Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon
The Pioneers are going one by one and slowly we are all moving toward that realm from which no traveler ever returns to the scenes of earth.
Jerile W. Cook, the subject of this sketch passed away at his home just south of Lostine, January 8th, 1918, after several weeks’ illness. He was born January 14, 1851, thus being 66 years, 11 months and 14 days of age at the time of death.
In 1845 his parents came from Cass County, Illinois, his birth place, and settled in Polk County, Oregon. In 1879 he came to Wallowa County, having spent the winter of 1878-79 in Palouse, Washington. His father, mother and brother also came to Wallowa County about that time and have all since resided here.
His father and mother and two brothers are buried under the sod of Wallowa valley. Thus the family is to be numbered among those sturdy pioneers whose determination and strong right arm have counted in the building of the state.
He leaves four brothers, several nephews and nieces to mourn his going. His brothers are William, T. R., G. B. and N.J. Cook all living up the canyon south of Lostine.
As a young man he identified himself with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Polk County and has since been faithful in his endeavors to inoculate those great principles of Odd fellowship into the structure of his character and to be ever found faithful in the performance of his duties as an Odd Fellow. For nearly 45 years he wore the emblem of the order.
A pioneer, a true and upright man, an honored and highly respected citizen and a good Odd Fellow is cherished in the memories of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Funeral services were conducted from the church in Lostine, Rev. Bogue preaching the funeral discourse. The Odd Fellows of Lostine Lodge No. 155 attended in a body and escorted the body to the cemetery and laid him to rest using the impressive I.O.O.F. Committal service.
Wallowa County Reporter, Wallowa County, Oregon, January 23, 1918
Contributor’s Note, by Gary Jaensch:
Nancy Jane and Effie Hammack were Great aunts of mine. Information taken from The Centennial History of Oregon:
Name was spelled Jerile.
Parents were: Thomas L. and Harriet (Jacobs) Cook
Brothers were: William F. married to Emma Wipple
Thomas Richard married to Nancy Jane Hammack
George Bartholomew married to Effie Hammack
The brother mentioned as N.J. was Thomas Richard’s wife Nancy Jane Hammack