ARCHILLES EDWARD DAVIS: ophthalmologist; b. Harrodsburg, Ky., 1866; s. H. C.; author of numerous articles, incl. “The Refraction of the Eye”, etc. Add. New York.
ARTHUR KYLE: college pres.; b. Petersburg, Va., 1867; s. Williams Thomas; founder, and lecturer 2 yrs., Shakespearean Club; twice pres., Va. Assn. Colls. and Schs. for Girls. Add. Petersburg, Va.
ARTHUR NEWTON: dental surgeon; b. Piqua, 0., 1879; s. John Franklin; went to Berlin, Germany, and associated in practice with Dr. A. H. Sylvester, continuing until his death, 1905, then practiced alone. He numbered among his patients the Kaiser and his family. Add. Bronxville, N. Y.
ARTHUR POWELL: civil engr., b. Decatur, Ill., 1861; s. John; technical adviser to U. S. on Pecuniary Claims, Arbitration, London, 1923. Add. Oakland, Calif.
ARTHUR VINING: officer corpns. b. Sharon, Mass., 1867; s. Perley B.; pres. Alumni Co. of America, N. Y.; trustee Mut. Life Ins. Co., N. Y. Add. New York.
ASA BARNES: M.D., surgeon.
BEALE: author; b. Petersburg, Va., 1886; s. Richard Beale; negotiated and signed treaty between U. S. and Haiti, 1915. Add. Petersburg, Va.
BENJAMIN MARSHALL: coll. prof.; b. N. Salem, Mass., 1867; s. Smith Russell; acting prof. of chemistry, Butlers Coll., 1892. Add. Oxford, O.
BERGEN: M.D.; b. White House, N. J.; 1869; s. John; mem. of numerous learned societies, Md. Fellow A.A.A.S., Am. Physical Soc. Add.: New York.
BERT BYRON: educator; b. Lenawee Jct., Mich., 1880; s. Maxon; critic teacher and normal dir., Union Coll., Neb., since 1923. Add. College View, Neb.
BOOTHE COLWELL: univ. pres.; b. nr. Jane Lew, Lewis Co., NV. Va., 1863; s. Samuel D.; mem. of Fed. Council of Christ in America. Add. Alfred, N.Y.
BRADLEY MOORE: botanist; b. Chicago, 1871; s. Charles Wilder; Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences. Add. Ann Arbor, Mich.
BYRON BENNETT: surgeon; b. Fayette, Wis., 1859; s. William Bennet; attending surgeon Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hosp. Add. Omaha, Neb.
CALVIN OLIN: univ. prof.; b. Macomb, Mich., 1871; s. Calvin; author of “The High School as Judged by its Students”, etc. Add: Ann Arbor, Mich.
CAMERON JOSIAH: clergyman; b. Watkins, N. Y., 1873; s. Frederick; mem. Standing Coin. of Diocese of Western N. Y. many yrs.; now mem. exec. council. Add. Buffalo, N. Y.
CARL BRADEN: surgeon; b. Chicago, Ill 1877; s. Dr. Charles Gilbert; asso. prof. surgery, Rush Med. Hosp.; Fellow Am. Coll. Surgeons. Add. Chicago.
CARL HENRY: obstetrician; gynecologist; b. Halsey, Linn Co., Ore., 1883; s. Henry Clinton. Add. Milwaukee, Wis.
CARROLL MELVIN: clergyman; b. Campo Seco. Calaveras Co., Calif., 1857; s. Thomas F.; domestic sec. Domestic Foreign Missionary Soc. of P. E. Ch. Add.: New York.
CHARLES: civil engr.; b. Montgomery Co., Pa., 1865; s. Henry Corbit; built first high-speed cross-country trolley line, 1902, Alexandria to Mt. Vernon, Va. Add. Cape Cod, Mass.
CHARLES B.: judge; b. Hannibal, Mo., 1877; s. William A.; Judge U. S. Dist. Court, Eastern Dist. of Mo., by apptd. of President Coolidge, since 1924. Add. St. Louis, Mo.
CHARLES BELMONT: author; b. Phila. 1866; s. late L. Clarke. Author of numerous books incl. “The Stage Door”, “Tales of the Town”, etc. Add. New York.
CHARLES GILBERT: M.D.; b. Clay Co., Mo., 1849; s. Dr. George NV. ex-attending physician, Cook Co. Hosp. Add.: Chicago.
CHARLES HALL: lawyer; b. Petersburg, Va., 1872; s. Williams Thomas; counsel to U. S. Commn. on Agrl. credits, 1913; dir, and officer of other var. corpns. Add. Petersburg, Va.
CHARLES HAROLD: artist; b. Amesbury, Mass., 1856; s. James H.; awarded $2000 prize, Prize Fund Exhbn. Am. Art Assn., New York, 1887. Add. Mystic, Conn.
CHARLES RUSSELL: congressman; b. Pittsfield, Ill 1849; read law with Hon. Alfred Wallin (ex-chief justice, N. Dak.); city clerk and city atty., St. Peter, l8yrs. Add. St. Peter, Minn.
CLARENCE ALBA: lawyer; b. Beaver City, Neb.; s. Thomas Milburn; mem. comm. compiling Neb. statutes, 1922. Add. Holdrege, Neb.
DAVID JOHN: pathologist; b. Racine, Wis., 1875; s. David W.; Mem. of numerous learned societies, incl. A.M.A., Ill., State Med. Soc. Add.: American Falls, Ida.
DAVID WILLIAM: ex-governor; b. Wales, 1873; s. Wynn; organizer and pres. First Nat. Bank, American Falls, Ida. 1907. Add. American Falls, Ida.
DWIGHT FILLEY: secretary of war; b. St. Louis, 1879; s. John Tilden; Commd. St. Louis Post No. 4, American Legion; 1919. Add. St. Louis, Mo.
EARL J.: lawyer; b. Saginaw, Mich.; 1885; s. John E.; mem. Dist. War Bd., Lansing, Mich., by apptd. of President Wilson, 1917—18. Add. Detroit, Mich.
EDWARD EVERETT: educator; b. Williamsburg, Mo., 1881; s. Robert Augustus. Author of many books on education, incl. “The Twentieth Century Rural School”, “Good Citizenship”. Add. Arlington, Tex.
EDWARD GORTON: landscape architect; b. Cincinnati, 0., 1880; s. George; prof. and head dept. of landscape architecture, Cornell U., since 1911. Add. Ithaca, N. Y.
EDWIN G.: lawyer.
ELMER HOLMES: writer; b. Aurora, incl., 1890; s. Ellam Holmes. Author of numerous books incl. “The Princess Cecilia”, “Times Have Changed”, etc. Add. New York.
EWIN LAMAR: congressman; b. Bedford Co., 1876; s. McLin H.; mem. 66th to 69th Congresses. Add. Tullahoma, Tenn.
FRANK JR.: lawyer; b. New Richmond, 0., 1875; s. Frank; asst. atty. gen. of U. S., 1919—21. Add. Washington, D. C.
FREDERICK CLYDE: author; b. St. Joseph, Mo., 1902; s. Lucien Clyde; has contributed short stories, novelettes and serials to mags Add. Hanover, N.H.
GEORGE HENRY: engineer; b. Owego, N.Y., 1863; s. Samuel A.; mem. of various societies, incl. Am. Soc. C. E., etc. Add. New York.
GEORGE JACOB, JR.: civil engr.; b. Washington, D. C., 1876; s. George Jacob; prof. engineer and dean of Coil, of Engineering, Univ. of Ala., 1912. Add.
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
GEORGE RUSSELL: judge; b. Huntsville, 0., 1861; s. James; practiced law at Wapakoneta, until July 1897, when apptd, by Pres. McKinley, asso. Justice Supreme Ct. of Ariz. Add. Pasadena, Calif.
GEORGE SAMLER: college pres.; b. New York, 1858; s. Robert Vernon; pres. of Hunter Coil. New York City, since 1908. Add. New York.
GEORGE THOMPSON BROWN: author; b. nr. Staunton, Ill., 1873; s. Rev. James Scott; author of numerous books, i “Winning the World with the Bible”, etc. Add. Philadelphia.
GEORGE WILLIAM: clergyman; educator; b. Rochester, Kent Co., Eng., 1858; s. George; prof. social and pout, science, Macalester Coll., since 1907. Add. St. Paul, Minn.
HARRY LYMAN: ex-governor; insurance; b. Cleveland, 0., 1878; s. Evan H.; mayor of Cleveland, for terms 19 16—20; nat. organizer, Loyal Order of Moose, 1912. Add. Solon, O.
HARRY ORVILLE: editor; b. Cadiz, 0., 1877; s. John R.; editor of numerous books and mags. incl. Ladies’ Home Journal; was in gen. management of Hearsts Corpns. from 1922, now retired. Add. San Fernando, Calif.
HARRY PHILLIPS: b. Somerworth, N. H., 1868; s. Harrison B.; originated radio broadcasting as a public utility, and known as “The Father of Radio Telephone Broadcasting”. Add. Pittsburgh, Pa.
HARVEY NATHANIEL: mech. engineer; b. Providence, R. I., 1881; s. Nathaniel French; mem. of numerous learned societies, in Washington Acad. Sciences and Am. Soc. Me. E. Add.: Cambridge, Mass.
HARWELL GOODWIN: atty. gen. of Ala.; b. Marengo, Co., Ala., 1882; s. Thomas Wyley; cited by Gen. Pershing, “for gallantry in action”; atty. gen. of Ala., 2 terms, 192 1—27. Add. Gadsden, Ala.
HAYNE: lawyer; b. Statesville, N. C. 1868; s. E. Hayne; founder of Am. Peace and Arbitration Soc.; sec. Am. Delegation to 13th and 14th Inter-Parliamentary Confs. Add. New York.
HENRY EDGAR: lawyer.
HERBERT BURNHAM: principal training sch.; b. Charlestown, Mass., 1867; s. Jacob Burnham; prin. Pittsburgh Training Sch. for Teachers since
1912; lecturer and writer on educational topics. Add. Pittsburgh, Pa.
HERBERT SPENCER: zoologist; b. Oneida, N. Y., 1875; s. Edson Warburton; mem. of many societies, i A.A.A.S. and Am. Soc. Zoologists. Add. Washington, D. C.
FRANK (James Francis): author; b. New Bedford, Mass., 1870; s. James; author of various books incl. “The Chinese Label”; contrb. many fiction serials and short stories. Add. San Antonio, Tex.
J. WARREN: judge; b. Elizabeth City, N. C., 1867; s. John S.; introducer and sponsor for progressive administration measures in legislature in the administration of Gov. Wilson, 1913. Add. Lawrenceville, N. J.
JAMES: bishop; b. Tinvawn, Co., Killarney, Ireland, 1852; s. John S.; consecrated bishop of Davenport, 1906. Add. Davenport, Iowa.
JAMES Cox: lawyer; b. Keokuk, Ia., 1857; s. Caleb F.; apptd. by Prs. Harding dir. gen. of railroads and agt. of the president in liquidating and settling controversies rising out of federal control. Add. Des. Moines, Iowa.
JAMES HARVEY: congressman.
JAMES JOHN: secretary of labor; b. Tredegar, S. Wales, 1873; s. David James; sec. of labor, by apptd. of President Harding, and continued under President Coolidge. Add. Pittsburgh, Pa.
JAMES PORTER: consular service; b. Tennille, Ga., 1889; s. Thomas Joel; consul on detail at Marseilles, France; administrative consul at Shanghai, China. Add. Tennille, Ga.
JEROME: educator, sociologist; b. of Am. parents at Kioto, Japan, 1891; s. Col. Jerome Dean; made survey of Russians in America for Int.-Ch. World Movement. Add. New Haven, Conn.
JESSE BUTTRICK: educator; b. Chicago, 1871; s. Simon L.; prof. secondary edn. Boston U., since 1924. Add.: Chestnut Hill, Mass.
JOHN ALLEN: mining engr., b. Sioux City, Ia., 1884; s. Samuel Tate; Asst. Chief mining engr., U. S. Bur. of Mines. Add. Washington, D. C.
JOHN D.: theologian; b. Pittsburgh, 1854; s. Robert; writer of critical notes in Westminster Teacher. Add. Princeton, N. J.
JOHN FRANCIS: lawyer; b. Angel Island, San Francisco Bay, Calif.; 1859; mem. of numerous learned societies. Add. San Francisco, Calif.
JOHN KER: consular service; b. of Am. parents, Sonochow, China, 1882; s. John Wright; in charge Am. official mission which rescued Am. and European captives from Lincheng bandits. Add. Nanking, China.
JOHN LIONBERGER: lawyer and banker; b. St. Louis, Mo., 1878; s. John D.; mng. dir. for alien property custodian, World War. Former chmn. Mayor’s Commn. on Unemployment. Add. St. Louis, Mo.
JOHN STAIGE: college prof.; b. University, Va., 1866; s. John Staige; mem. of Va. State Med. Assn. Add.: University, Va.
JOHN WILLIAM: lawyer; b. Clarksburg, West Va., 1873; s. John J.; elected to 62d and 63d congresses; Dem. candidate for pres., 1924. Add. New York.
JONATHAN MCMILLIAN: ex-governor; b. Kan., 1871; s. Jonathan McMillian; mem. Kan. Ho. of Rep., 4 terms, until 1913; Dem. candidate for gov., 1920; gov. of Kan., 1923—25. Add. Bronson, Kan.
KARY CADMUS: agrl. educator; b. Decatur, Iii., 1867; s. John; speaker and demonstrator for Farmers’ Instns., agrl. ry. trains and coil, extension meetings. Add. Nashville, Tenn.
KATHERINE BEMENT: sociologist; b. Buffalo, N. Y., 1860; d. Oscar B.; Supt. N. Y. State Reformatory for Women; commr. of Correction N. Y. City, by apptd. of Mayor Mitchell. Add. New York.
LE COMPTE: lawyer; b. Mercer Co., Ky., 1864; s. Henry Clay; assisted in defense of McNamara dynamiting cases, also in defense of Clarence Darrow, accused of bribery in said cases, also defended Harry New. Add. Los Angeles, Calif.
LYMAN EDWYN: clergyman; editor; author; b. Perryburg, nr. Toledo, 0., 1854; s. John Wesley; author of numerous books incl. “Jonathan Twigg”, “The Creed of Bethlehem”. Add. Pittsburgh, Pa.
NELSON FITHIAN: biologist; b. Seeley, Cumberland Co., N. J., 1872; s. George; mem. of Am. Naturalists; Bot. Soc. of Am.; and many other organizations. Add. Lewisburg, Pa.
NEWTON EADDS: denominational Sec.; b. Dublin, 0., 1876; s. Joseph; sec. Bd. of Hosps. and Homes of M. E. Ch. since 1924. Add. Chicago.
NORAH: author.
NORMAN H.: b. Bedford Co., Tenn., 1878; s. Maclin H.; Spl. U. S. delegate to Spain and rep. in London and Paris; financial adviser to President Wilson and Am. Commn. to negotiate peace. Add. New York.
OSCAR KING: newspaper man; b. Baldwinsville, N. Y., 1866; S. A.; author of various books incl. “Our Conquests in the Pacific”. Add. New York.
OWEN: dramatist; b. Portland, Me., 1874; s. Owen Warren; engaged in play writing since 1918. Add. New York.
OZORA STEARNS: theologian; b. Wheelock, Vt., 1866; s. Alexander Warner. Author of many books in “An Invested Life”, “The Gospel in the Light of the World War”. Add. Chicago.
PIIILLIP: motion picture producer; B. Moteleh, Russia, 1876; s. Dave Ben; Pres. Nat. Motion Pie. Bur. Inc. Add. West Medford, Mass.
ROBERT HOBART: editor, dramatist, b. Brownsville, Neb., 1869; s. Rev.
George Ransome. Author of numerous books and plays incl. “The Room
Without A Number” (play), “The Rape of the River” (book). Add. New
ROLAND PARKER: civil engr., B. Beverly, Mass., 1884; s. Parker Steven:
mem. of Am. Soc. C. E. Am. Ry. Engring. Assn., etc. Add. Morgantown,
W. Va.
ROWLAND LUCIUS: judge; h. Dryden, N. Y., 1871; s. Lucius; apptd. Justice of Supreme Court of N. Y., 6th Dist., 1915, and elected for term 1916—
Add. Courtland, N. Y. Roy: educator; B. Rotterdam, Holland, 1877; s. Matthew John; author of Business English and Correspondence, Business Practice, etc. Add. Boston, Mass.
ROYALL OSCAR EUGENE: physical chemist; B. Newberry, S. C., 1880; s. William Alexander; in charge soil physics investigations since 1915. Add.
Washington, D. C.
SHELDON E~w1oR: college pres., B. Zanesville, 0., 1876; s. John S.; mem. of N.E.A., Mont. Edn. 5oc., and many other organs. Add. Dillon, Mont.
STEPHEN BROOKS: lawyer; B. Middletown, Conn., 1874; s. Stephen Brooks; named Br Pres. Coolidge as counsel of U. S. on St. Lawrence Waterways Commn. also federal rep. on North Platte River Commn. Add. East Las Vegas, N. N.
THEODORE LAWRENCE: educator; b. Penacook, N. H., 1891; s. Homer Mackenzie; organizer and dir. Boston U. War Emergency Courses. Add.
Boston, Mass.
THOMAS ALDERSON: educator; B. Lebanon, Va., 1873; s. John Lynch; pres. and owner Pasadena Army and Navy Acad. Add. Pacific Beach, Calif.
THOMAS ARCHIBALD: surgeon; b. Ingersoll, Ont., Can., 1858; s. Thomas; prof. clinic surg. Ill. Post Grad. Med. Sch. Add. Chicago.
THOMAS FRANCIS: army officer; B. N. Y. City, 1853; s. James; comd. 5th Brig de, 2d Div. U.S.A., Galveston, Texas. Add. El Paso, Tex.
TITUS ELMWOOD: clergyman.
VERNON MANSFIELD: judge; B. New York, 1855; s. Robert Vernon; Pres. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 1901—04. Add. New York.
WALLACE: lawyer; B. Russellville, Ark., 1888; s. John Howard; atty. gen. Ark., 1915—17. Add. Little Rock, Ark.
WALTER ALLISON: univ. pres., B. Princeton, Ind., 1882; s. John Howard; dir. ednl. activities Army Y.M.C.A., Southern Dept. of World War. Add.
Vincennes, Ind.
WARREN JOHNSON: mfr., B. San Francisco, Calif., 1861; s. Richard D. Warren; mayor of Marinette, 1904—08. Add. Racine, Wis.
WESTMORELAND: governor; B. of Am. parents, at sea, 1859; s. Thomas Gordon; elected gov. of Va. for term 1918—22. Add. Leeburg, Va.
WILLIAM CHURCH: army officer.
WILLIAM HARPER: psychologist.
WILLIAM HOLMES: h. Petersburg, Va., 1873; s. Joseph Claiborne, spl. rep. Norfolk Port Commn. in Eng., 1923. Add. Washington, D. C.
WILLIAM HORACE: statistician; B. Holyoke, Mass., 1871; s. George Washington; in charge vital statistics, Boston Health Dept., 1908—16. Add. Chevy Chase, D. C.
WILLIAM MORRIS: Sturgis-Hooper Prof. of Geology, Emeritus, Harvard Univ.; b. Phila. 1850; s. of Edward Morris; educ. Harvard Univ., 1870; organizer and leader of Transcontinental Excursion of the American Geographical Society, 1912. Author of “Triassic Formation of the Connecticut Valley”. Add. Cambridge, Mass.
WILLIAM STEARNS: univ. prof., author; b. Amherst, Mass., 1877; s. William Vail Wilson; author of numerous books inch. Readings in Ancient History, A Victor of Salamis, etc. Add. Minneapolis, Minn.
WILLIAM Z.: judge; h. Lloydsville, Belmont Co. O., 1839; s. Dr. Bushrod: reenlisted in 96th 0. Vols. remaining in service until physically disabled and hon. discharged. Add. Columbus, O.