Biography of G. A. Sprecher, M. D.

G. A. Sprecher, M. D., formerly a practicing physician of Cincinnati, Ohio, and now the proprietor of the well-known “Colton Pharmacy,” which is located in the center of the city, has been a resident of Colton since 1884. The Doctor has found time to identify himself with and aid in the business and public enterprises which wrought the wonderful change in the city of Colton during the five years antedating 1889. His drug store, the Colton Pharmacy, is one of the most complete in the city, and a credit to any community, for Dr. Sprecher is a thorough master of … Read more

Biography of Edwin Grant Betz

Edwin Grant Betz. The Arkansas City Business College is an institution in which the people of that community take special pride. Technical training for business is now a recognized necessity, and among the schools of Kansas that supply such technical training the Arkansas City Business College had in many respects a record of unexcelled competence and thoroughness. The proprietor of this school is Edwin Grant Betz, who had had a varied business experience but had given his chief time through his active life to commercial education. He comes of an old Dickinson County family, while Mrs. Betz, his wife, is … Read more

Biography of George Loughead Eyster, M. D.

Among Rock Island physicians none have a wider practice or a more successful one than the subject of this sketch, Doctor George L. Eyster, one of that city’s old established and prominent physicians and surgeons. He was born May 14, 1853, at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, his parents being William IF. and Lucretia (Gibson) Eyster. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, and his mother of Vermont. His father’s family was of German origin, the Eysters being among the early settlers in the colony of Pennsylvania. Doctor Eyster’s father was for many years a clergyman of the Lutheran Church, being also engaged … Read more

Biography of Samuel Strickler

The story of pioneer life in Idaho is well known to such men as Samuel Strickler, for through thirty-six years he has been a witness of the development of the northwest and has faithfully borne his part in the work of up building and advancement; he now resides in Bellevue. He claims Pennsylvania as the state of his nativity, his birth occurring in Chambersburg, Franklin County, November 21, 1832. He is of German descent and his ancestors were among the early settlers of the Keystone state. His father, Samuel Strickler, was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and married Susanna Hollinger, also … Read more

Biography of Rev. William J. Starks

William J. Starks (born March 14, 1876), Garvin, is a native of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. After completing the grammar course in the public school of that place, he prepared for college under special teachers.

Biography of Bigler B. Basore

Bigler B. Basore. When he first came to Kansas a number of years ago Mr. Basore was in the role of teacher, and he did some successful school work as teacher and principal in several communities. He had been a farmer, traveling salesman, and is now a leading banker at Lyons, being cashier of the People’s State Bank of that city. Mr. Basore was born at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, in September, 1873, a son of Peter and Rosa (Bigler) Basore. His grandfather, Peter Basore, was born at Marseilles, France, in 1807, came to America in early life, and for many years … Read more

Pennsylvania Digital Archives

Pennsylvania State Archives

These 45 genealogy databases comprise part of the Pennsylvania Digital Archives from the state government. We’ve only included those databases and documents which are most relevant to genealogists. All of them are free for you to use.

History of the Ludwig family in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania

History of the Ludwig family in Chambersburg, Franklin County, Pennsylvania

The ancestors of the Ludwig family that settled in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, originally came from Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany, and are recorded in the Register of Records of marriages of the Evangelical Lutheran Vicarage at Nieder-Modau, and dates back to 1650. The first Ludwig on the record is Casimir, born in Eisenach. Then his son Anton Ludwig also born in Eisenach. The ancestor of the Ludwig family in Chambersburg was George Henry, whose two sons emigrated — George and Philip, born in 1812.