Pulaski County Georgia Spanish-American War Records

Last Updated on October 25, 2013 by Dennis

Compared with the numbers engaged in the War Between the States, the armies that met to determine the fate of Cuba were small. Georgia as a State was called on for two regiments of twelve companies each, and there was great rivalry as to which of the military organizations already formed should go. Hawkinsville at the time had a company, the Pulaski Volunteers, that volunteered their service, but they were declined. Three regiments were made up from Georgia’s National Guard, but neither of these saw service on the firing line. Two of them never left the State, though encamped at Chickamauga, and the third did garrison duty in Cuba after the cessation of hostilities. Mr. J. B. McDuffie was a First Lieutenant in this regiment. An additional regiment was organized in Georgia, however, known as the Third U. S. Vol. Inf., and was named “Rays Immunes,” a company which was officered by Hawkinsville men, and its nucleus was formed here.

This company was recruited by Mr. J. D. Rooney and he was mustered into service as Colonel of the last-named regiment. The company was organized by T. C. Taylor, Esq. Nine men were mustered in on the 9th of June in Macon and returned to Hawkinsville and took quarters at the old Chautauqua building, where recruits were taken. By June 21st, thirty-two had been enlisted. On the 22nd the company was ordered to Macon and joined the balance of the regiment at Central City Park.

On arrival at Macon, Charles R. Warren was commissioned Captain,
Thomas M. Jelks, First Lieutenant, and J. D. Rooney, Second Lieutenant. Lieutenant Jelks resigned before the regiment left for Cuba.

The entire company was enlisted from this county. It is to be regretted that a full roster of the Pulaski County men who served in it cannot be secured, but among them were:

John T. Coleman. Sr.
William D. Coney
Herbert Rooney
Sell Lancaster
John Donalson
John K. Partin, Jr.
Henry Purser
Ollie Burgamy
William Bass
Hardy Bass
William Boynton
Millard Sapp
John A. Holder, Jr., who served as First Sergeant.

There were others from our county who enlisted in other commands during this war, among them being:

W. C. Hendley, who belonged to Company I, 42nd U. S. Volunteers
Herbert L. Grice of Company of 1st Georgia Volunteers.

Pulaski County GA,

Baggott, Rev. J. L. History of Pulaski County Georgia. Daughters of American Revolution. 1935.

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