Prominent British Davises of 1920’s

Last Updated on March 19, 2013 by

ALEXANDER DAVIS: b., London, 1861; educ., private; lived and traveled for many years in South Africa; amateur artist and sculptor; 1st editor and later principal owner, The Leader, Nairobi. Pubs: “The Native Problem in South Africa”. Add: Nairobi, Kenya Colony.

ARTHUR CHARLES: M. Inst., C.E.M.I., Mech. E.; Managing Director, Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers; b. 1877; 2nd s. of George John; educ., Weymouth Coll.; Medway Conservancy, Port of London Authority. Pubs: “One Hundred Years of Portland Cement”. Add: London.

ARTHUR HENRY: D.S.O., 1916; Barrister-at-law; was Temp. Major Army Service Corps; b., Oughborough, 1886; s. of R.T.H.; educ., Univ. Coll., London; called to Bar, Middle Temple, 1920; served European War. Add.: London.

ARTHUR HOEY: (STEELE RUDD): b., Drayton, 1868; educ., Emu Creek State School; as a boy worked on sheep stations; went to Brisbane, 1886, and entered Civil Service, became contributor to Brisbane Press and then to Sydney Bulletin. Pub: “On Our Selection”, etc.

ARTHUR J.: F.R.I.B.A.; Ordre de la Couronne, Belgique; partner in firm Mewes and Davis, architects; b., 1878; educ., Ecole Beaux Arts, Paris. Chief Works: Interior planning and decoration of Carlton Hotel; Ritz Hotel; etc. Add: London.

SIR CHARLES HENRY: Kt., cr., 1910; b., 1847; s. of Theodore; educ., Worcester Coll., Oxford; B.A., 1870; admitted, Solicitor, 1873; Ass’t Solicitor, Public Works Loan Commissioners, 1876. Add: London.

SIR CHARLES THOMAS: G.C.M.G., cr. 1928; K.C.M.G., cr. 1923; C.M.G., 1915; Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs; b., 1873; s. of late Thomas; educ., Christ Coil.; Brecon; Principal Clerk, Colonial Office, 1916. Add: London.

SIR DAVID: Kt., cr., 1923; J.P., City of Birmingham, 1904; b. 1859; e. s. of Michael Davis; educ., Univ. Coil. School; Chairman, Birmingham and Midland Hospital for Sick Children, 3 years; one of Founders, Nerve Hospital. Add: London.

DAVID: C.B.E., 1928; D.L., J.P., L.C.C.; Solicitor (Honoursman and Member of the Law Society); b., 1877; s. of late Moses; educ., St. Leonards; Mem. of the Governing Bodies of the Aldgate Freedom Foundation, Aldgate Joint Estates Charities and the Sir John Cass Fountations, etc. Add: London.

VEN. DAVID. GRIMALDJ: D.D., Archdeacon of Montgomery; Vicar of Pool Quay; educ., Jesus Coil; Vicar of Welshpool. Add.: Bath.

SIR EDMUND: Kt., cr. 1927; Art Collector. Presented a collection of work by modern British artists to the Luxembourg. Chairman and Direc. of many mining companies. Add: London.

EDWARD DAVID DARELAN: F.R.C.S., Eng., L.D.S., R.C.S.; Surgeon and lecturer, Nose, Throat and Ear; Charing Cross Hos.; b. 1880; s. of late Win; educ., Queen’s Coil; Consulting surgeon, Military Hospitals. Add: London.

ADMIRAL EDWARD HENRY MEGGS: C.M.G., 1894; O.B.E.; J.P., Sussex; retired; late Naval Officer in charge, Jamaica; b. 1846; served at bombardment of Kagosima, Japan, 1863; mem. of Legislative Council of Manaica, 1900; Assessor to House of Lords in Admiralty. Add: Bexhill-on-Sea.

COL. EVANS GREENWOOD; C.M.G., 1916; M.D.; Canadian A.M.C.; Director Medical Services Depart. of Soldiers; b. 1885; s. of late Very Rev. Evans; educ., Western Univ. Canada; Surgeon, Victoria Hospital; served, European War. Add: London.

FAY (MRS. GERALD LAWRENCE): b. and educ. in America; at age of 17 became a public reader and reciter; first appearance at Criterion Theatre, London, 1895. Add: London.

LIEUT.-COL. HAROLD JAMES NORMAN: C.M.G., 1919; D.S.O., 1917; commanding 1st Batt., The King’s Own Scottish Borderers; b., 1882, s. of late Surg.-Lieut. Col. J. Norman; educ., King’s School, Warwick; served, S. African War (Queen’s medal and four clasps.)

JAMES CORBETT: C.M.G., 1922; b. 1870; e. s. of late James Davis of Nor-wood; educ., private; engaged in banking in S. Africa; represented the E. African Group of Dependencies at the British Empire Statistical Conference held in London, 1920. Add: London.

LUCIEN: R.J.; artist; b., Liverpool, 1860; s. of Win; educ., St. Francis Xavier’s Coil, Liverpool; gained Studentship at Royal Academy, 1877; took several prizes; 1st impor. drawing pub. in Graphic. Add: London.

STEUART SPENCER: C.M.G., 1919; Treasurer, Palestine; b. 1875; e. s. of Benjamin Shuttleworth; educ., Dean Close School, Cheltenham; called to Bar, Gray’s Inn; Chairman, Commission on Finances of Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Add: Jerusalem.

HON T. C.: K.C.; M.J.A.; Att’y-Gen. of Saskatchewan; b. 1889; s. of Hon. Thomas Osborne; educ., St. John’s Coil.; Barrister; Provincial Secre­tary, Minister of Municipal Affairs, and Minister in charge of the Bureau of Labour and Industries. Pubs: “Toronto Saturday Night”. Add: London.

THE REV. CANON THOMAS HENRY: Mus. Doc.; B.A.; F.R.C., Precentor; Organist of Wells Cathedral; b., Birmingham, 1867; educ., King Edward VIth School; Asst. Math. Master King Edward VI School; Pubs.: Church Music. Add: Somerset. VAL.: R.B.A., b., Liverpool, 1854; e. s. of William; educ., Jesuit College; artistic studies directed by his father; exhibits pictures, figure, or landscape at Royal Academy; Pubs. in Liverpool Press; etc.; Add.: London.

MAJOR WILLIAM HATHAWAY: D.S.O., 1918; M.S., M.A., Headmaster of the Win. Ellis School; b. 1881; s. of A. J.; educ., Hymer’s Coll.; served in France as O.C. Add: London.




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