Biography of Frank R. Glascock

Last Updated on December 13, 2011 by

After many years of activity in real estate circles of Haskell, Frank R. Glascock is now living retired at the age of seventy, having through industry, ability and perseverance accumulated a substantial competence which enables him to rest from further labor. He is a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Highland County on the 22d of February, 1851, and his parents were Joseph and Alcinda (Stone) Glascock, the former of whom was born in Culpeper County, Virginia.

On starting out in life for himself Frank R. Glascock engaged in farming and merchandising at Hillsboro, Ohio, for a number of years, later removing to Wichita, Kansas, and subsequently to Garden Plain, becoming one of the pioneer settlers and up-builders of that place. He organized the first bank and also established the first grain elevator there and remained one of the foremost business men of that locality until 1906, when he came to Haskell, where he has since made his home. For many years he was connected with realty interests of this city and in association with his two daughters, Nellie C. and Sarah S., organized the Creek Land & Loan Company, while subsequently John McLemore became a member of the firm, with which he is still identified. This is one of the leading real estate agencies of the city and Mr. Glascock continued active in its control for some time, being largely responsible for its present success. He is now living retired in the enjoyment of a well, earnest rest.

On March 23, 1880, Mr. Glascock married Miss Hattie Bell Corley, who has now reached the age of sixty-four years. Five children were born to their union, Nellie C. being the eldest in the family. She is a very capable business woman and is a member of the Creek Land & Loan Company. When the family first came to Haskell she served for three years as cashier of the First Bank and at the bankers’ convention held at Muskogee in 1907 she had the distinction of being the only woman present. The other children are: Sarah S., who is also connected with the Creek Land & Loan Company; Mary B., who is the wife of J. C. Runyan, a farmer residing near Haskell; and Bessie P. and Ankeny L., both at home.

Mr. Glascock attends the Methodist Episcopal Church and in his political views is independent, reserving the right of voting according to the dictates of his judgment. His fellow citizens, recognizing his worth and ability, called him to public office and in 1907 he was elected city Treasurer of Haskell, discharging the duties of that position with promptness, fidelity and efficiency. For fifteen years he has been a resident of Haskell and has watched with interest its growth and development, to which he contributed in substantial measure through his real estate operations.

His life has been a long, active and useful one, crowned with successful achievement, and he is one of the best known and most highly respected residents of the city.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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