Biography of Alexander McGregor

Last Updated on October 13, 2011 by

Alexander McGregor, farmer; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Perthshire, Scotland, July 1, 1807, where he attended the common schools in his youth and assisted his father in farming until upward of 21 years of age, when he located in Glasgow as clerk and salesman in the wholesale store of Robert & John Henderson, with whom he remained until 1842, when he emigrated to America, landing in New York in April, of the same year, coming directly West; he lived in East Oakland Tp. until the spring of 1843, when he located forty acres of land in Morgan Tp., upon which he settled and, about 1845, entered forty more and afterward added by purchase until he had 535 acres, which he made by his own hard labor; he has always been one of the most industrious and hard-working men of Morgan Tp., and is held in high esteem as a citizen; he has always taken a deep interest in the cause of religion and education, having been an active member of the Presbyterian Church for upward of half a century; on Jan. 9, 1872, he was stricken with palsy, and upon the 13th of the same month received his second shock, since which time he has been confined to the house, and is nearly in a helpless condition, which affliction he has borne with Christian fortitude. His marriage with Margaret Dollar was celebrated June 11, 1833; she was born in Perthshire, Scotland, Nov. 18, 1811; five children were the fruit of this union, three of which are deceased; the names of the living are William and John. Mr. McGregor was a strong Union man during the war of the rebellion, two of his sons serving in the Union Army, Alexander being killed at the battle of Perryville; Mrs. McGregor died April 27, 1876; Mr. McGregor continues to live upon the old homestead with his younger son, John, by whom he is kindly cared for; John was born in the old homestead Feb. 1, 1848, where he has always lived; he married April 12, 1877, to Rosanie C. Craig; she was the daughter of James W. Craig, one of the early settlers of Coles Cu.; they have one child by this union-Margaret J., born Dec. 15, 1878.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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