Biographical Sketch of William Granville Lee

Lee, William Granville; labor leader; born, La Prairie, Illinois, Nov. 29, 1859; son of James W. and Sylvista Jane (Tracy) Lee; educated, public schools; married, Mary R. Rice, of Chicago, Oct. 15, 1901; brakeman and conductor, A. T. & S. F., Wabash, Missouri P., and U. P. railways, 1879-1884; deputy recorder deeds, Ford County, Kansas, 1884-1888; conductor, U. P. R. R., 1889-1895; 1st vice pres. 1895-1909, pres., Jan. 1, 1909; Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen; Republican; Mason.

Biographical Sketch of William Grant Smith

Smith, William Grant; railway express business; born, Fox Lake, Wis., Aug. 24, 1861; son of Lewis and Fannie A. Stevens Smith; educated, public schools and Ripon College, Wisconsin; married, Medford, Mass., June 25, 1902, Martha Chapin Wilcox; one daughter, Josephine Wilcox Smith; in 1879, entered the employment of The American Express Co.; appointed supt. Wisconsin Division, 1892; same position for Michigan in 1895; asst. gen. agt. at Omaha, Neb. 1902; 2nd asst. to gen. manager, Chicago, Ill., 1903; asst. to vice pres. and gen. mgr., Chicago, Ill., 1906; mgr. Central Dept., Cleveland, 1910; member of Illinois Society, Sons of American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Gordon

Gordon, William; attorney-at-law; born, Oak Harbor, O., Dec. 15, 1862; son of Washington and Margaret Rymers Gordon; educated, public schools, Oak Harbor, O., Toledo Business College, Toledo, O., graduate and Univ. Michigan, LL. B.; married Port Clinton Sept. 12, 1893; Elizabeth N. Garnhard; issue, one son and one daughter; taught school in Ottawa County; served four years as deputy county treasurer, six years a member of Board of County school Examiners, six years as Prosecuting atty., all in Ottawa County; served as delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Chicago in 1896 from 9th Congressional District of Ohio; member Democratic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William George Ebersole

Ebersole, William George; dentist; M. D. and D. D. S.; born, Carrollton, O., Nov. 18, 1864; son of John E. and Nancy Lyons Ebersole; educated, Grammar and High School of Carrollton; Ohio Norman University at Ada O.; spent a year and a half in the study of law; Western Reserve University, both medical and dental courses; married, Dec. 17, 1890, Carrollton, O., Miss Ora Stemple; one son, Carl Haman, born Oct. 19, 1896; in October, 1898, began the practise of dentistry in Cleveland; two and one-half years demonstrator of operative dentistry at Western Reserve University; 1898-1899 and a part of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William George Dietz

Dietz, William George; investment banker; born, Warren, O., April 7, 1857; son of August A. and Katherine Baehr Dietz; educated public school and in the private school of Miss Sackett, in Warren; graduated Hiram College, 1881, Ph. B.; married, Solon, O., Nov. 18, 1885, Jessie B. Pettibone; one daughter, Marian; deputy auditor Trumbull County, 1867-1877; sec’y to Dr. B. A. Hinsdale, supt. of the Cleveland public Schools, from September, 1882, to February, 1886; was one of the first two teachers in the night schools of Cleveland; taught news boys; with Lamprecht Bros. & Co., bankers, 1886-1893; organized the firm of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William George Callow

Callow, William George; merchant; born, Hudson, O., Nov. 23, 1862; father’s name, Frank Callow; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, New York City, Dec. 25, 1900, Alice M. Burns; pres. and treas. The Kennedy Co.; sec’y and treas. The Euclid Huron Improvement Co.; member Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of William Gaston

Gaston, William; clergyman; born, Columbiana County, O., April 19, 1835; son of James W. and Rebecca Conke Gaston; A. B., Washington College, Pa., 1858; grad. Western Theological Seminary, 1861; (D. D., 1887, LL. D., 1892, Richmond College Ohio); married, Julia M. Cunningham, of Smith’s Ferry, Pa., May 4, 1855 (died March, 1896); second wife, Jennie L. Wise, of Washington, Pa., Aug. 2, 1898; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1861; pastor, Smith’s Ferry, Pa., 1861-1865; First Church, Bellaire, O., 1865-1880; North Church, Cleveland, 1880-1907; Emeretus, 1907; chaplain U. S. Christian Comma in Civil War, director University of Wooster, O.; Republican; Presbyterian; has traveled … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Ganson Rose

Rose, William Ganson; writer; born, Cleveland, Oct. 29, 1878; son of William Russell and Eliza E. (Ganson) Rose; (A. B. Adelbert College, W. R. U., 1901); Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1902-1907, sec’y Cleveland convention, N. E. A., 1908; joint taxation committee, Ohio State Board of Commerce, and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1908; mgr. Cleveland Industrial Exposition, 1910; mgr. Newark Industrial Exposition, 1912; sec’y Cleveland Auditorium Committee, since 1912; vice pres. National Safety Device Co.; member American Press Humorists, Chamber of Commerce, Delta Tau Delta, Cleveland Advertising, Rotary, Cleveland Athletic Clubs, Cleveland; Quest Club, of Fort Wayne, Ind. Author ” Comic History … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William G. Phare

Phare, William G.; attorney-at-law; born, Warrensville, O., June 29, 1863; son of Thomas and Mary Short Phare; educated, public schools and Shaw Academy, East Cleveland; graduated from the National Normal University, Lebanon, O., in 1882; married, Lebanon, 0., Nov. 26, 1884, Mattie M. Linder; one son, Ray Phare; member Ohio Legislature, 1900-1902, Ohio Senate, 1910-3912, Mayor of the Village of Cleveland Heights, 1912-1914; active professional career; organized The Fairmount Savings Bank Co., in 1902; afterwards merged with The Cleveland Trust Co.; also active in real estate matters; member Cleveland and State Bar Associations, and Cleveland Fire Insurance Exchange; for several … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Francis Lyon

Lyon, William Francis; merchant; born, Meadville, Pa., Aug. 16, 1868; son of Thomas and Johanna Corbett Lyon; Meadville High School, graduated in class of 1885; married, Cleveland, Oct. 26, 1892, Lisette Baus; issue, Marie, Josephine, William Francis, Jr., started in Cleveland, Sept. 9, 1885; elected sec’y and treas., May 24, 1897, of The Cady-Ivison Shoe Co., and pres. and gen. mgr. of same Company, Jan. 20, 1913; charter member of the Cleveland Association of Credit Men, and pres. from 1902 to 1903; member Knights of Columbus, and Catholic Mutual Benefit Assn; member Athletic Club. Fond of Horseback Riding.

Biographical Sketch of William Flood

Flood, William; painting contractor; born, Cleveland, March 27, 1854; son of James and Annie Aylard Flood; public school education; married, Cleveland, March 25, 1885, Nellie Denison; two children; employed by Aylard & Burnett, June, 1868; remained with same firm thirteen years; then purchased business; has been in the same business at the same location forty-five years; pres. and treas. the William Flood Co.; member Cleveland Builders’ Exchange, Chamber of Commerce, Automobile Club.

Biographical Sketch of William Fleming Abel

Abel, William Fleming; manager; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 2, 1875; son of Joseph and Louise Marchand Abel; educated, Washington-Jefferson college; married, Pittsburg, Pa., March 18, 1899, Mary D. Coyle; member Iron and Steel Institute of England, International Society for Testing Materials, Automobile Engineers; member F. & A. M., Tyrian Lodge, Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, Rotary and West Brook Country Club.

Biographical Sketch of William F. Young

Young, William F.; sales mgr.; born, Jonesboro, Ind., July 9, 1862; son of James and Lucinda Bird Young; educated, public schools of Jonesboro and Marion Normal College, married, Jonesboro, Jan. 29, 1887, Phebe C. Adams; issue, two sons; taught school five years in Jonesboro; five years principal of the Gas City, Ind., schools; fifteen years in employ of Brunswick, Balke, Callender Co., first as traveling salesman, then as branch manager; served as township trustee for five years in Mill Township, Grabt County, Ind.; member B. P. O. E., No. 39, Omaha, Neb.; K. of P., No. 7, Omaha; Ben Hur … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William F. Singer

Singer, William F.; mgr. Fairbanks, Morse & Co.; born, Sept. 20, 1860, St. Louis Mo.; educated in St. Louis public schools and at Washington University; married, Aug. 7, 1889, Alice Nugent, at Kansas City, Mo.; chief clerk, Maintenance of Way Department, Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis R. R., from 1887 to 1892; general storekeeper, World’s Fair, Chicago, 1892-1894; purchasing agent Western Stone Co., Chicago, 1894-1900; in Cleveland since as manager for Fairbanks, Morse & Co., scales, gas engines, steam pumps, etc.; member Masons, Royal Arcanum, Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of William F. Hanna

Hanna, William F.; florist; born, Cleveland, March 26, 1861; son of William F. and Elizabeth Kroehl Hanna; public school education; married, Cleveland, Nov. 28, 1888, Ida Dater; one child; worked for Harris Jaynes, florist, for twelve years; in 1888, started in business for himself; pres. and treas. of the company; has been at same location, 3481 East 93rd St., since started; member Maccabees Viola Tent, No. 294; member Florist Club. Recreations: Hunting.

Biographical Sketch of William F. Finley

Finley, William F.; banker; born, Millersburg, O., Oct. 16. 1879; son of Calim and Laura Gray Finley; education, Millersburg High School and Mt. Union College; married, Fredericksburg, O., Nov. 25, 1907, Grace Morgan; two children; asst. treas. Garfield Savings Bank; member Chamber of Commerce; Woodward Lodge, F. & A. 31., Alpha Tau Omega.

Biographical Sketch of William F. Eirick

Eirick, William F.; born, Albany, N. Y., May 12, 1872; educated in the Albany and New York City public schools; with an export commission house, Wall St., N. Y., for several years; came to Cleveland in 1890, and entered the live stock business; commissioner of Cuyahoga county in 1903, youngest man ever elected to this position in the county; member Union, League, P. B. O. E., No. 18; treas. F. O. E , No. 125, 1902-1903; Republican; member Lutheran Church.

Biographical Sketch of William Erastus Cushing

Cushing, William Erastus; lawyer, born, Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1853; son of Henry Kirke and Betsy Maria Williams Cushing; educated Western Reserve College, A. B., 1875; Harvard Law School, LL. B., 1878; married, Pittsfield, Mass., June 4, 1884, Carolyn J. Kellogg; served a number of years as member of Ohio State Board of Commissioners on Uniform Laws, member law firm Cushing Siddall & Lamb; trustee University School, Adelbert College, First Presbyterian Church.

Biographical Sketch of William Elmer Crofut

Crofut, William Elmer; wholesale rubber; born, Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1874; son of Elmer Burr and Hattie A. Davis Crofut; educated in public and private schools of Syracuse and Syracuse University; married, Concord, N. H., Dec. 5, 1899, Ruth Paul; one son, William E., Jr., served in 141st N. Y., Spanish-American War; came to Cleveland, October, 1899, as manager of a mercantile agency; three years later engaged as sec’y and treas. Ohio Rubber Co., remaining with the firm until September, 1905, when he organized the Forest City Rubber Co., continuing as president-treasurer and gen. mgr. since; member Mayfield Country … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Eldred Kelly

Kelly, William Eldred; manufacturer; born, Emporium, Pa., May 11, 1861; son of Andrew Emmons and Lorinda Lyman Kelly; educated, Towanda College, Towanda, Pa.; also ordinary business course; married, Cleveland, Aug. 23, 1882, Alice T. Brown; issue, Fred Eugene, Myrtle L. and Hattie L. Kelly; pres. and gen. mgr. The Kelly Reamer Co.; formerly vice pres. The Kelly Handle-Bar Co.; joint proprietor and mgr. The E. A. Hewett Co.; pres. and mgr. The W. E. Kelly Mnfg. Co.; pres. and mgr. The Safety Handle-Bar Co.; pres. and mgr. The Modern Toy & Novelty Co.; master mechanic and supt. of The Clark … Read more