Biographical Sketch of M. Alshuler

M. Alshuler, staple and fancy dry goods, Mattoon; was born in Bavaria, Germany, A. D. 1836; his early life was spent in school; having acquired a good education, in February, 1852, he immigrated to America, end first located in Danville, Ill., where he engaged as clerk in a general dry goods store. In 1854, he went to Chicago, and was employed in a jewelry and fancy store, on Lake street; he next located with the firm of Edsall & Co., in Terre Haute, Ind., and remained with that firm seven years; with another firm he remained three years longer, and, … Read more

Biography of Peter Fries

Man whose personality was strongly A impressed on Rock Island County, was Peter Fries, distiller, banker, and man of affairs. Mr. Fries was born May 4, 1822, on the family estate known as “Guss-Hof,” situated on the River Main, in Bavaria, Germany. He died July 20, 1902, in Rock Island, Illinois. His father’s name was Johann, his mother’s, Gertrude (nee Brand), of Reistenhausen. Johann Fries was the owner of the Guss-Hof, the estate which had descended from father to son for many generations, and was situated near Stadt Prozelten. Peter Fries, the subject of this sketch, was the youngest of … Read more

Biography of George Eberlein

GEORGE EBERLEIN-For generations the Eberlem family in Germany has maintained the Eberlein Blacksmith Shops, which were founded by one of their forebears in 1788. Every generation has produced one sturdy and efficient blacksmith, who loves his trade and manages the shops so well that their excellent reputation continues. George Eberlein himself began to learn smithing when he was ten years old, and had mastered it by his fourteenth year with German thoroughness, and he has greatly benefited by his knowledge since he came to America. William Eberlein, his grandfather, died in Germany in 5876. His son, William Eberlein, was born … Read more

Biography of Ignatz Huber

The City of Rock Island is indebted for its present prosperity and commercial activity to many men whose capital and intellect have been instrumental in promoting its growth; but one of the men to whom it is chiefly indebted for his activity in promoting those industries and measures which are the life of a city is Ignatz Huber, one of Rock Island’s pioneer brewers and financiers. Mr. Huber is a native of Bavaria, Germany. He was born February 1, 1826. His boyhood and youth were spent in his native Bavaria, and after his school days were finished, learned the brewer’s … Read more

Biography of Frank Dekum

For many years the subject of this sketch has occupied a commanding position in the commercial and financial history of Portland. His career and achievements forcibly illustrate what may be accomplished by one who pursues earnest purposes and makes right use of his opportunities. Coming to Portland before it had outgrown the limits of an insignificant hamlet, he has grown with its growth until to-day he is one of the leading men of finance in the metropolis of Oregon. He was born in Bavaria, Germany, November 5, 1829. At the age of eight years he accompanied his parents to America, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Kineth

JOHN KINETH. – This pioneer of Oregon and of Whidby Island, Washington, is a native of Bavaria, Germany, and was born in 1828. At the age of ten years he came with his parents to American, and passed his early life in Springfield, Illinois. He there obtained the practical education of the West, and learned as his resource for the livelihood the trade of a harness-maker. As early as 1849 he felt the impulse to go West. Joining a company of emigrants at Springfield, he crossed the plains, arriving at Milwaukee, Oregon, November 3d. Seeing that there was an abundance … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick W. Bruch

Bruch, Frederick W.; manufacturer; born, Feb. 22, 1852, Rhine, Bavaria, Germany; son of Karl F. and Sophia Zeppn Brach; public school education; married, Cleveland, Sept. 29, 1888, Miss Emma Mohrman; issue, Alfred E., Karl F., Ethel S., and Edward P., learned and followed the machinist’s trade until 1880; became associated with Claus Greve and Daniel Luehers, establishing the Acme Machinery Co., business conducted as a partnership until 1892; then incorporated as The Acme Machinery Co., became pres. of the company at that time, and still occupies that position; pres. The Kraus Furniture Co., Adams Realty Co., organizer and director The … Read more

Biography of Phillip Brown

Phillip Brown. Like many other men of Eastern Kansas who are now possessed of independent means and hold well-established positions in their various communities, Phillip Brown was in modest eireumstances when he first came to this state. At that time, in 1879, he had been in the United States for nine years, but had not made any appreciable advancement, owing to the fact that his operations had been conducted in a community where it was necessary that a man be possessed of large capital in order to compete with his fellows. In Kansas, however, he found a field in which … Read more

Biography of Louis Schorn

Louis Schorn President of the Olive Milling Company, was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1839, came to the United States in 1856, and engaged as clerk for a dry-goods merchant in Alabama until 1861, when he returned to the old country to visit his parents. In 1864 he again sought “the land of the free.” After clerking three years in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he spent one year in Kansas, and then until 1882 he was successfully engaged in the grocery and milling business in Texas. Then he came to California and purchased forty acres of land northwest of Anaheim, where he … Read more

Biography of Franz L. Koehler

The sturdy German element in our national commonwealth has been one of the most important factors in furthering the substantial and normal advancement of the country, for this is an element signally appreciative of practical values and also of the higher intellectuality which transcends all provincial confines. Well may any person take pride in tracing his lineage to such a source. As one of the able and enterprising citizens whom the German Fatherland has contributed to the United States, and as one of the prominent and progressive citizens of the flourishing town of Moscow, Latah County, Idaho, Franz Louis Koehler … Read more

The Grassinger Family of Prairie du Rocher Illinois

John Grassinger

Mr. John Grassinger of Prairie du Rocher, was born July 6, 1836, in Bavaria, Germany, and came to America in 1850. Coming first to St. Louis, he remained there until his father died, in the same year, and left him an orphan. He worked as a gardener until 1865, when he bought the farm which is now owned by his son-in-law. He owns his present home in the town, whither he removed on his retirement from farming. In 1856 he was married to Miss Mary M. Chapen, who bore him four children, Henry J., William P., Lucille and Lizzie. Mrs. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. K. Halle

Halle, C. K.; broker; born, Bavaria, Feb. 8, 1844; son of Mannuel and Ida Halle; Cleveland High School education; married, Cleveland, 1875, Sarah Hart; four sons; started in the oil business with W. C. Scofield, Great Western Oil Co., also handled glassware and wholesale groceries; sold out in 1897; joined Cleveland Stock Exchange, selling bonds, stocks and all kinds of securities; specializing in Standard Oil stocks; charter member Excelsior Club.