Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers

Bissell, George P. and Ellis, Samuel K. and McManus, Thomas and Goodell, Henry Hill. The Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion. History, Reminiscences, Description of Battle of Irish Bend, Carrying of Pay Roll, Roster. Rockville, Connecticut: Press Of The Rockville Journal. 1913.

Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers – Company K

Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by Dennis Roster of Company K, Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Captain. William F. Silloway. Second Lieutenant. Senica Gorham. Sergeants. James E. Hamilton, Watson H. Bliss, Robert Buckley, Charles W. Clark, John Scantlin, George E. Terry. Corporals. Ezra C. Ayer, Frank Bolles, John W. Longdon, James E. Lusk, […]

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Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers – Company I

Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by Dennis Roster of Company I, Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Captains. Burritt Darcow, Hiram W. Harkness. First Lieutenant. Isaac W. Beach. Second Lieutenant. William E. Symonds. Sergeants. J. Fayette Douglas, Charles H. Allspress, Charles W. Brown, George H. Grant, John C. Mack. Corporals. Elbridge Belding, Wm. E.

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Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers – Company H

Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by Dennis Roster of Company H, Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Captain. William W. Abbey. First Lieutenant. Dwight Ensworth. Second Lieutenants. Bononi E. Buck, Charles Clapp, John M. Brown. Sergeants. Arthur W. Andross, Charles F. Bevins, Thomas A. Davis, William Holden, William M. Hollister, Aaron Kinne, Sumner Payne,

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Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers – Company G

Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by Dennis Roster of Company G, Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Captain. Charles H. Talcott. First Lieutenant. Hezekiah Bissell. Second Lieutenant. Charles Avery. Sergeants. Benjamin F. Turner, Samuel C. Harding, Nathan Willey, Lemuel R. Lord, John C. Rockwell, Elijah Ward. Corporals. Charles H. Barber, Charles H. Bartholemew, John

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Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers – Company F

Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by Dennis Roster of Company F, Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Captain. George H. Napheys. First Lieutenants. Henry Kimball, Henry H. Goodale. Sergeants. Jonas G. Holden, Henry R. Pease, William O. Bissell, Charles D. Grover, Augustus S. Lancaster, Carlos W. Thrall. Corporals. Charles K. Belknap, Orville F. Belknap,

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Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers – Company E

Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by Dennis Roster of Company E, Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Captains. Newton P. Johnson, Leander Waterman. First Lieutenants. Almon C. Banning, Robert T. Duncan. Second Lieutenant. Edward Pinney. Sergeants. George B. Thurston, Eugene C. Alderman, Miles H. Barnard, Miletus H. Carrier, Marcillus C. Clark, Henry W. Davis.

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Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers – Company D

Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by Dennis Roster of Company D, Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Captain. George H. Foskit. First Lieutenant. Oscar W. Sanford. Second Lieutenants. George Brennan, Ephraim Taft. Sergeants. Michael Noland, Francis Patten, George Root, Franklyn D. Winters. Corporals. James D. Fenton, Alonzo L. Howard, Ralph Lull, Francis R. Munsell,

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Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers – Company C

Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by Dennis Roster of Company C, Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Captains. Samuel S. Hayden, Richard W. Roberts. First Lieutenant. Alfred W. Converse. Second Lieutenants. Gurdon Trumburm, Benjamin F. Turner. Sergeants. Addison F. Lamphear, William C. Anderson, Levi G. Hayden, George H. Snow, Jacob A. Turner, Gardner Wilmarth.

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Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers – Company B

Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by Dennis Roster of Company B, Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Captain. Arthur T. Hinckley. First Lieutenant. Henry A. Darling. Second Lieutenants. Daniel V. Marshall, William A. Oliver, Frederick W. White. Sergeants. Henry W. Caye, Samuel W. Steele, William Sewart, William Taylor. Corporals. John Brown, William C. Bruce,

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Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers – Company A

Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by Dennis Roster of Company A, Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Civil War Captains. Macon C. Weld, Charles L. Norton. First Lieutenants. Leander Waterman, William H. Parmlee. Second Lieutenants. Daniel P. Dewey, George W. Hugg, Henry C. Ward, George H. Goodwin. Sergeants. Daniel Calahan, Aaron Cook, William S. Hubbell, Albert

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Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers

Last Updated on September 29, 2016 by Dennis The Twenty-fifth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, (George P. Bissell, Colonel), was recruited in Hartford and Tolland Counties, in the fall of 1862. The regiment was composed of the very best material, being almost exclusively young men impelled by patriotic motives, and from the first they took a high

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