Biographical Sketch of W. D. Busbey

W. D. Busbey, farmer and harness-maker, Oakland; one of the pioneers of Coles Co.; born in Clark Co., Ohio, Dec. 28, 1820, where he engaged in farming until 19 years of age, when he emigrated West in 1839, and located in Coles Co., Ill., where he engaged in farming for a period of fifteen years; in 1860, he located in Oakland, and engaged in the harness and saddlery trade, which business he has since followed, in connection with firming; he owns his shop and eighty acres of land, upon which his residence stands, which he erected in 1854; he held the office of Justice of the Peace for upward of sixteen years in the township in which he lives. He married in April, 1845, to Letitia Black; she was born in Indiana in 1824; she died May 1, 1855, leaving three children – Josiah, Milton and William. His marriage with Margaret A. Newman, was celebrated Feb. 23, 1860; she was born in Jefferson Co., Tenn., Dec. 18, 1826; they have one child now living by this union – Frankie. Her parents were pioneer settlers of Coles Co., locating here in 1834. Mr. Busbey has been a resident of Oakland since 1845, a period of upward of thirty-three years.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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