Will Of Roger Haskell, Of Beverly

Last Updated on March 18, 2013 by

Copied from time original on file in Essex County Probate Office.

“The 27: of May: 1667. I Roger Haskell being sick in body, but of perfect memorye, doe make this my last will & testament-

I doe bequeathe & give to my wife two cowes, the one being at our son in lawes, William Dodges, and one at home named Coll-

I likewise doe bequeathe & give to my three youngest sons Roger, Josiah & Samuel three other cowes, as young white face, velvett & Colly-likewise I give to my daughters Hannah & Sarah 2 heifers, a red one named Cherry, a yoake of oxen, called Brownie & broade —

I likewise give to my son William, 2 oxin named black & Butler & the horse I had of Nhemiah Grouer-

I likewise give to my son John a lynd ox.-

I likewise to my sister Joane a heifer as soone as the calf is taken of.-

I likewise give to my son Marke my Black horse,-and to Roger my Roaned horse,-and to my sons Josiah & Samue1 my two mares.-

Likewise I give to my wife a yearling- and to my daughter Elizabeth the browne yearling-& a yearling to my 3 youngest sons.-

likewise I leave my sheep to a my wife & children to pt them as they think fitt.-

I likewise give to my 3 youngest sons all my lands and houses where I now live, to be equally divided when they come to age, out of same land my will is that they pay to my two daughters: Hannah & Sarah, ten pounds sterling apeace.

I likewise give to my sons Mark & my Barne close, with that meadow that joyne to it, out of the which my will is, that this my sonne is to pay to Hannah & Sarah ten pounds sterling when they come of age

I likewise bequeathe and glve to my son John & William, forty acres of land apeace, behind the great pond.

And like wise that land at Drapers poynt caled Mr Gaffords, with time meddow, my will is that my wife shall have the one half & my 3 sons Roger, Josiah & Samuel the other halfe.

And my meddow at Bunkers to be devided equally, between my two sons John & William. A likewise my meddow at wenham meddow, either of them an equal proportion.

Likewise my will is that my son William Dodge shall have half my medow at the great pond, & John & William the other halfe.

Likewise my will is that William Dodge, shall have ten acres of land most convenient for him, neere his how dwelling. And my two daughters Hannah & Sarah twelve acres apiece out of the same land and the rest of that land to be equally divided amongst my 3 youngest sons provided that the waye my still remain out of that land to my now dwelling—

I likewise give Roger my steere called Goulding, & Josiah a steure called gallant—my son Marke to him I give that land my father in law, John Stone line upon, after his decease,

I likewise give to my wife one Roome which she please, And that my wife shall have the dis­posing of this my estate till my sons & Daughters come to aeg. And upon the same she is to bring them up in the fear of God, and to prouid for them, & my desire is that my brothers, William & Mark Haskall be the ones seeres to see this my will truly pformed.

the mark of R ROGER HASKALL.

Witnes Thomas Pickton.

And also Elizabeth ye wife of said Roger deceased is declared by time court, to be executrix of ye said will. Thomas Pickton & John Hill gave oath in court at Salem 26: 4 MO: 1667: that the above named Roger Haskall signed to the above written, & declared it to be his last will & testament, & there was no other will of him the said Roger made alterwards that they know of.



Genealogy, Will,

Derby, Perley. The descendants of Thomas White of Marblehead, and Mark Haskell of Beverly, Mass. With a brief notice of the Coombs Family. Salem, Massachusetts. 1872.

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