M. Alshuler, staple and fancy dry goods, Mattoon; was born in Bavaria, Germany, A. D. 1836; his early life was spent in school; having acquired a good education, in February, 1852, he immigrated to America, end first located in Danville, Ill., where he engaged as clerk in a general dry goods store. In 1854, he went to Chicago, and was employed in a jewelry and fancy store, on Lake street; he next located with the firm of Edsall & Co., in Terre Haute, Ind., and remained with that firm seven years; with another firm he remained three years longer, and, in 1865, came to Mattoon; here the dry goods firm of Alshuler, Aaron & Co. was formed, and continued one year; the firm of C. & M. Alshuler was next formed, and existed eleven years. In the spring of 1876, the firm of C. &. M. Alshuler was dissolved, and that of M. Alshuler & Co. formed. To Mr. Alshuler must be accorded, and justly, too, the honor of opening up the first exclusively dry goods establishment in the city; prior to his example, merchandising in Mattoon had been conducted on the plan of ” ye olden times,” when each carried in stock a line of dry goods, groceries, queensware, drugs, hardware, etc., etc.; under his healthful example, business soon became classified; by strict attention to business, fair dealing, and the establishment of a one price ” system, strictly adhered to, he has succeeded in building up a large and remunerative business, and now operates the largest and most prosperous dry goods establishment in the city. He was married Sept. 13, 1871, to Fannie Frank, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio; have two children – Cora and Damon T.