Roll Of Capt. Adam Berry’s Company

(County Unknown) Served from July 28, until September 6, 1813. Capt. Adam Berry Lieut. John Pain Ensign John Harnan Sergt. Parker Lee Sergt. Adam Zering Sergt. Jacob Mathias Sergt. Absalom Adams Corp. Jacob Smith Corp. Jacob Repner Corp. Richard Holbs Corp. Jacob Zering Drummer. Jacob Spangler Fifer, George Spangler Privates Allison, Jesse Bear, Peter Beventon, Charles Black, Charles Boyer, George Boyer, Stephen Cashner, George Cashner, Martin Deal, Adam Diam, Henry Fields, Jonothan Filson, Reuben Fowler, Samuel Grimm, John Hillary, John Hinton, Michael Hollory, Jeremiah Johnston. Henry Lim, James Lois, William Lonbach, Henry Mandy, John March, George Marts, Abraham Mathews, John … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Adam Berry’s Company

(From Pickaway & Ross Cos.) Served from April 11, until May 12, 1813, and from April 11, until May 12, 1814 Capt. Adam Berry Lieut. Arthur McPhee or McKee Ensign, John Thompson Ensign, John Thebus Sergt. John Beavens Sergt. Jacob Smith Sergt. George Spangler Sergt. Thomas Powell Sergt. John Spores Sergt. Blain Sergt. George Fry Sergt. Adam Zehrung Sergt. John Clark Sergt. John Shoup Corp. Phillip Least Corp. Hugh Caul Corp. John Knight Corp. Stephen Stewart Drummer jacob Smith Fifer, George Shaugler Privates Alcot, Israel Andrew, Thomas Bagley, Thomas Ballard, Linsey S Ballinger, Joseph Barber, Edward Beek, Alexander Bellote, Walter … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Absalom Vanmatre’s Company

(Probably from Ross County) Served from September 28 until October 25, 1812, and from July 29 until August 18, 1813. Capt. Absalom Vanmatre Lieut. Joseph Vanmatre Ensign, John Seaman Sergt. Joseph Vanmatre Jr. Sergt, William Clavanger Sergt. George Fedrick Sergt. Samuel Jones Sergt. Pierce Vanmatre Sergt. John Shockley Ensign, David Johnson Privates Bowers, David Bowers, Jacob Braskny, Hudson Burger, Christian Clevanger, Abraham Clevenger, Samuel Cox, William Gainer, Enoch Gallispie, Jonothan Gillispy, Hugh Gillispy, Thomas Hammer, William Jones, Daniel Jones, Isaac Jones, Oliver Lane, Peter Marsh, George Marsh, Peter Massee, James McCulloch, Samuel McDonald, Robert McKilbeans, John Miller, Isaac Miller, John … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Absalom Martin’s Company

(From Guernsey or Belmont County) Served from August 26, until November 12, 1812. Capt. Absalom Martin Lieut. Wyatt Hutchison Ensign, James Shuman Sergt. John Broton Sergt. George Scadan Sergt. Thomas Mullen Sergt. William Israel Corp. Christopher Donouer Corp. James Edwards Corp. Edward Davis Corp. Henry Wolford Drummer, Thomas DeBatnon Fifer, Edward Milner Privates Atkinson, Michael Beard, Moses Beard, Thomas Bell, Joseph Berry, Thomas Bowers, Joseph Brown, David Burys, David Carnes, William Carroll, Henry Cogle, Joseph Davis, Henry Delong, Darel Everett, James Fink, William Hanna, William Hart, Jacob Heage, Aaron Hill, Henry Lambert, Lewis Launtz, George Maple, William McGiffin, John McGiffin, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Abraham Shepherd’s Company

(Probably from Ross County) Served from September 2, until October 2, 1812 and from July 29, until August 22, 1813. Capt. Abraham Shepherd Lieut. Robert Wright Ensign Samuel Evans Sergt. Silas Thomas Sergt. Robert Moore Sergt. Samuel Buth Sergt. Samuel Mathers Sergt. Terry Womacks Sergt. William Reynolds Sergt. Joseph Bratten Corp. David Reynolds Corp. James Blaze Corp. William McCelgin Corp. Huston Martin Corp. William Colgan Pifer, George Reynolds Drummer, William Reynolds Privates Carter, Thomas Cary, Isaac Edwards, John Glendaning, William Graham, David Grant, William Hatfield, John Hewitt, Jacob Howland, John Jorden, Samuel Kanet, Samuel Kinkaid, Samuel Kinnett, James Kinnett, Thomas … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Abner Barrett’s Company

(Probably from Champaign County) Served from August 21, until October 21, 1812 and from January 1 until February 21, 1813. Capt. Abner Barrett Lieut. William Chenoweth Ensign, John Owen Sergt. Wanet Owen Sergt. Thomas Green Sergt. Jesse Frankelberger Sergt. Daniel Weal Corp. Daniel Helmick Corp. James Walker Corp. Stephen Runyon Corp. William Runyon Drummer, John Rupe Fifer, John Swisher Privates Bay, Hugh Bay, Robert Beatty, William Bishop, Aquilla Blue, William Bouseman, John Brousman, Nicodemus Carbert, Thomas Clark, Abraham Conkel, Michal Coon, Barnabus Cosan, Thomas Coterel, Hiram Cowan, Miles Curl, Jeremiah Dawson, William Flood, Francis Frerwode, John Frerwods, John Gilmore, John … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Abner Barrett’s Company

(Probably from Champaign County). Served from August 9, until September 9, 1813. Capt. Abner Barrett Lieut. Edward Jones Sergt. John Kelley Sergt. James Guthridge Sergt. Jacob Hazel Sergt. Allen Minturn Corp. John B. Neal Corp. Obediah Valentine Corp. William Kelley Corp. Jesse Gutridge Privates Adams, John Baker, Aaron Beatty, Miles C Binley, James Bracken, Nathan Britten, Evans E Britten, Nathan Burnside, William Cartmell, John Cartmell, William Chaney, Edward Chaney, William Cory, John Crage, John Frankeberger, John George, Richard D George, William M. Gilpin, Elias Hail, Bradford Harbert, William Hendrix, William Hoover, Peter Hudson, Edward Hutsin, James Hutson, Abraham Jones, Daniel … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Abner Ayres’ Company

(County Unknown). Served from May 4, until May 19, 1813. Capt. Abner Ayres Ensign Amos A. Royce Sergt. William Smith Sergt. Jacob Mitchell Sergt. John Trimble Corp. Isaac Williams Corp. George Ayres Corp. John Brown Drummer, John Haldemer Privates Aker, Andrew Boles, Thomas Brown, Thomas Day, Josiah B Grant, Josiah Johnston, Daniel Joseph, Bland Light, Celeste Manning, Alfred McGown, James McIntire, James Pinkley, Job, Roberts, William F Thompson, Andrew

Roll Of Capt. Aaron Strong’s Company

(County Unknown). Served from October 7. until December 15, 1812. Capt. Aaron Strong Lieut. Chaney Barker Ensign, Aaron Welsh Sergt. Bulkey Comstock Sergt. Roswell Tuller Sergt. Nahum King Sergt. Ira Wilcox Corp. Joseph Reath Corp. Isaac Harrison Corp. Samuel Hayden Corp. Norman Case Drummer, Sylvester Drake Fifer, Mathias Vanloon Privates Bardsley, Darius Barker, William N Benjamin, Daniel Bety, Francis Bixby, Appleton Brown, Thomas Calkins, Lovewell Carpenter, Nathan Case, Nathan Case, Orlando Cooper, John Davis, Elezer Davis, John D Denton, Justice Dickey, John Dixon, Myron Dunham, Walter Dunlebarger, Frederick Evans, Edward Fancher, Henry Fancher, William Filge, Daniel Fischar, Josiah Fisher, George … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Aaron Allen’s Company

(County Not Known.) Served from September 15, 1812 until March 16, 1811 Capt. Aaron Allen Lieut. John Vantilburgh Ensign, William Mills Sergt. James Clare Sergt. Richard Shaw Sergt. John Farquer Sergt. Thomas Henderson Corp. Christopher Abel Corp. Hugh Livingston Corp. James Johnston Corp. David Workman Privates Abel, Benjamin Asher, Anthony Ault, Phillip Avery, Samuel Ayers, James Barnes, Obediah Bay, Robert Betmer, Adam Brown, Nehemiah Brown, William Burchfield, Frederick Burris, Emery Campbell, Alexander Cann, Alexander Carson, John Carson, Samuel Carter, Ryan Caughey, Joseph Close, John Corbit, Lewis Crofford, Alexander Davis, Henry Degoin, John 0, Doyell, Anthony Durall, Thomas Ellison, James Fishell, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. A. Hemphill’s Company

(County Unknown). This Company Under the Command of Lieut. Aaron Foster. Served from July 28, 1813. Lieut. Aaron Foster Corp. William Brown Privates Campbell, William Connal, William Eli, William Fischer, Jacob Given, William Griffin, Samuel Keenor, John Latta, James Latta, John Latta, Moses Little, John McMahon, Joseph McNeel, Archibald Ryan, Joshua Shanor, Henry Stewart, Archibald Toughman, Peter Turnipseed, Christian White, Merryman

Roll Of Capt William Key’s Company

Bachan, John Blane, William Byers, Isaac Cavett, Richard Chonay, Ralph Connor, John Davidson, Thomas Dexan, Caleb Dolsen, Peter Emberry, Abner Van England, Joseph England, Titus Fry, Jacob Gallbraith, William Garrett, Edward Grant, John H Graytes, Nathaniel Greenman, Jeremiah Harrison, Elisha Heath, William Hoover, Henry Housmond, George Hurd, Samiiel Hutchinson Robert Jones, Thomas Jordan, Isaac Kerns, Felix Lake, Jonothan Layton William Lloyd, Thomas Maron, Thomas McArthur, Duncan McCollister, Clement McCrady, William Minshall, Edward Moffett, Nath Otter, Robert Sands, Joseph Sinn, Jacob Smith Peter Sponge, Henry Wall, Jeptha White, Robert Wilson, Robert Winder, James

Roll Of Capt Thomas Latta’s Company

(Probably from Jefferson County) Served from September 15, 1812 until March 21, 1813 Capt. Thomas Latta Lieut John Buck Lieut. Hugh Christy Ensign William Prichard Sergt. George Browers Sergt. George Brown Sergt. Alexander Patterson Sergt, Alexander Valters Sergt. George Emaling Sergt. John Haughey Sergt. Issac Wolms Sergt. Richard Brown Corp. Cornelius Peterson Corp. William Betz Corp. James Holes Corp Mathew Palmer Privates Adams, John Adams, Thomas Agler, William Allbaugh, George Allbaugh, Solomon Argo, Jeremiah Bailis, William Bair, David Baird, Andrew Bamhill, William Barnes, John Beamer, Adam Beamer, Adam, Jr. Bell, Adam Bell, William Boils, Richard Bratell, John Brockar, John Brockar, … Read more

Roll Of Capt Robert West’s Company

(Probably from Ross County) Served from July 30, until August 23, 1813. Capt. Robert West Lieut. Joseph Daniel Sergt. Samuel Jacolis Sergt. William Reid Sergt. William Baggeass Sergt. John McNown Fifer, Samuel Wilson Drummer, Benjamin Perry Privates Anderson, William Corn, Joseph Gilbert, William Griffith, Benjamin Hayman, Wilson Hodges, Nathaniel Housh, John, Jr. Laney, Samuel Lang, John Lowill, James Scott, Robert J.

Roll Of Capt John Thornley’s Company

(Probably from Washington County) Served from January 6, until March 6, 1814. Capt. John Thornisy Or Thorniley Lieut. David Merchant or Meredith Sergt. St. Clear Kelley Ensign, Ellsha Chapman Sergt. Daniel McClain Sergt. Lemanuel Cooper Sergt. Thomas Ady Corp. William Smith Corp. William Henkins Corp. Solomon Tise Drummer, William Magee Fifer, David Cox Corp. David Alpha Privates Andrews, Jerld Archer, John Baichet, Jonah Banthan. Perry G. Barkey, Samuel Bearner, Henry Bell, John Bennett, Joel Bird, William Borth, Daniel Browne Jesse Chapman, Hezekiah Chapman. Stmeon Clark Wiiliam Cline, George Connet, Abraham Connet, John Corbet, Robert Creig, John Crouch, Samuel Darling, Jonothan … Read more

Roll Of Capt John R. Lindsey’s Company

(Probably from Scioto County) Served from July 28, until August 28, 1813. Capt. John H. Lindsey Lieut. Jesse Marshall Ensign, William Rollins Sergt. Robert B. Scott Sergt. John Higgins Sergt. William Plumb Sergt. James Thompson Corp. Allen Moore Corp. David Crull Corp. John Bennet Corp. William Moore Privates Bachus, Michael Barkelov, Edward Bennet, Benjamin Benson, Joseph Biber, Jacob Van Biber. John Van Bowen, John Bowen, William Collins, Martin Craig, William Culp, Cornelius Day, Ezekial Dilawter, Isaac Dilawter, Lawrence Holland, Francis Keys, John Kneff, George Lindsey, Peter Lindsey, William Marshall, Samuel McDowell William McDowell, James McKenney, Theodore Nelson, Jonothan R Nelson, … Read more

Roll Of Capt John A. Collins’ Company

(County Unknown) Served from July 31, until August 14, 1813. Capt. John A. Collins Lieut. Ellison Martin Ensign John McClung Sergt. John McCrorg Sergt. John Trusuer Sergt. John Shaw Sergt. Abraham Hiestand Corp. John Cook Corp. Christian Hiestand Corp. William Kennard Corp. Moses Thompson Drummer David Thompson Privates Arendt, Peter Bretz, Conrad Bretz, John Brown, David Collins, John Frieze, Peter Hawyers, Jacob Herod, James Hufford, Daniel Hunsbach, Conrad Hutchinson, James Lariner, John Martin, James Phelph, Hezekiah Shaw, Andrew Shisler, John Smith, William Stepheason, Elijah Swarts, Frederick Thompson, William Wills, Samuel Wolf, Henry

Roll Of Capt James Odell’s Company

(County Unknown) Served from July 29, until September 8, 1813. Capt. James Odell Lieut. David Johnson Ensign James Rogers Sergt. John McCombs Sergt. Thomas Grover Sergt. James B. Strain Sergt. Joseph Smalley Corp. Thomas McStrain Corp. James McCollon Corp. William Johnson Corp. John Bereman Privates Barngroover, David Barngroover, John Bell, Andrew Bigley, Peter Bonar, Joseph Brower, David Brown, Charles Brown, Nathan Chapman, Aschel Chapman, David Chapman, John Collins, Isaac Galaspy, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander Henderson, Joseph His, James Hough, Ashford McGee, John McGee, Thomas McNeeley, George Nays, Thomas Pettijohn, Abraham Prather, Thomas Roberts, James Ross, John Small, Jacob Smally, Isaac Smally, … Read more

Roll Of Capt Jacob Catterline’s Company

(County Unknown) Served from Sept. 1, 1813 until March 1, 1814. Capt. Jacob Catterline Lieut. James Hooper Ensign Jared Bonn Sergt. Henry Smith Sergt. Thomas Warner Sergt. Edwin Croose Sergt. Daniel Ponce Corp. George Norris Corp. Henry Hannah Corp. William Mast Corp. Jesse Cloud Fifer, George Hallinger Drummer, Nathan Bonn Privates Baker, Christian Black, George Boyle, James Browning, Leonard Bury, Elijah Clayton, John Clayton, Joseph Cooley-, Edward Copeland, Caleb Copeland, William Foster, George Found, William Hall, William Helser, John Huffman, Henry Johnston, Luke Johnston. John Kirkland, John Lamb, Jacob Lewis, John Mannon, Jacob Miksell, Adam Murphy, Benjamin Pelly, Moses Phillips, … Read more

Roll Of Capt Elijah Martin’s Company

(Probably from Brown County) Served from February 1, until August 12, 1813. Capt. Elijah Martin Lieut. Jacob Jacobs Lieut. Zechariah Riggs Ensign, Joseph Stewart Sergt. David Flaugher Sergt. Henry Hawk Sergt. William Yates Sergt. Archibald Parker Sergt. William Dixon Sergt. James Higgins Corp. Richard Brown Corp. John Hawk Corp. Henry Haidesty Musiclan, Jeremiah Martin Privates Brown, William Churin, Thomas R Cochran, Jacob Cooper, John Creed, Mathew Davis, Henson Dixon, David Dixon, John Dixon, William Dougherty, Samuel Douglas, Samuel Findley, James Fisher, George Flaugher, Henry Flaugher, Jacob Flauglar, David Forbus, William Gibson, Thomas Godfrey, James Gotliffe, John S Hawk, Phillip Higgins, … Read more