ARTHUR HUNTER: actuary; b. Edinburgh, Scotland, June 29, 1869; s. Robertson and Jane (Mitchell) H.; educ.: George Watson’s Coll., Edinburgh; m. E. May Borst, of Phila., Oct. 16,
1894 (died Aug. 20, 1925); 1 dau., Virginia Calderwood. Came to U.S., 1892; actuary New York Life Ins. Co., 1904-18, chief actuary, 1918-. Chmn. Medico-Actuarial and AmericanCanadian Mortality Investigation. Appointed mem. com. to report on U.S. Gov’t. plan for pensions, family allowances, and ins. for officers and men of army and navy, July 1917; apptd. Chairman Advisory Bd. Div. Mil. and Naval Ins. of Bur. of War; Risk Ins., Nov. 26, 1917. Chmn. Ins. Com. Amer. Red Cross Corr. Corr. mem. Trust Actuaries; mem. Ins. Com. Y.M.C.A.; World War. Fellow Actuarial Soc. America (pres. 1916-18); Am. Inst. Actuaries, Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland; hon. mem. Assn. of Life Ins. Med. Dirs. Unitarian; pres. Layman’s League of Unity Church, Montclair, N.J. Club: Nat. Art. Has delivered numerous addresses to actuarial socs, and scientific bodies on subjects such as: “Is Cancer Hereditary;” “Heart Murmurs, Their Influence on Mortality;” “Can Insurance Experience be Applied to Lengthen Life?” “Life Insurance and Drinking Habits;” “Blood Pressure, What Affects It?” etc. Home: Montclair, N.J.