Biography of William Dozier

Last Updated on October 16, 2011 by

William Dozier, architect and builder, Mattoon; was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, Sept. 12, 1836; his grandfather came from Pennsylvania to Ohio as early as 1810, and settled in Muskingum Co., when that section of country was a wilderness; his father was then a lad of some 8 or 9 summers; through want of opportunity, the education of his father was not extended beyond spelling, he never having read a day in school; he was a man, however, of good native ability, and, through his own exertions, obtained a fair education; he served nine years as Justice of the Peace; he lost his life April 5, 1852, by drowning. William’s early life was passed upon the farm, and he secured a good education in the common schools; after the death of his father, he took charge of his mother’s interest, and that of eight younger members of the family, remaining at home till his majority; at the age of 18 years, he began teaching, and taught four winters, farming or following the trade of carpenter during the remainder of the year; in 1858, he came West to Illinois, to prospect the country, and on the 18t day of April, landed in what is now the city of Mattoon, then a village of some 300 inhabitants; here he engaged in working at his trade; subsequently went to Cumberland Co., but soon returned to Mattoon; in the fall of 1859, he returned to Ohio, and Oct. 11, 1859, was married to Maria McCaslin of Morgan Co., Ohio; here he remained till August, 1861, when he again set his face westward, moving, in a two-horse wagon, his goods and effects; he came again to Mattoon; in 1865, he moved to Terre Haute, Ind., and during his residence of three and a half years, built six residences for himself, and also engaged in merchandising, a short time; in 1869, he returned to Mattoon; since his residence he has built ten residences, six of which he now owns; he also owns twenty acres in Okaw Tp., and four acres at his residence near the city limits. Has had two children – Wallace, living; Cadmer, dead. In 1875, in company with his wife he visited England, Scotland and France, and contributed some interesting articles to the city papers on the manners and customs of the people, and on sight-seeing in London, Edinburgh and other noted places.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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