Sybil Todd Wheeler

WHEELER, Sybil Todd5, (Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born 1753, died May 11, 1777, married July 10, 1776, John, son of Capt. James and Sarah (Johnson) Wheeler who married second Nov. 19, 1777, Sarah Johnson, by whom he had (1) Elijah, b. 1778; (2) Samuel; (3) Sybil, b. 1783.


  1. John Todd, b. May 4, 1777, d. 1868. His father soon removed to the West, and left him in the care of his grandparents in Derby, Conn. He settled in Seymour, Conn., where he became an enterprising merchant. He married in 1797, Sally Clark, of Woodbridge, (Conn.?), and had John Clark, b. 1799, d. Feb. 8, 1881. He m. Charlotte, daughter of Joel and Ruth (Stoddard) Chatfield, and sister to Oliver Stoddard Chatfield. He was a manufacturer of paper and augers; removed to New York City where he died. They had
    1. Henry, b. 1815, m. Nancy Hotchkiss of New Haven, Ct., who was b. 1819, had six children
    2. Frances, b. 1817, m. O. C. Putnam, of New York City, had four children
    3. Howard, b. 1819, d. 1828; (4) John, b. 1821, m. Alice Stanley, of New York City, where they afterward resided, they had four children
    4. Sarah, b. 1825, m. Charles E. Converse, and resided in New York City, they had three children
    5. Charlotte
    6. Mary
    7. Elizabeth, d. aged 2 years.

Converse, Putnam, Todd, Wheeler,


Todd, George Iru. Todd Family in America. Gazette Printing Company. 1920.

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