History of the Ludwig family in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania

The ancestors of the Ludwig family that settled in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, originally came from Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany, and are recorded in the Register of Records of marriages of the Evangelical Lutheran Vicarage at Nieder-Modau, and dates back to 1650. The first Ludwig on the record is Casimir, born in Eisenach. Then his son Anton Ludwig also born in Eisenach.

The name of Ludwig appears for the first time at Nieder-Modau in 1666. On June 24, 1665, Georgius Ludovici (Latin meaning George Ludwig) of Eisenach in Thuringia was introduced as a Pastor at Nieder-Modau, while the schoolmaster Schlosser of Darmstadt presented him to the congregation of his pastorate, after George Ludwig had been a schoolmaster at Gross-Bieberau from 1664 to 1666. Members of the family of that Pastor George Ludwig settled also in the local parish, and his descendants have continued living here. Pastor George Ludwig died on May 13, 1700. All persons bearing the name of Ludwig have that Pastor George Ludwig as their ancestor.

His first wife was Anna Marie who was born at Nieder-Modau January 2, 1642.

The ancestor of the Ludwig family in Chambersburg was George Henry, whose two sons emigrated — George and Philip, born in 1812.


Ludwig, George A. History of the Ludwig family in Chambersburg, Franklin County, Pennsylvania : two brothers, John George and Philip Ludwig, who emigrated from Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany. Crafted Quality Books, 1956.

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