Biography of Arthur A. Miller

Last Updated on February 18, 2013 by

The list of Wallowa County’s business men and prominent stock raisers would be quite incomplete were there failure to incorporate in the number that of the prominent and intelligent young man which is the subject of this sketch, and of whom we are pleased to record that he has manifested marked ability in business enterprises during the years in which he has wrought here, as well as before coming here, and that also there must be accredited to him sound principles, and a high sense of honor that he has maintained intact and by which excellent sagacity he is demeaned.

On June 2, 1868, in Union, Union County, this state, our subject was born to Simon and Juliet Ann Miller. The boyhood days were spent in gaining a good education, and in assisting his father until the death of the latter, in 1887. Following that sad event, Arthur A., worked for the estate for a time and then bought an interest in a furniture store in Union, the date of this purchase being March 1888. In December of the following year he sold this business and bought a ranch of one hundred and sixty acres near Union and there he engaged in farming for four years. In addition to this he owned a section of land on Clover creek. He sold this entire property and from 1894 to 1897 he was engaged in freighting to the mines in the vicinity of Sumpter, and also he took part in mining. In the year last named he entered partnership with his brother, S.E. Miller, and they bought sixteen hundred head of sheep, running them in Union and Baker counties until 1899. In that year our subject came to Wallowa County and sought out a place for a location, making arrangements in the Imnaha country for this purpose. He then took charge of the business in this county and the brother handled that in Union county. In August 1900, our subject took a homestead on the Imnaha, where he makes his headquarters for the sheep. In 1901 he bought the livery business in Joseph that he now operates and he has made a good success of the venture, as he now does a fine business and makes it felt that he is laboring also for the up building of the county, which has given him a place in its ranks of leading business and stock men. In addition to these enterprises, our subject has found time to give attention to mining and has some very promising properties on the Snake River.

On October 28, 1888, Mr. Miller married Miss Nora B., daughter of Job and Jennie Spray, farmers and stock raisers of Illinois, their native state, and to them have been born two children, Lester E., born June 28, 1890, and Marjorie M., born May 17, 1895. Mrs. Miller was born in Illinois on June 27, 1869. Mr. Miller is a member of the B.P.O.E., Lodge No. 433, in La Grande. Mr. Miller is one of the prominent and promising men of the county, and he is esteemed by all for his good principles as well as for his ability and achievements.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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