Biographical Sketch of J. W. Moore

J. W. Moore, lumber merchant, Mattoon; was born in Kent Co., England, in June, 1832; when 10 years of age, he lost his father; in 1850, his mother, with her family, immigrated to America and settled in Chicago, where they remained about two and one-half years; they then removed to Cook Co., where himself and an older brother engaged in farming and operating a country store, his mother managing largely the interests of her family; in 1865, the subject of this sketch moved to Monee, Will Co., and, in company with a Mr. Dickson, under the firm name of Dickson & Moore, engaged in the sale of lumber and agricultural implements; in 1874, he came to Mattoon and opened up his present business. He was married in July, 1865, to Cordelia Sisson, a native of Illinois; they have three children – Ernest S., Charles H. and Augusta E. He is a member of the School Board on the West Side.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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