Biography of G. T. Anderson

G. T. Anderson, an enterprising agriculturist of Washington county and a well known and highly respected resident of this part of the state, was born March 15, 1876, and is of Delaware extraction, his parents being William and Mary Anderson, both of whom have passed away. He acquired his education in the public schools of Bartlesville and on starting out in life independently chose the occupation of farming, with which he has since been identified. He cultivated a ranch on Coon creek, in Washington county, until 1920, when Mrs. Anderson purchased the home farm of eighty acres two and a … Read more

Biography of G. O. Hall, M. D.

The career of Dr. G. O. Hall, a leading physician of Bartlesville, is proof of the fact that it is only under adverse conditions that the best and strongest in the individual are developed, for he is a self-educated, self-made man whose indomitable purpose and untiring effort have enabled him to overcome all obstacles and difficulties in his path and work his way steadily forward to the goal of success. A native of Texas, he was born September 1, 1882, and is a son of Dr. P. B. Hall, who for the past twenty-one years has been engaged in the … Read more

Biography of G. A. Rhoades

Among those who have made substantial contribution to the agricultural development of Oklahoma the Rhoades family is deserving of special mention, for its members have been continuously engaged in the cultivation of the soil of this state for the past thirty-three years, transforming wild and unproductive land into rich and fertile fields through their arduous labors and progressive spirit. G. A. Rhoades, a member of this family, was born in Kansas, April 16, 1881, of the marriage of John and Sarah (Hardwick) Rhoades, both of whom were natives of Missouri. In 1888 they came to Indian Territory, and the father … Read more

Biography of Fred Wallace

Nowata numbers among her most substantial citizens Fred Wallace, who has been living retired since 1921. A native of Michigan, he was born in Eaton Rapids, on the 26th of August, 1873, a son of G. C. and Katherine (Puffenberger) Wallace. The Wallace family were among the early pioneers of the Nowata district, having located here at a time when there was neither store nor post office. The only signs of habitation when they came here were the depot station house and one tent. G. C. Wallace was born in Tennessee, while his wife was born in Michigan. For some … Read more

Biography of Fred Roscoe Sutton, M. D.

Dr. Fred Roscoe Sutton, physician and surgeon of Bartlesville, has been successfully engaged in the practice of medicine in Oklahoma since 1898. The passing years have chronicled the steady growth and progress of the state and in keeping with the trend of change and advancement is the record of Dr. Sutton, who at all times has kept abreast of the latest researches and discoveries relative to the laws of health. He was born in Emporia, Kansas, January 14, 1874, and is a son of Dr. George W. Sutton, a native of Kentucky, whose birth occurred just across the River from … Read more

Biography of Fred C. Hall

One of the alert and enterprising business men of Nowata is Fred C. Hall, secretary and manager of the Henderson Gasoline Company, with offices in the First National Bank building. He was born in Galt, Illinois, on the 15th of October, 1883. His father, William Boyd Hall, was a native of New York and removed to Illinois at an early day, where he followed farming. His death occurred in 1885. William B. Hall married Miss Alice Buck, a native of Illinois. Her death occurred in Nowata in 1919. In the acquirement of an education Fred C. Hall attended the schools … Read more

Biography of Fred B. Woodard

Fred B. Woodard, prominent member of the Washington County bar, residing at Dewey, has been a resident of this section of the state since 1898 and through the intervening period has left the impress of his individuality and ability upon the legal history of the commonwealth. A native of Indiana, his birth occurred in Parke County, near Bloomingdale, on the 21st of October, 1871, his parents being William Penn and Martha Ellen (Kelley) Woodard. The father’s birth occurred on a farm in Parke County, Indiana, which his father, Thomas Woodard, had entered from the government in pioneer times. The latter … Read more

Biography of Frank Wilson

A well improved and valuable farm near Dewey bears testimony to the care and labor bestowed upon it by its owner, Frank Wilson, who has spent his life in this section of the state and is a member of one of the pioneer families of Oklahoma, which for over a half century has been identified with its development along agricultural lines. His paternal grandparents were both of the Delaware tribe. Kansas was their native state, and there both passed away. Their son, Ice Wilson, who was born in the Sunflower state, married Lottie Curleyhead, of Delaware extraction and also a … Read more

Biography of Frank S. Howard

One of the alert and enterprising business men of Baron, Oklahoma, is Frank S. Howard, who was born near Wauhillau, now in Adair County on the 30th, of January 1873. His father Frank Howard, was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on the 26th of November, 1840, and removed to Indian Territory in 1868 founding the town of Baron. In 1870 he was united in marriage to Sallie Starr, a daughter of Noon and Delilah Starr, the Starr family being one of the oldest Cherokee families in this section of the country. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Howard two children were … Read more

Biography of Frank R. Glascock

After many years of activity in real estate circles of Haskell, Frank R. Glascock is now living retired at the age of seventy, having through industry, ability and perseverance accumulated a substantial competence which enables him to rest from further labor. He is a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Highland County on the 22d of February, 1851, and his parents were Joseph and Alcinda (Stone) Glascock, the former of whom was born in Culpeper County, Virginia. On starting out in life for himself Frank R. Glascock engaged in farming and merchandising at Hillsboro, Ohio, for a number … Read more

Biography of Frank Mason

Frank Mason, President of the Title Abstract Company of Nowata, in which connection he has established for the company a well merited reputation for accuracy, progressiveness and re-liability, was born in Monroe County, Ohio, January 18, 1861, and is a son of Dr. George W. and Janet (Park) Mason, both of whom were natives of Ohio, the former of Irish descent, while the latter was of Scotch lineage. Their respective families settled in Ohio as pioneers of Monroe County and became identified with the early development and progress of that state. The early home of the Mason family was a … Read more

Biography of Frank M. Johnson

Frank M. Johnson is one of the native sons of Washington County, where he still makes his home, being identified with farming and with oil interests. He resides a mile west of Dewey, on an excellent tract of land which he has brought under a state of cultivation. His birthplace was on Turkey creek, in the eastern part of Washington County, and the date of his birth was July 6, 1892. He is a son of John H. Johnson, who for many years was a progressive and enterprising farmer of Oklahoma. The father was born in Laurel County, Kentucky, December … Read more

Biography of Frank Lee

From the year which brought statehood to Oklahoma, Frank Lee has been a member of the Muskogee bar and is regarded as one of the strong and eminent representatives of the profession in this part of the state. He has engaged in the practice of law altogether for thirty-five years and his professional career has been marked by continuous progress and constantly developing power. Born in Stockwell, Indiana, December 9, 1864, he is a son of Captain Smith Lee, who served with the Boys in Blue in the Civil war, becoming a member of Company I, Eleventh Indiana Cavalry. After … Read more

Biography of Frank Labadie

Coming to Oklahoma in territorial days, Frank Labadie has witnessed the marvelous growth of the state as its vast resources have been exploited, and in the work of development and improvement he has borne his full share through his operations as a farmer and lumberman and also in the oil fields. He was born in Miami County, Kansas, September 3, 1860, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Labadie, the former of whom was of French Canadian descent and spoke the French language fluently. In 1871 the family came to Indian Territory, establishing their home in the northeastern part of … Read more

Biography of Frank Harris

Modern progressive agriculture in Washington county finds a prominent representative in Frank Harris, who is the owner of a desirable farm near Ochelata which in its neat and thrifty appearance gives every indication of the practical methods and careful supervision of the owner. He was born in Greene county, Illinois, of the marriage of Martin A. and Mary (King) Harris, the latter also a native of that county. The father was born in France and was brought to the United States when but three years old. He is a farmer by occupation and is now residing at Ramona, where he … Read more

Biography of Frank Hamilton Little

Washington county is making rapid progress as a stock raising district and among those whose well directed efforts are contributing to its development along this line is numbered Frank Hamilton Little, who resides at Ramona and is recognized as one of the largest operators in this field in the state. He is a member of one of the pioneer families of Oklahoma and was born at La Fayette, Georgia, March 28, 1875, his parents being William and Theresa (Davis) Little, who were also natives of that state. They came to Indian Territory over forty years ago, settling on a farm … Read more

Biography of Frank D. Custer

With industry and determination as dominant qualities, Frank D. Custer has made steady progress in the business world, being now the owner of a valuable fruit farm near Bartlesville and also having oil wells on his property. He was born in Montgomery County, Indiana, the boyhood home of General Lew Wallace of military and literary fame, on the 6th of August, 1855. Three of his brothers served in the Civil war and one of these, A. R. Custer, is now living retired in Bartlesville with his family. Frank D. Custer acquired his education in the public schools of Thornton, Indiana, … Read more

Biography of Francis Marion Crowell

Afton owes much to the enterprising spirit and business ability of Francis Marion Crowell, whose identification with the town dates from the time of its establishment, and he is now conducting one of the leading department stores in this part of the state, displaying marked executive force, energy and determination in the control of his interests. He was born on a farm in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, March 14, 1859, his parents being Dr. Marion and Nancy A. Crowell, the former of whom was born at Mecklenburg, North Carolina, February 15, 1830, while the birth of the latter occurred in Henry … Read more

Biography of Floyd Ray Hill

Floyd Ray Hill, Secretary and manager of the Muskogee Home Building Company, was born in Barton County, Missouri, March 11, 1888. He obtained a public school education and in his youth was employed in connection with horse racing. He was afterward with an importer of horses for a period of years and sold fine stock. In 1914 he engaged in the life insurance business in California, organizing the California State Life Company, which he represented as a salesman for a year and a half. He was afterward engaged in the insurance business in Arizona and in 1917 he came to … Read more

Biography of Floyd E. Staley

One of the promising young members of the legal profession in Oklahoma is Floyd E. Staley, junior member of the firm of Miles & Staley at Checotah. He was born in Ottawa, Kansas, on the 17th of October, 1895, a son of William and Grace (Anderson) Staley, the former a native of Missouri and the latter of Kansas. William Staley engaged in farming in the latter state until 1909, when he came to Oklahoma and located in Checotah. Here he established a grain business; in the conduct of which he was active until 1921, when he disposed of that business. … Read more