Biography of Ed. F. Winn

No work that might attempt to tell the story of the settlement and civilization of Idaho would be complete if it should contain no account of the hard, brave work performed by Deputy Sheriff and Deputy United States Marshal Ed. F. Winn, in ridding the country of the gangs of thieves, cut-throats and outlaws that once infested it. A book devoted to the exploits of Winn and other Federal and civil officers in this part of the country would be of thrilling interest. Ed. F. Winn is a native of Brownsville, Pennsylvania, and was born October 29, 1857. His parents, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles D. Davis

This worthy pioneer and capable citizen of Malheur County is one of the well known farmers of the vicinity of Ontario, having a farm of eighty acres two and one-half miles northwest from Ontario which is well improved with comfortable buildings, orchards, etc., having also a good supply of water for irrigating. Mr. Davis is a native of Douglas County, Nebraska, being born on November 23, 1855, and the son of Charles B. and Jane (Platt) Davis. The father was a veteran of the Mexican war, participating in many battles and skirmishes and, being honorably discharged at its close. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Asa Shiverick

Shiverick, Asa; merchant; born, Omaha, Neb., 1877; son of Charles and Eleanor Coary Shiverick; educated, St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H.; married, Concord, N. H., Janette Bancroft; vice pres. and gen. mgr. The Higbee Co.; vice pres. J. N. Adam & Co; member the Union Club, Cleveland, the Ellicott Club, Buffalo, the Country Club, Buffalo.

Houses of the Iowa Tribe

An Iowa structure

On September 15, 1819, the expedition under command of Maj. Stephen H. Long arrived at the mouth of Papillion Creek, on the right bank of the Missouri a few miles above the Platte, a site now covered by the city of Omaha, Nebraska. In the narrative of the expedition it is said that at the mouth of the Papillion ” we found two boats belonging to the Indian traders at St Louis. They had passed us some days before, and were to remain for the winter at the mouth of the Papillion, to trade with the Otoe, Missouri, and other … Read more

Biography of Louis Elg

The man who first used gas for illumination at Idaho Falls, who put in the first telephone and who set up the first soda fountain in the town, is Louis Elg, druggist. Front and Maine streets. In other respects Mr. Elg has been a pioneer as well. His life has been a busy and eventful one and its important details are well worth the writing and the reading. He was born in Sweden, June 8, 1853, and is descended from a long line of Swedish ancestors. His father, also named Louis Elg, was an ironworker and was frozen to death, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Amos Hinsdale Plumb

Amos Hinsdale Plumb is one of the children of the late Senator Preston B. Plumb and Caroline (Southwick) Plumb. He was born at Emporia, January 31, 1869, He was educated in the public schools of Emporia and the Kansas State University at Lawrence. Mr. Plumb’s chief business activities have been in real estate and mining. He organized and is president of the Mutual Building and Loan Association of Emporia, and during 1915-17 was president of the building and loan section of the Kansas Bankers’ Association. He was married at Omaha, Nebraska, January 1, 1897, to Elva Lawrence Gibson, daughter of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Grant Smith

Smith, William Grant; railway express business; born, Fox Lake, Wis., Aug. 24, 1861; son of Lewis and Fannie A. Stevens Smith; educated, public schools and Ripon College, Wisconsin; married, Medford, Mass., June 25, 1902, Martha Chapin Wilcox; one daughter, Josephine Wilcox Smith; in 1879, entered the employment of The American Express Co.; appointed supt. Wisconsin Division, 1892; same position for Michigan in 1895; asst. gen. agt. at Omaha, Neb. 1902; 2nd asst. to gen. manager, Chicago, Ill., 1903; asst. to vice pres. and gen. mgr., Chicago, Ill., 1906; mgr. Central Dept., Cleveland, 1910; member of Illinois Society, Sons of American … Read more

Ruth Miriam Todd of Portland OR

Ruth Miriam, b. Jan. 29, 1894, she is a college graduate and was athletic editor her senior year, is a member of the largest athletic clubs in America, has recently been elected as teacher of physical culture and English in two splendid High schools. Ruth began life in a beautiful little villa by the banks of the Blue River at Blue Springs, Neb. and her arrival was heralded by the gift of a home, and half a car-load of supplies of all kinds of provisions that came over the Burlington Railroad–a bountiful and most generous consideration from her father’s people … Read more

McComas, E. S. – Obituary

One of the largest funerals in the history of the town of Union marked the obsequies of the pioneer editor and politician, E. S. McComas. The funeral was held at Union, Wednesday afternoon, September 6 at 3 o’clock, and was attended by a great gathering of pioneers. The body was laid to rest beside his mother, brother, and son. The deceased leaves a widow, one daughter, an adopted son and three sisters, Mrs. Alice M. Bell of Enterprise, Mrs. Esther E. Pursel and Mrs. Mary R. Thomson of Union. Mrs. Bell received word of her brother’s extermity Saturday afternoon and … Read more

Cusick, E. A. Mrs. – Obituary

Died-At the residence of S. O. Swackhumer in this city, Saturday, February 11, 1893, Mrs. E. A. Cusick. The deceased, whose maiden name was Emma Amanda Dodge, was born in Montpelier, Vermont, March 20th, 1850. Died in Union, Oregon, February 11, 1893, was therefore nearly 43 years old. When eight years of age she moved with friends to Omaha, Neb., and in the summer of 1863 crossed the plains with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Swackhumer, stopping in Grande Ronde valley where she has lived most of her life since. She was married in Wasco County, … Read more

Biography of William M. Brown, M. D.

The medical fraternity is ably represented by Dr. William M. Brown, who is the leading physician of Cuprum, whither he removed in June of the present year, 1899, from Salubria, where he had continuously and successfully engaged in practice from June 1892. He was born in Preble County, Ohio, on the 18th of November, 1860. His ancestors were early settlers of South Carolina, and his grandfather, James Brown, was born in Due West, that state. James Scott Brown, the Doctor’s father, was a native of Preble County, Ohio, and having arrived at man’s estate he married Miss Julia Robertson, of … Read more

George W. Todd of Omaha NE

George W. Todd8, (Edwin R.7, Thomas J.6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Feb. 22, 1873, married in 1901, Rhena Jensen. He is a dentist in Omaha, Neb. Children: 2413. Charlotte, b. 1903. 2414. A son, d. young. 2415. Virginia, b. 1910. 2416. Harriet, b. 1911.

Ralph Lallaway Todd of Omaha NE

Ralph Lallaway Todd9, (Edward S.8, Lucius M.7, Levi6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Oct. 10, 1889, in Aurora, Ill., married in Omaha, Neb., Dec. 5, 1911, Helen Claire Leet, who was born Nov. 4, 1890, in Audubon, Iowa. Child: 2793. Edward Leet.

Ouren, Louis H. – Obituary

Ouren, Louis H., 76, of Hibert, WI, formerly of Omaha. Died Tues. Feb. 4 at his home. Born Aug. 11, 1920, Des Moines, IA to Louis H. and Hazel (Stevens) OUREN. Survived by sons Steve Duren of Shell Beach, CA, Charlie and Teresa Ouren of Omaha, daughter Cheryl and Michael Jansen of Hibert, WI, 7 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren, special friend Pepper, preceded by wife Margery. Funeral Services Friday 1 pm, Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery. Omaha World Herald, February 6, 1997 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Ouren, Louis Hamilton – Obituary

Ouren, Louis Hamilton, 7350 Graceland Dr. (Omaha), age 94. Survived by wife, Lettie, son Louis Henry Ouren of Omaha, stepdaughter Lois Bolten of Griswold, IA, several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Services Tues. 1 pm. Burial Forest Lawn Cemetery, Omaha. Omaha World Herald, April 9, 1979 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Fleetwood, Arnold Eugene “Arnie” – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Arnold Eugene “Arnie” Fleetwood, 69, of Baker City, died Dec. 6, 2002. At his request, there will be no services, and he will be interred with his son, Mike. Arnie was born Jan. 2, 1933, to George William and Ruth Marie McGragh Fleetwood in Omaha, Neb. He was raised in orphanages most all of his youth, but received an education and graduated in Omaha. In 1950, Arnie joined the U.S. Marine Corps and served in Korea for three years. During Arnie’s life, he enjoyed working in various occupations. He worked construction, logged on the Oregon Coast, worked … Read more

Bostrom, Roy E. – Obituary

Bostrom, Roy E., 82; of Omaha. Survived by son James R.; daughter Mary Flatt both of Omaha; 2 sisters Eleanor B. Eggen of Perham, MN and Florence A. Douglas of Spokane, WA; 5 grandchildren; 3 great grandchildren; cousins Bert and Fern Marlow of Omaha. Services 11 am Sat. at Roeder Mortuary. Interment Calhoun Cemetery, Missouri Valley, IA. Roeder Mortuary, 50th and Ames Ave.; 453-5600. Omaha World Herald, November 21, 1986 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Biography of Gerald Francis Wilson

Gerald Francis Wilson. Among the contributing factors to progress and prosperity in Clay County are the newspapers, and in taking them into account the Leader, at Longford, should by no means be overlooked. It is a live, wide-awake, progressive journal becanse such are the characteristics of its able editor and manager, Gerald Francis Wilson, who had the advantage of being a practical printer and before assuming charge of the Leader had had editorial experience. Gerald Francis Wilson was born at Racine, Wisconsin, November 4, 1891. His parents were Fred Morgan and Miranda (Kennedy) Wilson, the latter of whom was born … Read more

Biography of William W. Driggs, Jr.

William W. Driggs, Jr.,is a capable young newspaper man and is now editor of the Bern Gazette in Nemaha county. The Gazette is one of the live papers of that county, and was established in 1898 by M. E. Ford. The editor of the paper was born in Hannibal, Missouri, December 25, 1891. His father is William W. Driggs, Sr., and together they make the firm Driggs & Driggs, publishers of the Bern Gazette. The senior Driggs was born March 25, 1856, in Pennsylvania. At the age of fifteen he learned telegraphy and began working soon afterward as a railroad … Read more