Biography of Finis Waldo Ewing, M. D.

Dr. Finis Waldo Ewing, engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Muskogee since 1915, his ability in his chosen calling being widely recognized, was born in Missouri, January 10, 1876, and is a son of Dr. Lee D. and Bettie (Harris) Ewing. At the usual age he became a public school pupil and having mastered the regular branches of the public school curriculum and had one year of university preparation, he went to Baltimore, Maryland, where he entered the Baltimore University in preparation for a professional career. He won his M. D. degree upon graduation with the class … Read more

Biography of F. F. Finney

F. F. Finney, a native son of Oklahoma and a member of one of the pioneer families of the state, is a progressive, energetic and successful young business man and is now serving as superintendent of the gas department of the Indian Territory Illuminating Gas Company, his services being of great value to the corporation. He was born at the Kaw agency in June, 1884, and is a son of T. M. and Abbie (Florer) Finney, the former a native of Martinsburg, Ohio, while the latter was born in Ripley, that state. The father was born on the 13th of … Read more

Biography of F. E. Thurman

F. E. Thurman, engaged in the general insurance, surety bond and loan business at Bartlesville, Oklahoma, under the firm style of F. E. Thurman Company, was born at West Union, Ohio, March 9, 1872, a son of J. M. and Mary Elizabeth (McCormick) Thurman, both natives of that state. J. M. Thurman, during the greater part of his active life, was engaged in the banking business at West Union, Ohio, and for a long period served as treasurer of Adams county, that state. The father passed away October 4, 1915, in West Union, while the mother died when her son, … Read more

Biography of Ezra Brainerd, Jr.

Ezra Brainerd, Jr., has been an active representative of the legal fraternity of Muskogee for the past seventeen years, enjoying an extensive clientage that has connected him with much important litigation tried in the courts of the district. He was born in Middlebury, Vermont, on the 26th of August, 1878, a son of Ezra and Frances (Rockwell) Brainerd, the former at one time president of Middlebury College. Excellent educational advantages were accorded him, for his public school training was supplemented by a course of study in Worcester Academy of Worcester, Massachusetts, and in Colgate Academy of Hamilton, New York. His … Read more

Biography of Eugene Sloan Adkins

Eugene Sloan Adkins, organizer and promoter of the Adkins Hay & Feed Company of Muskogee, is also identified with other important business interests of the state, whereby he has won classification with the representative merchants of Oklahoma. His plans have always been carefully defined and promptly executed and his energy has enabled him to overcome all difficulties and obstacles in his path. Mr. Adkins was born in Choteau, Oklahoma, March 26, 1896, and is a son of Moses E. and Hattie (Sloan) Adkins. The father is deceased. Eugene S. Adkins obtained a public school education, completing a course in the … Read more

Biography of Eugene C. Gilbert

One of the well known citizens of Gans, Oklahoma, is Eugene C. Gilbert, cashier of the Citizen’s Bank. He was born near Caswell, Georgia, on the 15th of December, 1889, a son of W. A. and Helen C. (Chum) Gilbert, both members of old Georgia families. The father engaged in the mercantile business for many years and also followed agricultural pursuits, enjoying well merited success. He and his wife are still living. To them four sons and one daughter were born, Eugene C., whose name initiates this review, being the eldest child. In the acquirement of an education, Eugene C. … Read more

Biography of Euclid Waterhouse Smartt, Jr.

Euclid Waterhouse Smartt, Jr., of Muskogee, whose varied interests and activities have ever maintained a well balanced character, while his recognition of the duties and obligations of life have made him a valued citizen through his business enterprise and through his cooperation in many projects for the public good, was born in Viola, Warren county, Tennessee, December 29, 1878, on the home farm of his parents E. W. and Nannie Elizabeth (Davis) Smartt. He completed his literary education in the Viola Normal School at Viola, Tennessee, in the year 1899 and became a law student in the office and under … Read more

Biography of Elmer Stover Emmert

Elmer Stover Emmert, senior partner of the well known firm of Emmert Brothers and thus head of one of the strong insurance agencies not only of Muskogee but of the state, was born in Humboldt, Kansas, May 18, 1868, and is a son of David B. and Margaret D. (Moffett) Emmert, the former a newspaper publisher. During the early boyhood of Elmer S. Emmert the parents removed with their family to Wichita, Kansas, and there he pursued his education in the public schools until a further removal was made to Albuquerque, New Mexico. After the death of his father, at … Read more

Biography of Edwin Cameron Motter

Edwin Cameron Motter, an attorney of Muskogee who has resided here during the past fifteen years and has been connected with much important litigation, was born near Chillicothe, Ohio, on the 16th of June, 1884, a son of Dr. James R. and Ida (Faust) Motter. His parents and a sister, Mouser M., still reside at the old home in the Buckeye state. He began his education in the public schools near the place of his nativity and when thirteen years of age entered the preparatory college to Ohio University at Athens, which is the oldest university west of the Alleghany … Read more

Biography of Edward D. Hicks

Edward D. Hicks is numbered among Tahlequah’s representative business men and is one whose life record should be a stimulus to the effort and ambition of others. He was born at Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, on the 1st of January, 1866, a son of Daniel R. and Nancy J. (Rider) Hicks. His grandfather on the paternal side Elijah Hicks, was chief of the Cherokee Nation in Georgia and Indian Territory and died in 1856. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks came with the immigration of Cherokees in 1837 and 1838 to Indian Territory and the father became a successful farmer and stock … Read more

Biography of Edward Cockrell Hoffman

Statistics show that more than ninety per cent of men are failures in business and investigation brings to light another fact that too many are prone to make constant changes in business instead of concentrating along a single line and developing a thorough mastery of the work undertaken. A notable example of this rule is Edward Cockrell Hoffman, who is now engaged in the line of business in which he started out as a young tradesman, being the secretary, treasurer and manager of the Hoffman-Speed Printing Company of Muskogee. He has been instrumental in building up a substantial business at … Read more

Biography of Edward Clarence Fitzgerald

Entering upon the practice of law in 1908, Edward Clarence Fitzgerald has made continuous progress in his profession and is now numbered among the leading representatives of the Ottawa County bar, maintaining his office in Miami, and he has also taken a prominent part in public affairs of the County. He was born in Keystone, Benton County, Iowa, February 19, 1884, of the marriage of Edward and Mary (Quinleven) Fitzgerald, the former a native of Syracuse, New York, while the latter was born in Wisconsin. Both are deceased. The father came west as a boy and learned the trade of … Read more

Biography of Ed Darnell

Ed Darnell, a prominent farmer and stockman, living five miles southwest of Bartlesville, was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, August 19, 1874, but was only three years of age when taken to southern Kansas by his parents, L. J. and Rachel (Clark) Darnell, the family residing in that state for a period of fifteen years. On the 22d of April, 1889, they went to old Oklahoma, settling in Payne County, eleven miles west of Stillwater. The father became the first county recorder of Payne County and was appointed to the office by the first governor of the state. This position … Read more

Biography of E. M. Revard

E. M. Revard is a progressive young agriculturist of Washington county and although but} twenty-three years of age he has already become the owner of extensive farming interests in this section of the state, his business affairs being most judiciously managed. He was born in Cedarville, Kansas, December 19, 1898, and is a son of Francis and Belle (Higgins) Revard, prominent and highly respected residents of Bartlesville, the father devoting his attention to the raising of stock, in which he has been very successful. Among the most highly prized possessions of the subject of this review is a letter, dated … Read more

Biography of E. H. Huff

E. H. Huff is well known in business circles of Bartlesville as a successful contractor, engaged in road construction work, and owing to his thorough knowledge of his chosen occupation and his reliable and progressive business methods, success has attended his efforts. A native of Missouri, he was born November 11, 1897, and in 1900 was taken to Oklahoma by his parents, J. W. and Bessie (Williamson) Huff, who are also natives of that state. For many years the father followed contracting in the oil fields of this state but he is now living retired in Bartlesville and the mother … Read more

Biography of E. A. Fitzgerald

In the passing of E. A. Fitzgerald Oklahoma lost a pioneer citizen. A native of Ireland, he was born in that country in 1842, and came to the United States as a young man. He engaged in railroading after coming here and came to Indian Territory as construction contractor for the first railroad built through this part of the country. For many years he was road master for the Missouri Pacific Railroad and he followed that line of work until he took up farming. Subsequently, however, he removed to Tallala in order to give his children better educational advantages, and … Read more

Biography of Dutch White Turkey

Dutch White Turkey, long identified with the farming interests of Washington county and in more recent years connected with the oil development of this part of the state, was born on the 18th of June, 1857, in Kansas, seven miles east of Lawrence on the Delaware reservation. He was the eldest in a family of eight children, the others being: Sam; Robert; Albert; George; Katie, who became the wife of James Day of Bartlesville; Lilly, the wife of Dolph Fugate of Dewey; and Lucinda, deceased. Both of the parents were full-blooded Delawares and their name was really Simon. White Turkey … Read more

Biography of Dumont D. Howell, M. D.

For sixteen years Dr. Dumont D. Howell was numbered among the capable, prominent and successful physicians of Nowata, where he passed away on the 6th of December, 1919. He was born in Murphy, North Carolina, January 14,1874, and was a son of D. M. and Margaret (Sudderth) Howell. The Howell family was long connected with the history of North Carolina and of Georgia and the Sudderths were also of an old family of the former state. In the acquirement of his education Dumont D. Howell supplemented his public school course by study at the Young Harris College of Georgia and … Read more

Biography of Dennis B. Parker

Dennis B. Parker is one of the enterprising agriculturists of Washington County and a representative of a pioneer family whose activities in the cultivation of the soil have promoted the development of their section of the state. He was born on the old homestead, situated two and a half miles southwest of Copan, in Washington County, which is now the property of his stepmother, Mrs. Laura Parker. His mother died during his infancy. His father, Job B. Parker, was a member of the Delaware tribe of Indians. He became a pioneer agriculturist of Indian Territory and passed away in 1907. … Read more

Biography of Dee Lee Connell, M. D.

The profession as well as the public accords Dr. Dee Lee Connell a prominent position among the medical practitioners of Ottawa County and during the five years in which he has been located in Picher he has fully demonstrated his ability as a physician and surgeon. He was born in Jefferson City, Missouri, May 3, 1872, his parents being James and Sarah (Ware) Connell, both of whom were natives of Ohio. In 1845 the father started for the mines of California, traveling with ox teams over the Santa Fe trail. He was very successful in his search for the precious … Read more