Biography of Carroll K. McCullough

C. K. McCullough

C. K. MCCULLOUGH. Until his death on October 31, 1909, Carroll K. McCullough was one of the foremost leaders in the business activities of Anderson and Madison County. He was known as a banker in the local insurance field, as a legislator, and in many ways was identified with the public life of his County and state. The McCulloughs have for sixty years been prominent in the history of Madison County, and members of three generations have given their enterprise and character to the framing and development of the varied life and interests of this locality. The late C. K. … Read more

Biography of Neel M. McCullough

Neel M. McCullough. As cashier of the Citizens Bank of Anderson, as a member of the firm of Vinnedge-McCullough Real Estate Agency and as president of the Pierce Speed Controller Company, Neel M. McCullough is a worthy successor of his late father, and though one of the youngest independent business men, is successfully supervising the many important interests entrusted to his management. Neel M. McCullough was born in the city of Anderson, March 19, 1886, the only son of the late Carroll K. and Hattie B. (Black) McCullough. His early education was obtained in the grammar and high schools at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Larmore

JAMES H. LARMORE. Born near Arcola, Douglass County, Illinois, September 26, 1874, the youngest son of Matthew T. and Mary ( Wild- ridge) Larmore. The father was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, August 15, 1832, the mother in Franklin County, Indiana, January 1, 1834. The son attended the common schools of Indiana and graduated in 1891, after which he spent some years on the farm, reading law in the winter, and one year in the office of Lovett & Holloway, Anderson, Indiana, up to 1898, when he engaged in the insurance business, locating in Pendleton, Indiana. He continued there for … Read more

Biography of Sanford M. Keltner

SANFORD M. KELTNER. Eminently entitled to specific recognition in this history of Madison County is Mr. Keltner, who was one of the representative members of the bar of this section of the state for twenty-six years. He is president of the Anderson Trust Company and vice-president of the Anderson Computing Scale Company, two of the important corporations of the County, and he is known and honored as a citizen of substantial worth of character and marked loyalty and public spirit. Mr. Keltner claims the Buckeye state as the place of his nativity and is a son of one of its … Read more

Biography of Daniel L. Boland

DANIEL L. BOLAND, Clerk of the Court of Madison County since January 1, 1911, and for a number of years engaged in the insurance and loan business, is one of the more prominent and popular men of the city and County in which he has long been located. Born in Henry County, Indiana, Daniel L. Roland is the son of Patrick and Ellen (Tierney) Boland, the father a native of County Tipperary, Ireland, and the mother of the same place. Patrick Boland was educated meagerly in the schools of his native land and passed his boyhood days on a farm. … Read more

Biography of Andrew Ellis

ANDREW ELLIS. One of the oldest railroad men now living in Madison County, spending his declining years in restful retirement at his comfortable home in Anderson, Andrew Ellis can look back over a faithful, honorable record of forty-one years and eleven months spent in the service of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. He was born at Econ- omy, Wayne County, Indiana, September 17, 1841, and is a son of Samuel and Abigail (Key) Ellis. His father, born in Greenfield, Tennessee, in 1798, removed to Wayne County, Indiana, in 1830, and settled in the woods where he purchased land, cleared it and … Read more

Biography of Hon. Frank P. Foster

Frank Foster

HON. FRANK P. FOSTER. Anderson’s present mayor. has been one of the city’s most progressive and loyal citizens since locating here in 1879. Neither as a citizen nor as a representative in the lower branch of the State Legislature, at home or abroad, has he ever let a fitting opportunity pass to add his mite to the sum total of praise in favor of Anderson as a busy, enterprising city. A native of Orange County, Indiana, after receiving a common and high school education, he took a four years’ course at the Indiana State University, from which he graduated in … Read more

Biography of Mason V. Hunt, M. D.

MASON V. HUNT, M. D. The roster of medical men of Madison County who have attained distinction in their profession would be decidedly incomplete did it not contain the name of Dr. Mason V. Hunt, one of the oldest practitioners of the city of Anderson, and a man widely known and highly respected not alone in the ranks of his profession, but in business, social and fraternal circles. For nearly a quarter of a century he has been ministering to the ills of the people of Anderson, and his unquestioned talent and sympathetic nature have drawn to him a large … Read more

Biography of William C. Pettigrew

WILLIAM C. PETTIGREW. A former trustee of Green Township, Mr. Pettigrew is one of the leading farmers of the Township where he has spent practically all his life and as the result of many years’ industry and careful management now owns a splendid country home in section 35 of this Township. William C. Pettigrew was born on a farm in his present home Township November 8, 1858. His parents were John and Sarah (Jones) Pettigrew. The father was a native of Virginia, from which state he came to Madison County when a young man and followed farming. His death occurred … Read more

Biography of Horace E. Jones, M. D.

Thomas Jones

HORACE E. JONES, M. D. It is eminently fitting that the career of Dr. Horace E. Jones be presented in this volume, for he has been a practitioner of medicine for upwards of forty years and his entire professional career has been passed within the borders of Madison County. During his long and honorable career in Anderson he has been successful not only in a material way, but has established himself firmly in the esteem and affection of a wide circle of sincere friends, and as a man who has always had the welfare of his community and its people … Read more

Biography of Clement Warren Hooven

CLEMENT WARREN HOOVEN. When most men die the ranks close up, the community moves on without a break, but a wide circle of acquaintances will long continue to miss the splendid personality of Clement Warren Hooven, who was unexpectedly called from earthly cares and trials on the 28th of August, 1913. He was in all the word implies a man-a man honorable in business, just in his dealings and one who maintained the highest standard of citizenship. Local publications truthfully said of him that his life was not only gentle and pure, but that nature had so mixed its good … Read more

Biography of Martin L. Cromer

MARTIN L. CROMER. Probably there is no better known citizen in Anderson than Martin L. Cromer, who for more than twelve years has served in the capacity of assistant postmaster here, and whose efficient, courteous and obliging services have not only been of great value to his adopted city, but have served to gain hint widespread popularity. Mr. Cromer entered upon his career as a member of the legal profession, but since his appointment to his official position he has given the greater part of his attention to the disarge of its duties. He is a native of the Hoosier … Read more

Biography of Jonas Stewart, M. D.

Jonas Stewart

JONAS STEWART, M. D. Now one of the oldest members of the medical profession in Madison County, and prominently known to the medical fraternity throughout the state, having served some years ago as the first president of the Indiana State Medical Association, after it was reorganized and changed from the old title of Medical Society, Dr. Stewart has been identified by residence and by business and professional activities in Anderson since 1870. Jonas Stewart is a native of Indiana, having been born in Delaware County, January 26, 1843, a son of Lewis and Mary (Crampton) Stewart. The father, who was … Read more

Biography of James A. Van Osdol

JAMES A. VAN OSDOL. The bar of Madison County numbers Mr. Van Osdol among its leading and representative members. He has practiced in the courts here for twenty years, and controls a large and important clientage. He is the general attorney for the Union Traction Company of Indiana, one of the substantial and important corporations controlling interurban electric lines in this state. Prior to entering upon the practice of law Mr. Van Osdol gained distinctive success and prestige as a representative of the pedagogic profession, and he is known as a man of fine attainments and sterling character. He was … Read more

Biography of Fred D. Wright

FRED D. WRIGHT. Foremost among the younger business men of Anderson who have made good in their undertakings and enterprises may be mentioned Fred D. Wright, secretary and treasurer of the Wellington Milling Company for a number of years and identified with the business in a lesser capacity since 1907. He is well versed in milling lore, for he began to take an active interest in the work as early as his seventeenth year, and has maintained a continuous identification with the milling business from that time until the present. His rise has been a steady and continuous one and … Read more

Biography of Otho W. Douglas

OTHO W. DOUGLAS. The work of the firm of Daniels, Lyst & Douglas in the construction of many of the most substantial thoroughfares of Anderson and the surrounding cities and towns, has been of a character not only to leave its impress on the community for many years to come, but to bring the members of the concern prominently before the public as business men of ability, whose activities are serving to advance their section in many ways. Otho W. Douglas, the junior member of this firm, a man of wide and varied experience and versatile talents, is numbered among … Read more

Biography of J. C. Rodger, V. S.

J. C. Rodgers

J. C. RODGER, V. S. The veterinary doctor and surgeon of today recognizes the benefit of science as applied to his profession, and it is a noteworthy fact that, within the last several decades, the course in this line has been as strict as that of a regular doctor of medicine, while the scope of practice being wider, many of the progressive men of today are taking up the veterinary line in preference. One of the successful veterinarians of Madison County is found in the person of Dr. J. C. Rodger, a member of the firm of Rodger & Catey, … Read more

Biography of Isaac E. May

ISAAC E. MAY. A successful business man and public spirited citizen, Mr. May has been identified by residence with Madison County practically all his life. He began his career as a worker for others, and by industry and ability became master of his own circumstances, and since leaving the office of County clerk a few years ago has been engaged in the jobbing business at Anderson. Isaac E. May was born July 7, 1861, at Anderson, Indiana, a son of Isaac M. and Samantha (Kindle) May. His father was one of Indiana’s soldiers who were sacrificed during the Civil war. … Read more

Biography of Jonathan A. Busby

JONATHAN A. BUSBY. On section nineteen of Stony Creek Township is located the valuable and attractive homestead of Jonathan A. Busby. His farm of two hundred and twenty-three acres represents the life work and achievements of a citizen who was horn in the Township and has lived all his life here a quiet industrious farmer, and ‘nail of thorough integrity in all his business and personal relations. Jonathan A. Busby was born in Stony Creek Township, November 3, 1858, a son of Isaac and Sarah A. (Conrad) Busby. The father was a 1 native of Greenbriar County. West Virginia, and … Read more

Biography of Arthur Davis

ARTHUR DAVIS. A well known success as a farmer and live stock dealer has been that of Arthur Davis in Stony Creek Township. He is a native of this part of Madison County, has spent most of his life within the limits of the County, and when he began his independent career it was with a capital of self-reliance and well-trained body and industrious habits rather than with money or influence. He and his wife have prospered since their Marriage and their first attempt to make a home, and they now enjoy not only material prosperity but the esteem of … Read more