Biography of Hon. Simeon W. Bunch

HON. SIMEON W. BUNCH. The fortunate possessor of 205 acres of as good and as there is in the beautiful township of Sparta, our subject is one of the progressive farmers and representative citizens of Christian County, Missouri, where he has long made his home. He came originally from Simpson County, Kentucky, born in 1832. His parents, William and Malinda (Roark) Bunch, were probably natives of Tennessee, where they were reared and married. About 1831 the parents moved to Simpson County, Kentucky, and there the father died about 1833, when in the prime of life. He was a farmer by … Read more

Biography of Hon. Samuel Leslie

HON. SAMUEL LESLIE. Among the representative and venerable citizens of Searcy County, Arkansas, and one who is a splendid type of the enterprise, industry and self-reliance of the early Arkansas pioneer, it is a pleasure to introduce to the readers of this volume the subject of this sketch. Considerably more than half a century ago he braved the dangers, trials and privations of pioneer life in order to establish a home and competency for his growing family, and where now are waving fields of grain then stood the mighty monarch of the forest. He was born in Barren County, Kentucky, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Robert L. Coleman

HON. ROBERT L. COLEMAN. It is the men of broad and comprehensive views who give life to communities and build cities-men who have foresight and energy, pluck and push to forward their enterprises and still retain an untarnished reputation through it all. Such a man is Hon. Robert L. Coleman, now circuit clerk and recorder and ex-representative of Carter County. He was elected to his present responsible position in 1890 by the Democratic party, of which he is a zealous member. Previous to this, in 1886, he was elected school commissioner, held that position two years, and was elected to … Read more

Biography of Hon. Richard P. Bland

HON. RICHARD P. BLAND. From poverty and obscurity all the eminent men of the West have fought their way in the battle of life, and by their own persistence and perseverance have attained to prominence and honor. They have given permanency to every enterprise that they have honored with their patronage and have stamped upon them their own individuality. The subject of this sketch is a man well known to the people of Missouri, and needs no eulogy from the pen of the biographer, for his deeds are his monuments and will endure long after he has moldered into dust. … Read more

Biography of Hon. Pleasant N. Gulley

HON. PLEASANT N. GULLEY. This worthy representative of a successful, thoroughgoing and industrious Missouri farmer and stockraiser came originally from Hawkins County, Tennessee, where he was born in 1824. His parents, Lewis and Jane (Rolin) Gulley, were born in the Old Carolina State about 1784 and 1786, respectively, where they were reared and married, after which they moved to Tennessee and entered land in Hawkins County, and on that land spent the rest of their lives, dying in 1849 and 1833, respectively. They were Methodists, and the father was a soldier in the War of 1812 under Gen. Jackson. He … Read more

Biography of Hon. Patrick C. Berry

HON. PATRICK C. BERRY. The position occupied by Patrick C. Berry as one of the prominent and influential citizens of Stone County, Missouri, has been gained by personal worth and unquestioned integrity. He is well and favorably known all over the county, few men more so, and is now enjoying the fruits of a well-spent life. In the grand old mother of States, Virginia, he was born, August 22, 1830, the seventh son and next to the youngest of the eight children of Samuel and Sarah (Hickey) Berry, both natives of Washington County, Virginia. Our subject’s grandfather, William Berry, was … Read more

Biography of Hon. Napoleon B. Allen

HON. NAPOLEON B. ALLEN. Like all self-made and distinguished men Hon. Napoleon B. Allen commenced life with limited means and worked his way to the front by careful and studious attention to business, honesty and integrity, and the following of the various traits that combine in making a man respected and honored. He was born at Mammoth Springs, Arkansas, May 27, 1851. The son of William and Matilda (Evans) Allen. The father was a native of Illinois, but was reared in St. Louis. In 1830 he went to where Mammoth Springs, Arkansas, is now situated, and was one of the … Read more

Biography of Hon. Melvin Nathaniel Dyer

HON. MELVIN NATHANIEL DYER. Prominent in the ranks of the fore-most of the brilliant circle of lawyers of Baxter County, Arkansas, stands the name of Melvin Nathaniel Dyer, who has a most thorough and practical knowledge of the complications of law. He was born near Lawrenceville, Gwinnett County Ga., in 1833, and reared in Walker County, Ga., a son of Edwin Dyer, who was a native of Virginia, and was reared on Blue Grass soil. His father, Wiley Dyer, made fifty-three moves during his lifetime and died in Texas. He was a farmer by occupation, was quite a Nimrod in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Matthias Kenaga

HON. MATTHIAS KENAGA. The occupations to which Mr. Kenaga is devoting his attention are of the utmost importance to any community, and this is especially so in regard to the lumber business, which he is very extensively and successfully carrying on. He was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, in 1842, but his parents, Abraham and Christina (Sese) Kenaga, were Pennsylvanians, and were taken to Ohio by their parents when young. The mother of the subject of this sketch died when he was an infant, and his father after-ward married Esther Kore, and in 1850 removed to Whitley County, Indiana, where … Read more

Biography of Hon. M. T. Brisco

In reviewing the various professional interests of Newton County, Arkansas, the name of M. T. Brisco cannot be ignored, for he is one of her most successful legal lights. Although it is a known fact that, given the ordinary average education and good judgment, any man may make a success in the avenues of trade, yet in the profession of law he must be endowed with superior intelligence and have gone through years of careful study and training to be able to cope with the brilliant minds which do honor to the bench and bar. Mr. Brisco is a gentleman … Read more

Biography of Hon. Joshua Sholar

HON. JOSHUA SHOLAR. The free country of America affords numberless instances of men who have made their way alone in life, having nothing on which to depend but their own strong arms and a determination to do and to succeed. Such men are always self-reliant, their necessities having taught them that what is done must be done through themselves alone. They are worthy and well qualified to perform what duties they are called upon to discharge and are almost without exception leaders of thought in their community, and lead lives of great usefulness. In considering the gentlemen of this class … Read more

Biography of Hon. Joshua Chilton

The gentleman whose name we now give was for many years identified with the best interests of Shannon County, Missouri, and although he has now passed from earth’s activities it is but just and satisfactory that his life’s narrative be recounted among those who have done excellent service in subduing the wilderness and bringing it into its present fine condition physically, mentally and morally. Mr. Chilton was born in Wayne County, Tennessee, September 28, 1818, and was a son of Thomas Chilton, who was a native of Maryland. Thomas Chilton was partly reared in his native State and then moved … Read more

Biography of Hon. John W. Cypert

HON. JOHN W. CYPERT. Ability, when backed by enterprising measures and progressive ideas, will accomplish more than any other professional requirement, an illustration of which may be seen in the career of Hon. John W. Cypert, who is the efficient county and probate judge of Baxter County, Arkansas He was born in Wayne County, Tennessee, April 22, 1826. A son of John and Nancy (Anderson) Cypert, the latter of whom was born in Virginia and the former in Tennessee. They were married in their father’s native State and partly reared their family there, but in 1850 took up their residence … Read more

Biography of Hon. John L. Greene

HON. JOHN L. GREENE. This well-known and prominent citizen of Pike Creek Valley is a native of Roane County, Tennessee, where he was born in 1835, a son of Theodrick and Mary (Hassler) Greene, natives of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and Tennessee, born in 1799 and 1805 respectively. In 1811 Theodrick Greene was taken by his parents to Tennessee, grew to manhood there and was there married. In 1857 they removed to Marion County, Arkansas, by wagon and there the father spent the rest of his life, being killed during the war while at home. He was a Southern sympathizer and … Read more

Biography of Hon. John H. Anderson

HON. JOHN H. ANDERSON. This part of Missouri has proved a mine of wealth to thousands of industrious and earnest farmers who have come hither from the East and by dint of hard work and enterprise have developed the resources which nature so liberally provided. Among these is John H. Anderson, who was born in North Carolina, in 1826, to the marriage of William and Jane (Scruggs) Anderson, natives of the Palmetto State, where they were reared and married. Later the parents moved to the Old North State and from there to Georgia, where they remained a few years. When … Read more

Biography of Hon. James H. Murphy

HON. JAMES H. MURPHY. In scanning the lives and enterprises of the citizens of Newton County, it is interesting to note the exercise of enterprise in every walk of life. James H. Murphy, one of the prominent farmers and stockraisers of Jackson Township, Newton County, Arkansas, is a native of Madison County, Arkansas, born in 1840, to the union of John J. and Perlinda (Davis) Murphy, both natives of Tennessee, the father born in Giles County about 1813, and the mother in Maury County in 181I. When quite young the father went to Johnson County, Illinois, where he met and … Read more

Biography of Hon. James D. Gideon

HON. JAMES D. GIDEON. No better citizens have come to Christian County, Missouri, than those who crossed the Mississippi River from Tennessee, and who brought as their inheritance the traits of character and life which has ever distinguished them. Hon. James D. Gideon, who is one of the foremost farmers and stockraisers of Union Township, Stone County, first saw the light in Hawkins County, Tennessee, in 1833. His parents, John and Polly (Evans) Gideon, were also natives of that State, the father born in Hawkins and the mother in Jefferson County. Both were fairly well educated for those days, and … Read more

Biography of Hon. Jacob B. Reaser

HON. JACOB B. REASER. This prominent and successful stockman and farmer of Birch Tree, Missouri, was born in Jackson County, Tennessee, in 1837. A son of Peter and Emeline (Brown) Reaser, who were natives of Virginia, but removed to Tennessee with their parents, where they were reared, received such education as the schools of that day afforded, and were married in Jackson County, Tennessee. In May, 1822, they came by ox team to Oregon County, Missouri, at which time that section was very wild and unsettled, and for a long time the most of their marketing was done at St. … Read more

Biography of Hon. J.S. Owens

HON. J. S. OWENS. Among the most esteemed and respected citizens of Marion County, Arkansas, there is not one who is a more pleasant, or agreeable member of society, a more thorough or sagacious man of business, or a more public-spirited and capable official than J. S. Owens, who is the present representative of Marion County, Arkansas, in the State Legislature. He was born in Alabama, February 19, 1851, a son of Thomas and Margaret (De Priest) Owens, who were natives of the Old North State. The Owens family came to this country from Ireland in an early day, the … Read more

Biography of Hon. J. W. Pate

HON. J. W. PATE. This gentleman is one of the most substantial farmers of Van Buren County, Arkansas, if not in his section of the State, and he has, through his enterprise, intelligence and public spirit, contributed his full share to the magnificent development of the section in which he resides. He was born in the county in which he now lives on the Red River, February 26, 1841, a son of William and Lovica (McAllister) Pate, the former of whom was born in Georgia, and was a son of James and Nancy Pate, who were of Scotch-Irish descent. The … Read more