Biography of Floyd Stewart, M.D.

Dr. Floyd Stewart, formerly connected professionally with the United States army and navy for several years, is now engaged in the private practice of medicine in St. Louis, making a specialty of genito-urinary diseases. A native of Georgia, he was born at Thomaston, October 20, 1873, a son of the late Alcee W. Stewart, who was born in Louisiana and was of Scotch descent. His grandfather was Samuel Stewart, who was born in County Down, Ireland, and was a lineal descendant of the family of Stewart that formerly reigned in Scotland and England. Samuel Stewart came to America in 1816. He was an architect by profession and was married in New Orleans in 1833, continuing a resident of this country until his death, which occurred in 1868. His wife bore the maiden name of Marguerite Nisida Giquel and was a daughter of J. B. F. and Elizabeth (de St. Romes) Giquel, the latter’s father being Colonel de St. Romes, who was engineer in chief of the French colonies of the West Indies and was made chevalier of the Order of St. Louis in 1755 by order of Louis XV.

Alcee W. Stewart, son of Samuel Stewart and father of Dr. Floyd Stewart, was reared and educated in New Orleans and at St. Timothy’s Hall, Catonsville, near Baltimore, Maryland, and was valedictorian of his class in 1858. Prior to the Civil war he was a lieutenant in the Louisiana Militia, resigning to become active with the Confederacy as a private. He was afterward made second lieutenant and finally first lieutenant in the Twentieth Louisiana Regiment. After the war he was a commission merchant in New Orleans but moved to St. Louis in 1873 and dealt In naval stores. He was a democrat in his political views and an Episcopalian in religious faith. He married Floyd Elizabeth Greene, a native of Georgia and a representative of an old family of both Virginia and Georgia, descended through the maternal line from the Stewart and Floyd families of England and Wales. The death of Mrs. Stewart occurred in St. Louis in 1892, when she was in her forty-seventh year, and Alcee W. Stewart passed away May 2, 1917, at the age of seventy-five years and five months. They were the parents of four sons and a daughter, including Dr. Floyd Stewart, who was their fourth child.

In the maternal line Dr. Stewart is descended from an old southern family. His mother was the daughter of Judge James W. Greene, of the superior court of Georgia. and his wife, Sarah Evelyn Greene, who was the daughter of Raleigh and Elizabeth (Floyd) Greene, the latter a daughter of Colonel John B. and Anne (Stewart) Floyd of Georgia. The wife of Colonel John B. Floyd was a sister of General John Stewart, who commanded the army of Georgia in 1813. Judge James W. Greene, the maternal grandfather of Dr. Stewart of this review, was the son of Thomas Bass and Patience Clark (Wyche) Greene and a grandson of James Greene, who was a soldier of the Revolutionary war.

Dr. Floyd Stewart was educated in private and public schools of St. Louis, in the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee, and in Washington University, In which he completed his professional course, winning his M. D. degree April 25, 1896. Following his graduation he served in the Charity Hospital at New Orleans for two years and afterward spent a similar period in the New Orleans Polyclinic. He later joined the Louisiana Naval Reserves, with which he served for a year and then became connected with the United States army as a surgeon with the rank of major, serving in the latter connection for more than a year in Cuba during the Spanish-American war, being at various military points on the island. In 1900 he returned to St. Louis, where he entered upon general private practice but gives special attention to genito-urinary diseases and in the membership list of the American Medical Association is classified as a urologist. He belongs to the St. Louis Medical Society, the Missouri State Medical Association, the American Medical Association and the American Urological Association, also to the organization known as United States Military Surgeons. He has won prominence and distinction in the educational Held, having formerly been professor of medicine in the American Medical College, professor of urology in the National University and professor in the dermatological department of Washington University. At one time he was surgeon general of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and he is well known as a contributor to medical journals, having written many articles of recognized value upon professional questions and problems.

On the 25th of July, 1898, in New Orleans, Dr. Stewart was married to Miss Ada May Rowley, a native of the Crescent City and a daughter of Walter Livingston and Catherine Ann (Mortee) Rowley, both now deceased. Her father, who was born in New York in 1834 and died in New Orleans in 1891, was a son of Rufus and Charlotte (Stockman) Rowley and was a grandson of Richmond Rowley, who lived at Richmond, Massachusetts, near Pittsfield, the place being named in his honor. The mother of Walter L. Rowley was a daughter of Dr. Stockman, of Utica, New York, and Caroline (Richie) Stockman, whose father was an Episcopal minister of Philadelphia. Mrs. Stewart’s mother, who in her maidenhood was Catherine Ann Mortee, was born in 1841 and died in 1916. She was the daughter of William P. and Judith Catherine (Penn) Mortee, of Patrick County, Virginia. Her grandmother was Sarah Gordon, of Richmond, Virginia, who became the wife of George Penn, the son of John Penn, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and related to the distinguished Penn family of Pennsylvania. An uncle, Alexander Gordon Penn, of Patrick county, Virginia, was a prominent congressman, serving in the national halls of legislation in 1851 and again in 1853.

Dr. and Mrs. Stewart have had three children: Seymour Floyd, Catherine Penn and one who died in infancy. The family resides at No. 5266 Washington boulevard in St. Louis. During the World war Dr. Stewart served on the medical examining board, also in connection with volunteer medical service and was actively identified with Red Cross and other interests that had to do with the successful prosecution of the war. He belongs to the Washington University Alumni Association, is a member of Missouri Lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A. M., and is a communicant of St. George’s Episcopal church, while his political endorsement is given to the democratic party. Thoroughness and earnestness characterize him in every relation of life. He is loyal to any cause which he espouses and feels that he is responsible for the wise use of his time, talents and opportunities, being particularly conscientious in the performance of all of his professional duties.


Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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