Biography of Carl Mickelsen

Last Updated on August 14, 2012 by

On starting out in life Carl Mickelsen realized fully that if success was to be his it must be gained through earnest, persistent and unfaltering effort, and thus it is that he has worked diligently year after year, making steady progress until now he is the owner of a very desirable farm of eighty-four acres situated on section 27, Mount Pleasant Township, and supplied with many modern improvements and equipments. He has been a resident of this section of the state from the age of twenty years. He was born in Lolland, Denmark, September 5, 1866, and is a son of Michael and Katherine Petersen. The father died in Denmark, after which the mother came to the United States and is now living in Racine.

Carl Mickelsen attended school in his native County until he reached the age of fourteen years, when he began to provide for his own support by working as a farm hand, in which manner he was employed for six years. Thinking that he would have better opportunities in the new world where competition is not so great and where advancement is more quickly secured, he bade adieu to friends and native land in 1886 and sailed for America. He did not tarry on the Atlantic coast but made his way at once into the interior of the country and for a year was employed at farm labor in Racine County. He afterward worked at odd jobs-tile ditching, dairying and in other ways-and was also employed in the shops of Racine for five years. Throughout this entire period he carefully saved his earnings, living most frugally, and at length by practicing close economy and industry he acquired a sum sufficient to enable him to purchase a farm. The year 1906 saw the fulfillment of his hope in that regard, for he became owner of seventy-four acres of land on section 27, Mount Pleasant Township, to which he has since added a tract of ten acres. His place is all well improved and the farm presents a neat and pleasing appearance. The fields are carefully cultivated and indicate the care which Mr. Mickelsen displays in carrying on his farming interests.

In 1892 occurred the marriage of Mr. Mickelsen and Miss Margaret Olsen and to them have been born nine children: Arthur, Alma, Agnes, William, Nora, Harold, Edna, Carl and Viola. Mr. and Mrs. Mickelsen are members of the Lutheran church in Racine and in politics he follows an independent course, considering the capability of the candidate rather than his party allegiance. He rejoices in the progress made by the County, but he has never been an office seeker, preferring always to concentrate his energies upon his business duties. He has worked hard and his indefatigable energy and unfaltering industry have been the basic elements in his growing and well deserved success.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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