Biographical Sketch of Horace C. McCleary, M.D.

Horace C. McCleary, M.D., was born in Warren County, Ia. in July 1859; received his education at the Simpson Centenary College, at Indianola, Ia., studied medicine in the medical department of the State University, at Iowa City, and graduated in 1881 from Rush Medical College, Chicago. He located in Logan, July 20th, 1881, succeeding Dr. Giddings. Although a newcomer he is already in the possession of a lucrative and increasing practice. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge.

Biographical Sketch of E. Brandriff

E. Brandriff, farmer, is a native of N.Y.; moved to Ia. in 1859 and located near Council Bluffs, and was engaged in freighting to Denver, Col, until 1864, when he moved to Harrison County, and engaged in farming near Modale.

Biographical Sketch of Geo. D. Bryan

Geo. D. Bryan, stock dealer and shipper, was born in Howard County, Ia., in 1857; moved with parents to Burritt, Ill.; thence in 1869 to Dunlap, Ia. In 1875 he was employed in Jackson’s hardware store; in 1877 engaged in the stock business with is brother, T.J., as partner. They bought and shipped from Col. and Wyoming, as also in this vicinity. They also raised thoroughbred cattle. In Dec., 1880, they shipped a car load to Chicago which averaged 2,080 lbs. Geo. D.B. is now sole proprietor of the business at Dunlap. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. order.

Biographical Sketch of Dr. B. F. Philbrook

Dr. B.F. Philbrook, one of the oldest established dentists in the county, was born in Camden, Me., in 1853; removed with his parents to Ohio., and received his education at the Ohio Weslyan University, at Delaware; moved to Ia., and engaged in the practice of dentistry with T.E. Weeks, of Council Bluffs; remained eighteen months, and in April, 1879; located at Dunlap. He has one of the best fitted offices in the west, with Johnson’s dental engine, extension instrument, bracket, surgeon’s case of liquid nitrous oxide gas, for the painless extraction of teeth, the pedal lever chair, with which any … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. George S. Bacon

Capt. George S. Bacon, farmer, was born in Cayuga County, N.Y., in Sept. 1825. He moved to Washington, D.C., where he attended the Columbia College; graduated in the regular course in 1849, and afterwards taught in the College. He moved to Fairmont, W. Va.; thence in 1856 to Harrison County, Ia., and located on the farm of one hundred and forty acres, where he now resides. On this farm is an extensive orchard of fifteen hundred bearing apple trees. He enlisted in 1862, was first lieutenant of Co. C., 29th Ia. Inft., until the death of Capt. Fuller, when he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of N. L. Cole

N.L. Cole, furniture dealer and undertaker, was born in Indianapolis, Ind., in 1841; came to Harrison County with parents. He enlisted in the 6th Ia. Cav.; was engaged against the Indians in Nebraska and Dakota was injured while building a fort in Sioux Falls, Dakota Aug. 13th, 1865, and discharged in Oct. of the same year. He was married in Sept. 1867, to Libbie Irne. He was engaged in farming until May 1881; bought furniture stock and building of W. Canfield. John S. Cole, father of the subject of this sketch was one of the first settlers of this county. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. Wm. M. Magden

Capt. Wm. M. Magden, attorney at law, was born in Genesee County, N.Y., in 1818; he removed to Wayne County, Mich., and engaged in the manufacture of agricultural implements; afterwards studied law in the office of Morgan & Joslin, at Elgin, Ill., and with Gen. Baker, at Clinton, Ia., two years, and admitted to the bar in Clinton County, in Dec., 1859, Judge Dillon presiding. He practiced in that county until 1862 and enlisted in the 26th Ia. Inft., served three years, and was promoted to captain. He was in a number of prominent battles and was wounded in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. H. Hazlett, M.D.

A.H. Hazlett, M.D., was born in Richland County, Ohio., in 1837; attended the Hayesville Academy, and in 1857 removed to Toledo, Ia., where he studied medicine with Dr. Baldy. In 1861 he enlisted in the 14th Ia. Inft.; was in a number of important battles; was promoted to first lieutenant, and discharged in 1865; returned to Ia. and located in Johnson County. He resumed the study of medicine, and engaged in teaching school until 1872, when he went to Iowa City and attended the medical department of the Iowa University, and the next year attended the Eclectic Medical Institute at … Read more

Tilton & Weeks

Tilton & Weeks, proprietors of livery, feed and sale barn, have stable room for thirty horses; board private rigs, and keep fine rigs for hire. They came to Dunlap from Ogle County, Ill., in 2878, and engaged in farming until entering their present business in th spring of 1881.

Biographical Sketch of Charles F. Luce

Charles F. Luce, land, loan, and collecting agent, was born in Wis. in 1860. He graduated from the Morgan Park Military Academy, in 1877; came to Harrison County, Ia., in same year locating at Woodbine engaging in lumber and grain business which he continued two years, and then engaged in stock business, which he still carries on in connection with the agency, which he established in 1881. Office in the new Boyer Bank building. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. order. In 1879 and 1880 he was deputy sheriff and jailor of Woodbine.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Baird

Samuel Baird, proprietor of Baird’s livery stable, established in 1869, was born in 1847; removed with parents to Pa.; thence to Cumberland, Md., and in 1861 to Galesburg, Ill., when he engaged with his father and brother in the coal business. In 1863 he enlisted in the 139th Ill. Infantry and afterwards enlisted in the 8th Ill. Cav.; was discharged in 1865, and returned to Galesburg, and was employed in the flouring mills until 1869, when he moved to Dunlap and engaged in his present business. He was elected justice of the peace in 1877, which office he still holds; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. D. Fox

S.D. Fox, of the firm of Fox & Dablestein, dealers in and manufacturers of boots and shoes, was born in Manchester, Eng., in 1847; learned his trade, and in 1869 came to America; located at Sylvania, Ohio., where he engaged in boot and shoe making. In 1874 he removed to Bolton City, Co., and engaged in business; the next year came to Dunlap, Ia., and engaged in his present business and partnership. In 1875 he was married at Grand Rapids, Mich., to Miss Dabelstein, and has three children.

Biographical Sketch of Z. W. Pease

Z.W. Pease, blacksmith and waggonmaker, was born in Blissfield, Mich., in 1842; learned his trade at Adrian, and in 1870 moved to Dunlap, Ia., and rented a shop and engaged in his present business, which has increased so that he bought the building in 1873, and in 1881 moved it back and erected in front a large two story shop with three forges; keeps three men constantly employed. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge and encampment. In 1868 he married Lizzie Francisco, at Blissfield, Mich. They have one son and two daughters.

Biographical Sketch of Orin DeWitt Cole

Orin DeWitt Cole, druggist, was born near Woodbine in 1859. His parents came to this county in 1856, and engaged in farming. The business was established in 1870, under the firm name of J.S. Cole & Son, his father retiring from the business.

Biographical Sketch of Reuben Yeisley

Reuben Yeisley, architect, contractor, and builder, was born in Pa. in 1836; located in Harrison County in 1858, settled at Little Sioux and worked at his trade; in 1862 was elected drainage commissioner, and in the fall of 1863, was elected recorder and treasurer of county, and at the expiration of the term, was employed by the railroad company buying rights of way and land for the company. In 1867 he engaged in mercantile business, at Magnolia, and sold out in 1870, and engaged in manufacturing woolen goods, and milling, near Woodbine; sold to Noyes and Adams in 1874, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. E. Pease

H.E. Pease, proprietor of Sheltered Twin livery barn, was born in Mich. in 1845; went to Chicago in 1860, and was employed as newsboy on the C. and N.W. Ry. for about eighteen months; then as brakeman in Tenn. during the war; then promoted to conductor, and at the close of the war, located at Jefferson, Green County, Ia., and was engaged in running dray, express, mail and delivery wagons until 1868, when he removed to Dunlap and engaged in his present business. He has been deputy sheriff two terms; also constable, street commissioner, and marshal of this city. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Weed

John Weed, contractor and builder, was born in Ohio. in 1825; learned his trade at Orrville, and moved to Mich. In 1850, went to Cal., and in 1853 returned to Allegan County, Mich., and worked at this trade five years; then moved to Kane County, Ill.; engaged in farming until 1861, when he enlisted in the 8th Ill. Cav.; was in numerous engagements, and July 10th, 1865, was discharged, and returned to Ill., and worked at his trade until 1866, when he moved to Dunlap, Ia., there being at the time only one house where the city now stands. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. D. Butler

L.D. Butler, lumber dealer and farmer, was born in Ky. in 1826; removed to Clay County, Mo., in 1837 with parents. In 1846 was sent to England as a Mormon missionary, was gone two years, and in 1849 located at Council Bluffs; removed to Harrison County in 1853 and engaged in farming. He built the first gristmill in the county, which he sold to Dally & Clark. He engaged in the mercantile business in 1856, near the mill; moved the business to Woodbine in 1867 and was burned out the same year. He engaged in the lumber business in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. P. Lathrop

A.P. Lathrop, harness maker, was born in Hastings, Ontario, Canada, in 1849; removed to Ill. in 1856 and learned his trade at Morrison. He was in business in Syracuse, Otto County, Neb., two years; moved to Dunlap, Ia. in 1874, and was engaged in business with Mr. Howard of that place, four years, and removed to Woodbine in 1878. He was marshal of Dunlap two years; is member of encampment, I.O.O.F., and A.F. & A.M. orders. He was married in Shelby County, to Flora McGarvey, and has one child.

Biographical Sketch of D. B. Erisman

D.B. Erisman, wholesale dealer and manufacturer of cigars and tobacco, factory No. 220; was born in Lancaster, Penn., in 1844. He learned his trade there, and then established business in Lincoln, Neb., which he continued four and one-half years, and in July 1881, established his present business in Dunlap, Ia. Keeps three men employed, and has fine trade.