He moved to Little Sioux in 1877, and engaged in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of H. C. Harshbarger

H.C. Harshbarger, dealer in groceries, was born in Spencer County, Ind., in 1840; removed with parents to Mahaska County, Ia., in 1848, and to Harrison County in 1856, locating near present town of Woodbine. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. I, Neb. Inft. was in several prominent battles, and in 1865 was discharged and returned to Harrison County. In 1865, he was elected county auditor, and county recorder in 1866, and in 1870 engaged in the mercantile business, which he continued for three years; then engaged in farming for six years, and in 1881 sold his farm and engaged in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. J. Cronkleton

E.J. Cronkleton, of the firm of Cronkleton & Warren, contractors and builders, was born in Delaware County, Ohio., in 1835; learned his trade at Columbus, and in 1856 moved to Lyons, Ia., and the next year moved to Davenport. In 1861 he enlisted in the 2nd Ia. Cav. He was in a number of important battles, and was taken prisoner at Ripley, Miss., in July, 1864, and imprisoned at Cahaba, Ala.; was released at the close of the war and discharged in 1865, at Davenport. In the spring of 1866 he went to Montana; returned in the fall, and located … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. D. Mitchell

C.D. Mitchell, of the firm of Mitchell & Thompson, dealers in general merchandise, was born in Athens, Ohio., in 1842. In 1862 he enlisted in the 7th O. Cav.; was in a number of important engagements, and was promoted to captain and assistant adjutant general; was discharged July 4th, 1865, and returned to Ohio., and in May, 1866, came to Harrison County and engaged in stock raising; in July, 1867, established his present business with H.C. Laub, of Denison; afterwards, Mr. L. retiring, he carried on the business alone, until forming his present partnership in Sept., 1879. They carry a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Garner

George Garner, proprietor of Woodbine barbershop and temperance billiard hall, was born near Council Bluffs, Ia., in April 1855. In 1861 removed with parents to Raglan Township Harrison County, and in Dec., 1881, he bought out the fixtures of Ohio. Elkins, and keeps a strictly temperance hall, with lunch bar in connection.

Biographical Sketch of W. C. Samson, M.D.

W.C. Samson, M.D., was born in Batemantown, Knox County, Ohio.; removed with parents to Licking County, Ohio. In 1863 he enlisted in the 76th O. Vet. Vol., was through Gen. Sherman’s campaign, march to the sea, etc., and a large number of the prominent battles; was discharged in July, 1865; returned to Ohio, and after visiting home, came to Ia., again returning to Ohio. to attend the Medical College, at Cincinnati, from which he graduated in 1875. He then came to Cedar Rapids, Ia., and engaged in the practice of medicine with Dr. Yarnell, of that city. In the spring … Read more