Alexander II English

Last Updated on March 17, 2013 by

A112 ALEXANDER II. “Gave proof of his courage” at Bannockburn. Commanded the Scots Army in the battle of Halidonhill. After many victories he at last fell in the battle of Dunham, where his son William was also killed, A. D. 1346.

A113 SIR ADAM VI. He was succeeded by his brother John-114.

A114 SIR JOHN GORDON. Had a charter from King David confirming the donation of the lands of Strathbogie, A. D. 138. Marched into England with an army and returned with much booty. This was in revenge for the plundering of his lands by the English. He married a daughter of Sir William Keith, Marischal of Scotland.

A115 SIR ADAM VII. He was one of the Scots generals in the battle of Hamledonhill, 1403.

A116 ELIZABETH, heiress. Married her near kinsman, Alexander lord Gordon. He was wounded in the battle of Harlaw.

A117 ALEXANDER II, LORD GORDON : d. 1470. He aided Charles VII, of France, against the English. Was one of the hostages for the ransom of James I, of Scotland, who, for his good services, created him Earl of Huntly, 1449. Succeeded to the estates of his predecessors. He fought against the Douglases and Crawfords, Succeeded his father who were rebels against James II. (3) Adam, ancestor of Gordon of Embo. (SEE C 152. )

A118 GEORGE II, Earl of Huntly. Member of the privy council to James III, and to King James IV, of Scotland. See D185 and F220. (1) Alexander-1 19.
(2) Sir Adam: acquired the lands of Aboynne ; married the heiress of Sutherland and Strathanaver, whose posterity still possess the estate and title of earl of Sutherland.

A119 ALEXANDER III, EARL OF HUNTLY. Was in great favor with James IV. He was made high chancellor of Scotland, heritable constable and heritable sheriff of Inverness.
1. JOHN 120. Which see.
2. George 135.
3. Alexander: Archbishop of Glasgow.
A. John: Lord of Glenluce. Lord of the bedchamber of
Chas. IX, King of France.
B. Armand Claude, Knight of Francville. Was captain of Cent-hommes d’arms in the French service.
C. Armand James: Colonel of horse in French service.
D. George Lord Gordon: b. 1691. The Duke of Gordon.
1. George IInd Count of Gordon.
2. Andrew IIIrd Count of Gordon. Was adjutant general in Bohemia.

A120 JOHN LORD GORDON: married the PRINCESS JEAN STEWART, daughter of KING JAMES IV, of Scotland, by Margaret Drummond, daughter to the Lord Drummond, out of whose family Robert III, King of Scotland (from whom are descended all the British Kings of the name of Stewart), had formerly married Annabelle Drummond. John died before his father’s death.

Ancient Gordon Families

Sir John Gordoun lived in France about A. D. 790. He was created Duke of Gordoun by Emperor Charlemagne.

Gordon is “De Gourdon,” from a small town on the Limes Lausses in Quercy. The Gourdons must have come to England at the time of the English occupation of Guienne. They did wisely to abandon the sterile plateau for the lush plain of England. The first heard of is Adam de Gourdon, “the King’s servant” under Richard I.
The Scottish Gordons, however, assert that they derive from another Anglo-Norman family seated at Gordon in Berwickshire. The Gordons have their tartan and their badge, rock-ivy.

The following titled Gordon families are listed in BURKE’S GENERAL ARMORY: Earl of Aboyne, 1660; Cluny, co. Aberdeen, Bart 162 ; Gordonstown, co. Elgin, Bart 1625 ; Gight, co. Aberdeen; Gight ; Newton, co. Aberdeen; Letterfourie, co. Banff ; Glastirim, co. Banff ; Abergeldie, co. Aberdeen; Beldornie and Wardhouse, co. Aberdeen; Cadiz, 1790 ; Xeres le Fronters, 1835 ; South Carolina, 1776 ; Embo, co. Sutherland, Bart 1631; Dalpholly and Invergordon, Bart 1705 ; Aberdeen, 1680; Pitlurg, co. Aberdeen; Faskme, co. Banff ; Rothiemay, co. Banff ; Park, co. Banff, Bart 1633 ; Glenbucket, co. Aberdeen; Edinglassie, co. Banff; Avochie, co. Aberdeen; Avochie . as recorded 1858 ; Tetachie, co. Aberdeen; Gordonbank, co. Berwick, 1700 ; Lesmoir, co. Aberdeen; Buthlaw, co. Aberdeen; Rothney, co. Aberdeen; Birkenburn, co. Banff ; Terpersie, co. Aberdeen; Badenscoth, co. Aberdeen; Lichiston, co. Banff ; Craig, co. Aberdeen; Tilliangus, cadet of Craig; Auchintoul, co. Banff ; Ardmealie, co. Banff ; Haddo, Bart 1642 ; Nethermuir, caden of Haddo ; Scotstown, co. Renfrew; Braco, caden of Haddo ; Knockespock, co. Aberdeen; Northcourt, Isle of Wight, 1818 ; Sir. Wm. Gordon K B 1779 ; Bathe of Banff, 1674 ; Hallhead and Esslemont, co. Aberdeen; London, 1865 ; Demerara, 1800 ; Cluny, co. Aberdeen 1753 ; Tobago, 1788 ; Millrig, co. Ayr, 1807 ; dr. John Taylor-Gordon, 1837 ; Lochanvar, co. Kirkcudbright; Culvennan, co. Kirkcudbright; Glasgow, descended frown Culvennan 1812 ; Earlston, co. Kirkcudbright ; Holm, co. Kirkcudbright ; Dingeuch, co. Kirkcudbright ; Shirmers, co. Kirkcudbright ; Evans-Gordon of Brockley, co. Suffolk; Troquan, co. Kirkcudbright ; Newark, 1674; London, 1680 ; Alkenhead, co. Kirkcudbright 1806 ; Clifton, New Zealand, 1874 ; More-Gordon, of Charlton, co. Forfar 1863 ; Smith-Gordon, of Florida Manor, co. Down.

Sir Adam De Gordon

A101 SIR ADAM DE GORDON (Gordoun) “The first of the name in Scotland.” Died fighting valiantly at the siege of Alnwick, A. D. 1093, where his master, King Malcolm, was also killed. Malcolm gave him a grant of several manors and lordships in the south of Scotland for the latter’s services against Macbeth. Living in A. D. 1050.

A102 SIR ADAM II. Died fighting valiantly against the English, in defense of his own lands and the border of Scotland.

A103 SIR ROBERT: “d. peaceably. at home.`”


A105 SIR RICHARD. He was a very religious man, and gave large possessions to the church.

A106 SIR ALEXANDER. He was in great favor with Alexander I, King of Scotland, who was attacked by a band of traitors, convened him into his bedchamber in the night.

The king slew six of them. The others fled and Sir Alexander Gordon was sent with a party of chosen men in pursuit of them. He killed some of the traitors and brought others prisoners before the king, who bestowed on him as the reward of his good services several lands in the Merse.
(1) Sir William Gordon of Huntly. He was sent by Alexander II, King of Scotland, in command of 1000 chosen soldiers, to, assist St. Lewis IX, of France; in an expedition against the Saracens, A. D. 1267. Gordon lost his life in the presence of St. Lewis (who had tender regard for him), fighting valiantly against the Saracens. The King expressed a very great concern for the loss of so great a man. He was succeeded by his brother, Adam 107.
( 2 ) Adam 107.


A108 SIR ADAM IV. Was engaged in the barons’ war with England, against King Henry III and his son, Prince Edward.

A109 SIR THOMAS. He was succeeded by his daughter.

A110 ALICIA: heiress of Huntly ; built a chapel in the forest of Huntly, where Sir Adam Gordon I killed the fierce boar. She married SIR ,ADAM GORDON, her kinsman.

A111 SIR ADAM V. Was in great favor with King Robert I, of Scotland, who, for his great exploits, girded him upon the field with a cincture of knighthood (a prerogative in those times granted to none but those who had signallized their valor in feats of arms). The King also granted him certain lands called Strathbogie, now called Huntly. He removed from South Scotland into the North of Scotland.

Sir Adam De Gordon

SIR, ADAM DE GORDON: (d. 1333) ; Lord of Gordon; statesman and warrior; s. of Adam de G- in Berwickshire. His great-grandfather, Adam de G-, was s. of an Anglo-Norman nobleman who came to Scotland in the time of David I and settled on a tract of land called Gorden, within sight of the British border. Edward I spent the year of 1303 in Scotland; returning to England, carried with him sons of nobles as hostages and G followed him to England as deputy, to arrange for pacification of the country ; G was on favorable terms with Edward II, from whom he received marks of favor; after the battle of Bannockburn, 1314, Gordon acknowledged Robert Bruce as king, was cordially welcomed, and speedily numbered with the king’s most trusted friends; sent on special mission to the Pope, 1320, at Avignon, bearing the memorable letter asserting the independence of the kingdom. Bruce rewarded him for faithful services in subduing the rebellious house of Comyn in the north-eastern counties; he was killed, 1333, at the battle of Halidon Hill.

Sir Adam De Gordon

SIR ADAM de G-: ( d. 1402) ,warrior ; s. and heir of Sir John de G— ; he was a principal assistant in the raid of Roxborough, 13 7 7 ; he was under the Earl of Douglas in the invasion of Northumberland, 1388, ending with the battle of Otterburn, where Douglas was killed.

Gordon of Cairnfield

J287 ROBERT GORDON, Esq. of Lunan: m. a dau. of Gordon, of Dykeside, co. Moray.

J288 ALEXANDER, Esq.: m. (1st) Elizabeth (dau. of Gordon, of Cairnfield); m. (2ndly) Jane (dau. of Gordon, of Drumwhydle and Faskine). (1) John–J289. (2) James: late of Roseburn.

J289 JOHN, Esq.: m. 1761, Mary, dau. of Geo. Steuart, Esq. of Tannochy.
(1) Adam–4290.
(2) Jane: Issue.
(3) Elizabeth.

J290 ADAM, Esq. of Arradoul and Cairnfield: b. 1773 ; d. 1847.
(1) John, of Cairnfield, J291.
(2) Patrick: Lieut.-Col. and Brigadier at Dinapoor: b. 1810.
(3) George: Merchant of the U. S.; b. 1814.
(4) James Gordon Duff: E. I. C. S.; 50th N. I. Bengal; deceased.
(5) William: Lieut-Col. E. I. C. S.; b. 1824.
(6) Jane: dec.
(7) Elizabeth Marjory: d. 1841, leaving two sons.
(8) Margaret Helen: dec.
(9) Emma: dec.
(10) Harriet: m. 1854 ; issue.

J291 JOHN, of Cairnfield, co. Banff: 1805-1882.
(1) Adam Steuart:’ b. 1854.
(2) John Patrick Gordon, J292.
(3) William James Gordon Duff: 1858-1884.
(4) Patrick: 1859-1897.
(5) Alexander: b. 1868.
(6) Elizabeth Patricia C.: d. 1875.

J292 JOHN PATRICK, of Cairnfield, co. Banff: 1857-1899; his heir was J293.
J293 JOHN STEUART: now of Cairnfield, co. Banffshire; b. 1880 ; s. his father, 1899.

Gordon of Culvennan

This is a branch of the noble house of Kenmure and Lochinvar, which traces its descent from Richard de Gordoun, 1120, and from the valiant Sir Adam de Gordoun, of Bruce’s time. 22

1268 SIR JOHN GORDON, of Lochinvar: d. 1517 ; 5th m. descent from Sir Adam; left two sons, Sir Robert, his successor, and William; his estate of Craichlaw, co. Wigton, he settled on his 2nd son, 1269.

1269 WILLIAM, of Craichlaw: d. 1545 ; s. by his son, 1270.

1270 WILLIAM, of Craichlaw: d. 1570.

1271 JOHN, of Craichlaw: name attached to the bond by the Scottish nobility, for the establishment of James IV on the Scottish throne; d. 1580.

1272 WILLIAM, of Craichlaw: purchased the estate of Culvennan 1636 ; succeeded therein by his son, 1273.

1273 ALEXANDER, of Culvennan: d. 1679.
William, of Culvennan: an enthusiastic presbyn: d. 1703.
William, of Culvennan: to whom succeeded 1274.

1274 SIR ALEXANDER, of Culvennan: knighted 1800 ; d. 1830.

1275 JAMES, Esq. of Culvennan: b. 1771; d. s. p. 1843, when he was succeeded by his nephew (the eldest son of his brother David), 1276.

1276 WILLIAM, Esq. of Culvennan: 1800-1858. (1) David Alexander: now of Culvennan. (2) John Hyslop: b. 1829. (A) William Fabian: b. 1860. (B) Mary Winifred. (3) James: 1833-1864. (4) Margaret: d. 1835. (5) Agnes Marion: m. 1860, Benjamin Hardwick, Esq.; issue.

1277 DAVID ALEXANDER, Esq. of Culvennan, co. Kirkcudbright b. 1828 ; m. 1855, Jane Lawrie (dau. of the late Allen Bell, Esq., of Hillowton).

1278 DAVID ALEXANDER is 18th in direct male descent from Sir Adam de Gordon, of Lochinvar, the companion 1279 in arms of Wallace.
(1) William Ainslie: b. 1855.
(2) Allen David: b. 1857.
(3) Lochinvar Alexander Charles: b. 1864.
(4) Claud Augustus Rutherford: b. 1867.
(5) Grace Marion.
(6) Beatrice Isobel Hilda.

Gordon of Drimnin

J297 WILLIAM, of Minmore, co. Banff : d. 1829, aged 74, leaving a son, J298.

J298 SIR CHARLES: Knight of Drimnin; 1791-1845.
(1) William: 1828-1838.
(2) John: Lieut. 74th Regt. ; killed in Kafr War, 1851.
(3) Charles Menzies (Rt. Rev.): b. 1833 ; R. C. Bishop of Jamaica.
(4) Jose Clement: late of Drimnin, J299.
(5) Henry Fletcher: 1830-1833.
(6) Alexander: b. 1845 ; d. s. p. 1865.
(7) Margaret: d. unm. 1860.
(8) Helen Isabella: d. s. p. 1891.

J299 JOSE CLEMENT, of Drimnin House, co. Argyll: 1838-1914.
(1) Charles Augustine: now of Drimnin, J300.
(2) Helen Mary.
(3) . Monica Mary.
(4) Elizabeth Mary.
(5) Clementina Mary.

J300 CHARLES AUGUSTINE, of Drimnin House, Drimnin, co. Argyll: Lieut. 9th Batt. R. Scots (Lothian Regt) ; b. 1882 ; succeeded his father 1914.

Gordon of Embo

C152 ADAM (SEE A117 [3]) : dean of Caithness; d. 1529. (1) William: chancellor of Dunkeld. (2) George, of Beldorine ; ancestor of the Gordons of Wardhouse. (See 6230. ) (3) John C153. (4) Elizabeth: m. (1st) Ogilvie of Findlater ; (2nd) John, son of 4th Earl of Huntly.

C153 JOHN, of Drummoy : d. 1598. John, of Golspitour : – afterwards (before 1588) of Embo, co. Sutherland; d. 1628 ; had issue, four sons and four daus. ; his eldest son C154.

C154 SIR JOHN: 1st Baronet of Embo ; created a baronet of Nova Scotia, 1631; d. 1649 ; s. by only surviving son,

C155 SIR ROBERT: 2nd Baronet; d. 1697 ; s. by eldest son,

C156 SIR JOHN: 3rd Baronet; d. 1701; s. by eldest son,

C157 SIR JOHN: 4th Baronet; d. 1760.

C158 SIR JOHN: 5th Baronet; d. 1779.

C159 SIR JAMES: 6th Baronet; col. in service of the States of Holland; at his decease, unm., in 1786, the title devolved upon his brother C160.

C160 SIR WILLIAM: 7th Baronet, 1735-1804. (1) William: Major 41st Regt. ; d. unm. 1794. (2) Paulus: d. unm. 1791. (3) Robert Crosby: d. v. p. (4) Sir John: 8th Baronet-C161. (5) Walter: midshipman; d. 1794, v. p. (6) Sir Orford: 9th Baronet-C162. (7) Judith Margaret: d. 1839. (8) Charlotte: d. 1846 ; left issue. (9) Sarah: d. unm. 1769. (10) Emelia : d. 1827. (11) Christiana: d. unm. (12) Irving: d. unm.

C161 SIR, JOHN: 8th Baronet; b. 1776 ; d. unm. 1804 ; s. by his brother C 162.

C162 SIR ORFORD: 9th Baronet; Capt. 78th Highlanders; d. 1857.
(1) Sir William Home: 10th Baronet-C163.
(2) Julia Charlotte Mackenzie: d. 1857. Issue.
(3) Louisa Charlotte Melville: d. unm. 1882.
(4) .Frances Amelia: twin with her sister; d. s. p. 1896.

C163 SIR WILLIAM HOME: 10th Baronet; M. A. Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 18181876;

C164 SIR HOME SETON : 11th Baronet; b. 1845 ; m. 1870, Mabel Montagu (dau. of late Montagu David Scott, and grand-dau. of Sir David Scott, 2nd bart of Dunninald) ; d. 1906.

0165 SIR HOME SETON CHARLES MONTAGU: 12th and present Baronet, of Embo, co. Sutherland; b. 1871; educated at Eton; s. his father 1906.

Gordon of Manar

J294 HUGH: H. E. I. C. S.; J. P.; D. L.; he purchased Badifurrow, now
called Manar; b. 1767.
(1) James: his heir J295.
(2) Hugh: deceased.
(3) William: deceased.
(4) William: deceased.
(5) Elizabeth.
(6) Jane.
(7) Jane: d. unm.
(8) Anne.
(9) Robina.

J295 JAMES, Esq. of Manar: succeeded his father 1834 ; d. 1874.
(1) Hugh: Lieut. 90th Light Infantry; d. while serving in the Indian Mutiny.
(2) William: d. unm.
(3) James: d. unm.
(4) Henry: now of Manar, J296.,
(5) Catherine: d. unm.
(6) Elizabeth: d. unm.
(7) Anne.
(8) Mary.
(9) Elizabeth Alice.

J296 HENRY, Esq. of Manar, co. Aberdeen: b. 1848 ; m. 1874, Ellen,
dau. of Hon. Vice-Chancellor Sir Charles Hall, Knt.
(1) Elizabeth Cruger: b. 1875.

Gordon of Newtimber

J301 CHARLES, of Braco, Trelawney, Jamaica, and of Berkhamstead House, Herts: d. 1829 ; left a son, J302.

J302 CHARLES, of Newtimber Place, Sussex: d. 1839.
(1) Charles Henry William, of Newtimber Place, J303.
(2) Rev. Arthur Pitman: M. A.; Rector of Newtimber.
(A) William Hunter: (d. 1893) ,
(B) Percival Wilmot: dec.,
(C) Arthur Charles: dec.,
(D) Elizabeth Mary,
(E) Caroline Rochford,
(F) Ethel Augusta.
(3) Anne Catherine: dec.
(4) Eliza Mary: dec.
(5) Louisa Astley.
(6) Georgina Charlotte.

J303 CHARLES HENRY WILLIAM, of Newtimber Place: d. 1887.
(1) Charles Edward Grant: now of Newtimber Place, J304.
(2) Alexander William.
(3) Mary Katherine: m. 1892.
(4) Margaret Louisa.
(5) Lucy Georgiana.
(6) Eleanor Wilmot.
(7) Beatrix Cecilia.

J304 CHARLES EDWARD GRANT, of Newtimber Place, Sussex
served in Roberts’s Horse, in S. Africa; b. 1872.
(1) A dau., b. 1917.

Gordon of Threave

J305 GEORGE GORDON: d. 1830 ; left a son, J306.

J306 WILLIAM, of Montrose: d. 1838.

J307 WILLIAM, of Threave, co. Kirkcudbright : J. P. and D. L.; 18181899.
(1) William: late of Threave, J308.
(2) Alexander: Barrister-at-Law; 1850-1888 ; issue, three daus.
(3) Edward Gordon: now of Threave, J309.
(4) Rev. Charles James: Rector of Great Salkeld, Penrith, Cumberland; b. 1853.
(A) William: D. S. 0. ; Major; served in Great War; b. 1883.
(B) Stephen: M. C.; Capt. I. M. S.; served in Great War; b. 1884.
(C) Michael: late Lieut. The Border Regt.; served in Great War; b. 1894.
(D) Ruth.
(E) Grace.
(F) Mary: m. 1908, Ian Mackinnow Jofferiss.
(G) Bertha: m. 1920, Frederick Herbert Williams.
(5) Mary Jane..
(6) Helen: d. 1916 ; left issue.
(7) Isabel.
(8) Margaret.
(9) Elizabeth.

J308 COLONEL WILLIAM, of Threave, co. Kirkcudbright : b. 1849; d. 1913, leaving issue.
(1) Colin Lindsay: Major Coldstream Guards; served in the Great War; b. 1883.
(2) Alan Francis: D. S. 0. ; M. C.; Capt. Irish Guards; served in Great War; b. 1892.
J309 EDWARD, of Threave, and Dun j op, Castle Douglas, co. Kirkcudbright : J. P.; b. 1852. Ch.
William Edward: (b. 1897) ; Vyner Reginald: (b. 1904) .

Gordon of Wincombe Park

J280 JAMES, of Auchendolly.

J281 WILLIAM, of Kilnotrie: built and endowed a school for free education at Wallbutt Crossmichael, 1717.

J282 JOHN, of Kilnotrie: m. 1773, Mary Bower; had issue.
(1) John, of Wincombe: b. 1774 ; d. v. p.1834.
(2) William: Lieut.-Col. the Queen’s Bays; b. 1776 , d. unm. 1831.
(3) George, of Oak Leaze, J283.

J284 GEORGE, of Oak Leaze, Tockington, co. Gloucester; 1776-1832.

J285 CHARLES WILLIAM, of Wincombe Park, Shaftesbury, co. Wilts; 1819-1897.
(1) George Henry: now of
Wincombe Park, J286.
(2) Frederick: d. 1880.
(3) Charles Steward.
(4) Harold: d. 1911, aged 54.
(5) Frank.
(6) Alfred William.
(7) Edgar Louis.
(8) Savile Henry. ( 9 ) Thomas Grove.
(10) Evelyn Boscawen: b. 1877.
(11) Percy Hugh.
(12 ) Douglas Guy.
(13 ) Ethel Maria Louisa.
(14 ) Lilian Mary.
(15 ) Hilda Gwendoline.
(16) Muriel Edith.

J286 GEORGE HENRY, of Wincombe Park, Wilts; J. P. for Wilts and Dorset: b. 1846. Ch.
Reginald George Stanier: Hon. 2nd Lieut. in the Army and Major Q. 0. Dorset Yeo. (b. 1883) ,
Charles Algernon: Capt. Grenadier Guards (b. 1884),
Gerard Montague: b. 1891; killed in action, 1917 ; bur. at Reninghelst.

Adam Lindsay Gordon

ADAM LINDSAY: (1833-1870) , Australian poet; s. Captain Adam G-; b. Fayal in the Azores; joined mounted police as a trooper in South Australia, 1853 ; elected to colonial House of Assembly, 1865 ; noted as a steeplechaser in Victoria; published first volume of poems, 1867 ; achieved considerable reputation.

Alexander Gordon

ALEXANDER: (1516?-1575) , bishop-elect of Galloway; titular archbishop of Athens ; s. John, master of Runtly ; took part in the last provincial-general council of the Scottish Church, 1559, held in Blackfriars, Edinburgh; joined in ratifying the convention of Berwick which established the English alliance as against France; as member of the privy council, 1567, he signed the letter to the queen-regent of France, giving an account of the murder of Darnley; on appointment of Moray as regent he temporised and, as member of parliament, confirmed Mary’s abdication; on Mary’s escape from Lochleven he signed the bond for her restoration, 1568 ; acted as queen’s commissioner in England, 1570-71; he was ordered to do public penance in sackcloth for acknowledging the queen’s authority.

Alexander Gordon

ALEXANDER : (1587-1654 ) , of Earlston, covenanter; s. John G.-of Airds and Earlston; member of parliament; appointed on a parliamentary commission, 1641, for examination of the Marquis of Montrose ; stoutly repudiated claims of Charles I to ecclesiastical supremacy.

Alexander Gordon

ALEXANDER: second Duke of Gordon (1678 ?-1728) : s. George, first Duke of Gordon ; during the rebellion he was taken by the Earl of Sutherland and imprisoned in the castle at Edinburgh, but was pardoned subsequently; the grand duke sent his bust in white marble and a silver font for the christening of his godson, the young marquis of Huntly, Gordon s son, together with a fine suet of steel armor gilt; he lived chiefly at home in princely style.

Alexander Gordon

ALEXANDER: (1692 ?-1754 ? ) , antiquary ; explored ancient Roman remains in Scotland; appointed secretary to Society for Encouragement ant of Learning, 1736 ; secretary to Society of Antiquaries, 1736 ; obtained secretaryship of the Egyptian Society ; emigrated to South Carolina, 1741, as secretary to the governor of that province.

Alexander Gordon

ALEXANDER: fourth Duke of Gordon (1745 ?-1827) ; s. Cosmo George G-, third Duke (who was made K. T. for his loyalty in 1745) ; elected representative peer of Scotland, 1761; caused Gordon Castle to be rebuilt; was made K. T., lord keeper of the great seal of Scotland.

Alexander Gordon Family

ALEXANDER: third Earl of Huntly; (d. 1524) , s. George, second Earl; for his services the king, in 1505-06, confirmed to him lands and baronies, to be called Barony and Earldom of Huntly; he, with Lord Home, led the vanguard of the Scots at the battle of Flodden, 1513 ; the king being slain, he was appointed to aid the queen mother in the government, with other nobles; made lieutenant over all Scotland, 1517-18, with exception of Argyll’s territory.

Andrew Gordon

ANDREW: (1712-1751) natural philosopher; b. Cofforach, Angusshlre ; took habit of order of St. Benedict m the Scotch monastery at Ratisbon and was ordained priest; 1737 was appointed professor of philosophy, Univ. of Erfurt; in recognition of his scientific acquirements he was elected a correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of Paris.

Archibald Gordon

ARCHIBALD: M. D. (1812-1886 ) , inspector-general of hospitals; served with the army in the Sutlej campaign of 1846, in the Pubjaub campaign of 1848-49, in the Crimea, throughout the siege of Sebastopol ; made C. B. and a knight of the Legion of Honour; honorary surgeon to the queen.

Charles Gordon

CHARLES: first Earl of Aboyne (d. 1681) ; s. George, second Marquis of Huntly; received a peerage with the title of Lord Gordon of Strathaven and Glenlivat and Earl of Aboyne, 1660.

Charles Gordon

CHARLES: second Earl of Aboyne (d. 1702) ; succeeded his fa., Charles G-, in 1681; member of Scottish parliament.

Charles George Gordon

CHARLES GEORGE: known as Chinese Gordon (1833-1885) , major-general, C. B.; royal engineers; s. Lieut.-Gen. Henry William G b. Woolwich; joined forces of Sir James Hope Grant operating with the French against China, 1860 ; he took part in clearing the rebel Taipings out of Kah-ding; at the request of the governor-general of the Kiang provinces, Gordon was authorized to accept the command of the Chinese forces called the “Ever Victorious Army,” 1863, and he succeeded in stamping out the rebellious Taipings; returning to England he was given charge of construction of forts for defense of the Thames, 1865 ; appointed governor of the equatorial provinces of Central Africa, 1873 ; received combined appointment, 1877, of governor-general of the Soudan, Darfour, the equatorial provinces and the Red Sea littoral; resigned and returned to England, 1880 ; sent to China to advise the government in connection with their then strained relations with Russia; his wise counsels in favor of peace carried the day; returned to England, October, 1880 ; assumed command of troops, as senior officer, at Mauritius, 1882 ; accepted position as commandant of colonial forces at Cape Town, May, 1882, but resigned, October, 1882, and returned to England; visited the Holy Land, 1883 ; ordered to the Soudan, 1883, to accomplish abandonment of the Soudan by the khedive; a relief expedition in command of Sir Herbert Stewart was sent to his assistance but the Mahdi rebels massacred Gordon and his troops; Friday, 13 March, was observed by the grief-stricken English, as a day of national mourning; parliament voted a national monument to be placed in Trafalgar Square; memorials were projected in Westminster Abbey and Rochester Cathedral; the following epitaph was written by Lord Tennyson

Duke Gordon

DUKE: (1739-1800) , librarian; s. William G ; educated Edinburgh Univ.; made assistant Univ. librarian, 1763.

Edward Strathearn Gordon

EDWARD STRATHEARN: Baron Gordon (1814-1879) , lord of appeal; s.. John G-; b. Inverness; called to the bar of Scotland, 1835, became a Q. C., 1868, was appointed an advocate-depute, and served as sheriff of Perthshire, 1858-1866 ; solicitor-general for Scotland, 1866-67, became lord-advocate of Scotland; dean of faculty, 1868-74 ; member of parliament; created lord of appeal in ordinary, 1876.

Elizabeth Gordon

ELIZABETH: Duchess of Gordon (1794-1864) ; b. London; dau. Alexander Brodie; heiress of great wealth, and possessed of a handsome figure; she m., 1813, George G-, Marquis of Huntly, afterwards fifth Duke of Gordon; became devoted to schools, chapels and other Christian undertakings among her own people.

George Gordon

GEORGE: second Earl of Huntly (d. 1502 ?) ; lord high chancellor of Scotland; s. Alexander de Seton, Lord of Gordon and first Earl of Huntly; appointed king’s lieutenant, 1491; m. Princess Annabella, dau. James I, 1459.

George Gordon

GEORGE: fourth Earl of Huntly (1514-1562) , s. John, master of Huntly; brought up with James V ; accompanied the King on journey to western isles, 1540 ; succeeded Cardinal Beaton as lord high chancellor, 1546 ; voted in parliament for marriage of Princess Mary and the dauphin of France, 1548 ; accompanied queen dowager to France, 1550.

George Gordon

GEORGE: fifth Earl of Huntly (d. 1576), lord high chancellor of Scotland under Queen Mary; s. George, fourth Earl of Huntly; after battle of Corrichie he was committed to the castle of Edinburgh; restored by proclamation to his estates, 1565.

George Gordon

GEORGE: sixth Earl and first Marquis of Huntly (1562-1636) ; s. George, fifth Earl; succeeded Lord Glamis, 1588, as captain of the guard, after which he stayed all the winter with the king in Holyrood Abbey.

George Gordon

GEORGE: second Marquis of Huntly (d. 1649) ; s. George G sixth Earl and first Marquis; educated in Protestant faith in England at the court of James-I; created Earl of Enzie by King James; created Viscount of Aboyne, 1632 ; secretly appointed king’s lieutenant in the north, 1639 ; beheaded at the cross of Edinburgh, 1649.

George Gordon

GEORGE: fourth Marquis of Huntly and first Duke of G (16431716) ; s. Lewis, third Marquis of Huntly; appointed captain and constable and keeper of the castle of Edinburgh, 1686.

George Gordon

GEORGE: first Earl of Aberdeen (1637-1720) ; s. Sir John G-, bart., of Haddo, Aberdeenshire; graduated Aberdeen, 1658 ; commis

George Gordon

GEORGE : second Earl of Huntly (d. 1502 ?) ; lord high chancellor sioner for Aberdeen to Scottish parliament, 1669 ; nominated king’s privy council for Scotland, 1678 ; succeeded Duke of York as governor of Scotland; appointed lord high chancellor of Scotland, 1682.

George Gordon

GEORGE: ninth Marquis of Huntly (1761-1853 ) ; s. Charles, fourth Earl of Aboyne; b. Edinburgh; in the army he rose to be lieutenant colonel; appointed colonel of Aberdeenshire militia, 1798 ; member of parliament, 1796 ; created a peer of the United Kingdom by title of Baron Meldrum of Morven, 1815 ; made knight of the Thistle, 1827.

George Gordon of Lucan

GEORGE: (1806-1879 ) , horticultural writer; b. Lucan; trained by his fa., who Was land-steward and gardener at Sterling House; taken op staff of Horticultural Society at Chiswick, 1828.

George Gordon of Scotland

GEORGE: fifth Duke of Gordon (1770-1836) ; s. of fourth Duke of Gordon. 1745-1827 ; b. Edinburgh ; became colonel. 1796: brigadier general, and took his regiment to Holland, 1799 ; member of parliament, 1806 ; became general, 1819 ; made G. C. B., 1820 ; appointed keeper of the great seal of Scotland, 1827 ; governor of Edinburgh Castle, 1828.

George Hamilton Gordon

GEORGE HAMILTON: fourth Earl of Aberdeen (1784-1860), statesman; s. George G-, Lord Haddo; b. Edinburgh; founded the Athenian Society, 1803 ; member of parliament; invested with order of the Thistle, 1808 ; appointed ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Vienna, 1813 ; represented Great Britain at the Congress of Chatillon, 1814, and signed the treaty of Paris; as reward for diplomatic skill was created a peer by title of Viscount Gordon of Aberdeen; invested with order of the Garter at Windsor, 1855.

Henrietta Gordon

HENRIETTA: called Lady Henrietta (fl. 1658) , maid of honor to the Princess Henrietta, dau. of Charles I ; dau. of John G-, created Viscount of Melgum and Lord Aboyne; presented to the queen at Paris, 1643.

James Gordon

JAMES: (1541-1620) , jesuit ; b. Scotland; s. George G-, fourth Earl of Huntly; entered Society of Jesus at Rome, 1563 ; kinsman of King James; on account of agitating in the Catholic cause he was exiled, 1595.

James Gordon

JAMES: D. D. (1553-1641) , jesuit ; member of house of Lesmore, Aberdeenshire; entered Society of Jesus at Paris, 1573 ; rector of college of his order at Toulouse.

James Gordon

JAMES: second Viscount Aboyne (d. 1649) ; s. George, second Marquis of Huntly; took the field for Charles I against the covenanters; died of grief upon hearing of execution of Charles I.

James Gordon

JAMES: (1615 ?-1686) , parson of Rothiemay, Banffshire ; geographer and author of “Scots Affairs”; s. Robert G of Straloch; educated, Univ. of Aberdeen; assisted his fa. in preparation of maps for the Scottish section of Bleau’s “Atlas.”

James Gordon

JAMES: (1664-1746) , Scotch Catholic prelate; s. Patrick G-; b. Enzie, Banffshire ; educated Scotch College in Paris.

James Alexander Gordon

JAMES ALEXANDER: (1793-1872) , physician; b. Middlesex; graduated M. D. at Edinburgh, 1814 ; censor, Coll. of Physicians, 1838 ; elected physician, London Hospital, 1828.

James Bentley Gordon

JAMES BENTLEY: (1750-1819) , historian; s. Rev. James G of Neeve Hall, Londonderry; graduated B. A. at Trinity Coll., Dublin, 1773.

John G. Gordon

JOHN G (tenth or) eleventh Earl of Sutherland (1526 ?-1567) ; s. Alexander, master of Sutherland; grands. Adam G of Aboyne; with his relative, Earl of Huntly, he accompanied the queen-dowager to France, 1550 ; in 1555, received from the queen regent the government of the earldom of Ross.

John Gordon

JOHN: D. D. (1544-1619) , dean of Salisbury; upon commendation of Queen Mary to the French king, he was given post of gentleman ordinary of the privy chamber to Charles IX, Henry III and Henry IV; published a strongly Protestant panegyric of congratulation to James I of England upon his accession to the throne, 1603, and yeas nominated by James to the deanery of Salisbury.

John Gordon

JOHN: D. D. (1644-1726) , bishop of Galloway; followed James II to Ireland and France at the revolution.

John Gordon

JOHN: (fifteenth or) sixteenth Earl of Sutherland (1660?-1733) ; s. George (fourteenth or) fifteenth Earl of Sutherland; took arms in support of the revolution and William III, 1689 ; member of parliament; lord-lieutenant of eight northern counties of Scotland, about 1715 ; invested with order of Thistle, 1716.

John Gordon

JOHN: (1702-1739) , Gresham professor of music.

John Gordon Earl of Sutherland

JOHN: (thirteenth or) fourteenth Earl of Sutherland (1609-1663) ; s. John (twelfth or) thirteenth Earl; took a leading part in the struggle of the covenanters, 1637.

Judge Thomas Gordon Family


K330 EDWARD III, KING OF ENGLAND:. m. Lady Philippa, of Hainault.

K331 PRINCE JOHN, K. G.: Duke of Lancaster; m. Catherine Swinford.

K332 JOHN DE BEAUFORT, K. G.: Marquis of Dorset; m. Lady Margaret de Holland.

K333 JANE, QUEEN DOWAGER OF SCOTLAND: m. Sir James Stewart, the Black Knight of Lorn.

K334 JOHN STEWART: Earl of Athol: m. Lady Eleanor Sinclair.


K336 SIR GEORGE GORDON : of Pitlurg.

K337 JUDGE THOMAS GORDON : of Pitlochi; 1652-1722 ; in 1684 moved to Perth Amboy, N. J., to “gain liberty of conscience and quietness of life”; became one of H. M. Council for the Province of East Jersey (of whiff his uncle, Sir Robert Gordon, was one of the Proprietors).
(1) Captain Andrew Gordon, of Freehold, N. J. Issue.
(2) Thomas Gordon, of Monmouth Co., N. J. Issue.
( 3 ) John Gordon, of Amboy, N. J.
( 4 ) Mary Gordon.
(5) Euphemia Gordon.
(6) Margaret Gordon: m. Louis Carre Stelle.

Lord George Gordon

LORD GEORGE: (1751-1793) , agitator; s. Cosmo George G , third Duke of Gordon; b. London; member of parliament.

Lord Lewis Gordon

LORD LEWIS: (d. 1754) , Jacobite’s. Alexander, second Duke of Gordon; lieutenant in the navy but joined cause of the Stuarts, 1745.

Osborne Gordon

OSBORNE: (1813-1883) , divine; s. George G-; b. Broseley, Shropshire; proctor in Ireland Univ., 1846 ; delivered a funeral oration upon Duke of Wellington, 1852.

Patrick Gordon

PATRICK: (fl. 1615-1650) , poet; s. Sir Thomas G of Cluny, Aberdeenshire; a staunch royalist.

Patrick Gordon

PATRICK: (1635-1699) , Auchleuchries in Aberdeenshire; entered service of Charles X of Sweden; entered service of Czar Alexis, 1661; sent by Alexis on mission to England and had interview with Charles II; rewarded with many estates and dignities for services to Peter and at his wedding nuptials was honored by presence of the Czar; the Czar ordered a splendid funeral for him upon his death and he was buried in the Roman Catholic Church, Moscow.

Pryse Lockhart Gordon

PRYSE LOCKHART: (fl. 1834) , writer of memoirs; b. Ardersier, Inverness-shire; s. Rev. Harry G.

Robert Gordon

ROBERT: (1580-1661) , of Straloch, geographer; s. Sir John G of Pitlurg, Banffshire; educated Edinburgh Univ.

Robert Gordon

ROBERT: (1665-1732) , founder of Robert Gordon’s Hospital; since Robert Gordon’s Coll., Aberdeen’s. Arthur G advocate, Edinburgh, and grands. Robert G (1580-1661) of Straloch.

Robert Gordon

ROBERT: (1687-1764) , Biblical scholar; b. Scotland; entered Scotch Coll. at Rome, 1705 ; ordained priest, 1712 ; engaged in translating New Testament into English.

Robert Gordon

ROBERT: D. D. (1786-1853) , free church minister; b. Glencairn, Dumfriesshire; member Royal Society of Edinburgh and Royal Scottish Society.

Sir Alexander Gordon

SIR ALEXANDER: (1650-1726 ) , of Earlston, covenanter; s. William G (1614-1679 ) of Earlston; present at battle of Bothwell Bridge; he escaped to Holland, but was seized by customs officers and sent for trial to Edinburgh; king ordered him put to the torture of the boots to extort from him names of his accomplices; after this he appeared insane; council thought the execution of a man in state c~-IL’ insanity would endanger his soul; he was reprieved and execution deferred; he was sent to the Castle of Blackness, where his imprisonment was voluntarily shared by his wife and some of their children were born there; the Earlston estates were restored after the revolution and he returned there.

Sir Alexander Gordon

SIR ALEXANDER: (1783-1815 ) , lieutenant-colonel; s. George G.; br. of George Hamilton G , fourth Earl of Aberdeen; served as aide-de-camp to his maternal uncle, General Sir David Baird, at the recapture of the Cape of Good Hope, 1806 ; appointed aide-de-camp to Lord Wellington, 1810 ; mentioned in dispatches, received ten medals for general actions and was made K. C. B.; made aide-de-camp to the Duke of Wellington in Belgium and received a mortal wound while rallying a battalion of Brunswickers, near La Haye Sainte, 1815, and died.

Sir Charles Gordon

SIR CHARLES: (1756-1835) , governor of St. Lucia; s. Charles G- of Abergeldie, Perthshire; fought in the American war, 1776 ; from letters, now in the British Museum, addressed by him to the Marquis of Carmarthen, he appears to have accompanied the Duke of Brunswick with the Prussian army, 1787, in an invasion into Holland; in recognition of his services he was knighted in the Prussian Order of Military Merit, 1790 ; received rank of brigadier-general.

Sir Henry William Gordon

SIR HENRY WILLIAM: (1818-1887) , commissary-general; s. Lieut.-Gen. Henry William G-; employed on the staff in the East and West Indies and in China; assistant poor-law commissioner in Ireland, 1847-48, and relief inspector during the famine; served in the Crimea, 1855-56.

Sir James Alexander Gordon

SIR JAMES ALEXANDER: (1782-1869) , admiral of the fleet; s. Charles G of Wardhouse, Aberdeenshire; had distinguished share in capture of Spanish convoy and gunboats off Rota, 1808 ; took prominent part in action off Lissa, 1811, for which he received gold medal; in 1814, senior officer in command of squadron which forced its way up the Potomac, in America, reduced Fort Washington, and captured city of Alexandria.

Sir John Gordon

SIR JOHN: of Lochinvar, first Viscount Kenmure and Lord Lochinvar (1599 ?-1634) ; s. _ Sir Robert G of Lochinvar in Galloway; member of parliament.

Sir John Gordon

SIR JOHN: (d. 1644) , royalist; s. George G (d. 1610) ; created a baronet for his part in opposing the covenanters , 1642.

Sir John William Gordon

SIR JOHN WILLIAM: (1805-1870) , major-general, K. C. B., royal engineers; s. Colonel Thomas G of Harperfield, Lanarkshire, N. B.; attended Woolwich; wounded in the Crimean War; member, Institution of Civil Engineers.

Sir Robert Gordon

SIR ROBERT: (1580-1656) , historian of the house of Sutherland; b. Dunrobln Castle, Golspie, Sutherlandshire ; s. Alexander (eleventh or) twelfth Earl of Sutherland; gentleman of the privy chamber to James I, 1606 ; he assisted Sir William Alexander of Menstrie in plantation of a colony in Nova Scotia.

Sir Robert Gordon

SIR ROBERT: (1647-1704) , man of science; s. Sir Ludovick G second baronet of Gordonstoun in Drainie, Elginshire; grands. Sir Robert G (1580-1656) ; member of parliament; gentleman of household of James II.

Sir Robert Gordon

SIR ROBERT: (1791-1847) , diplomatist’s. George G , Lord Haddo; attaché to British embassy in Persia, 1810 ; secretary to embassy at The Hague; associated with Duke of Wellington as minister plenipotentiary at Vienna, 1815-17 and 21; envoy to Brazil, 1826 ; ambassador to Constantinople, 1828 ; ambassador to Vienna, 1841.

Theodore Gordon

THEODORE: (1786-1845) , inspector of array hospitals; b. Aberdeenshire; surgeon to 4th Regiment (King’s Own) and joined Wellington in the Peninsula; badly wounded crossing the frontier into France; professional assistant at medical board of war office.

Thomas Gordon

THOMAS: (d. 1750) , miscellaneous writer; b. Kirkcudbright.

Thomas Gordon

THOMAS: (1788-1841) , major-general in the Greek army; b. Cairness’s. Charles G of Buthlaw and Cairness in Lonmay, Aberdeenshire; served as captain on the staff of the Russian army, 1813 ; served through the campaign of 1821 in the Grecian army; member of several learned societies.

William Gordon

WILLIAM: (d. 1577) , last pre-reformation bishop of Aberdeen’s. Alexander G-, third Earl of Huntly; uncle of George G-, fourth Earl of Huntly, who fell in 1562 at Corrichie.

William Gordon

WILLIAM: (1614-1679) , of Earlston, covenanter’s. Alexander G of Earlston (1587-1654) ; accepted command under General Alexander Leslie, 1639, and was present at taking of Newcastle, 1640 ; shot by troopers after battle of Bothwell Bridge.

William Gordon

WILLIAM: sixth Viscount Kenmure (d. 1716) , Jacobite’s. Alexander, fifth Viscount; joined conspiracy for restoration of the Stuarts, 1715 ; received commission from Earl of Mar to command the Jacobite forces in south of Scotland; taken prisoner at battle of Preston; beheaded at Tower Hill.

William Gordon

WILLIAM: (1770-1820) , Gaelic poet; b. Creech in Sutherlandshire.

William Gordon

WILLIAM: M. D. (1800-1849) , philanthropist; b. Fountains Hall, near Ripon; took M. D. at Edinburgh, 1841; member Linnean Society, 1832 ; strenuous temperance advocate.

William Gordon

B148 WILLIAM, of Auchendolly, Trowdaill, and West India estates: 17581802.

B149 ROBERT, of Auchendolly, Trowdaill, West India estates, and Leweston : b. 1787 ; m. his 1st cousin, Elizabeth Anne Coxe ; d. 1864.
(1) Anna: succeeded to all the Gordon patrimony; viz., in Scotland, Auchendolly and Trowdaill ; in England, Leweston House, co. Dorset, and Kemble House, co. Wilts; and West India estates; b. 1809 ; d. unm. 1884.
At the death of Robert Gordon the male representation of the family devolved on B 150.

B150 COL. JAMES ROLLINGS : representative of Gordon of Auchendolly : 1831-1906.
(1) Robert Charles Lowther B 151.(2) George, of Beldornie ; ancestor of the Gordons of Warohouse. (3) Bertrand Gorges Reginald: b. 1880.

B151 THE LATE ROBERT CHARLES LOWTHER GORDON: representative of Gordon of Auchendolly ; Lieut. 8th Gordon Highlanders; b. 1878 ; succeeded his father, 1906 ; d. 1915, of wounds received in action.

William Gordon of Roxbury

WILLIAM: D. D. (1728-1807) , independent minister; b. Hitchin, Hertfordshire; removed to America and was pastor at Roxbury, Mass.; said to have been secretary to Washington; returned to London, 1786.

Gordons of Wardhouse and Kildrummy

The Gordons of Wardhouse and Kildrummy are descended from the Earls of Huntly, through Elizabeth Gordon, who married about 1408, Alexander, 2nd s. of William of Winton. Their eldest son assumed the name of Gordon, and was created Earl of Huntly ; of his three sons, the eldest succeeded, and the 3rd 6229.


6230 GEORGE, of Rothie : m. Janet Ross, who brought the lands of Beldorney into the family. The 5th in descent from George Gordon m. the dau. of James Leith, of Leith Hall. His sons went abroad, and not returning within twenty years of their father’s death, 1678, the Beldorney estates passed to his cousin, 6231 (See C152) .

6231 ALEXANDER, of Candell.

6232 JOHN: m. a dau. of John Gordon, of Law and Wardhouse ; d. 1748 having entailed the Wardhouse estate on the eldest son of his son, 6233.

6233 JOHN: b. 1723 ; d. 1760, leaving issue. (1) Alexander Maria: of Wardhouse ; d. s. p. (2) Charles Edward: succeeded his brother, 6234.

6234 CHARLES EDWARD, Esq. of Beldorney, Wardhouse, and Kildrummy : b. 1750 ; s. his brother, Alexander Maria, on whom the estate of Wardhouse were entailed by his grandfather; d. 1834.

6235 JOHN EDWARD, Esq. of Wardhouse and Kildrummy : d. 1850 ; left issue.(1) Pedro Callos : his successor; 1806-1857.
(2) Carlos Pedro: s. his brother, now of Wardhouse, 6236.
(3) Juan Jose: b. 1837 ; d. s. p. 1866.
(4) Alexander: b. 1828. Issue.
(5) Luis: b. 1827. Issue.
(6) Maria de las Mercedes: m. 1862.
(7) Maria de la Concepcion.
(8) Josefa : d. 1870. Issue.

6236 CARLOS PEDRO, Esq. of Wardhouse and Kildrummy, co. Aberdeen: formerly British Consul at Jerez de la Frontera in Spain; b. 1814.
(1) Carlos Pedro: 1844-1876.
(A) Carlos: 1872-1874.
(B) Rafael: now of Wardhouse, 6237.
(C) Pedro: b. 1875.
(2) Arturo Leon: 1850-1907.
(3) Rev. Pedro Carlos: 1853-1907.
(4) Joseph Maria: b. 1856.
(5) Maria del Carmen.
(6) Cristina.
(7) Rosa Eduarda.
(8) Elena Maria.
(9) Marie Magdalena.
(10) Ursula Maria.

6237 RAFAEL GORDON, of Wardhouse, co. Aberdeen: b. 1873.

Lord Adam

LORD ADAM: (1726 ?-1801) , general; governor of Edinburgh Castle; s. Alexander, second Duke of Gordon; became colonel, 1762, and took his regiment to Jamaica; colonel of the Cameronians, 1775 ; governor of Tynemouth, 1778 ; appointed commander of the forces in Scotland (North Britain), 1782 ; became full general and governor of Edinburgh Castle, 1796.





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