McMinn County, Tennessee Deed Book B

Page 7 1 4 Sept 1826 Matthias Firestone to Samuel Firestone: signed in German 5 3 Nov 1825 Elizabeth and James Fields heirs of Andrew Miller dec’d of the Cherokee Nation to Samuel McConnell; land, part in McMinn Co and part in Monroe Co., claimed by said Miller as a life estate reservation. 7 3 Nov 1825 Joseph Crutchfield and George Hicks, Execx. Of Andrew Miller dec’d, all of Cherokee nation, to Samuel McConnell; said miller’s Reservation part in McMinn Co and part in Monroe Co. 8 8 27 Oct 1826 Jourdon T. Counsel of Knox Co. to George M. … Read more

McMinn County, Tennessee Deed Book A

Page 5 4 12 Sept 1833 Isaac Anderson, Mary W. Anderson, A.B. Weir, Elizabeth Weir, Newton Armstrong, Martha Armstrong formerly Elizabeth and Martha Anderson to William W. Anderson, All of McMinn Co.; Power of Atty. To sell land in Rockbridge Co., Va. On waters of North River and being land owned by Robert Anderson dec’d; land adjoins Daniel and Robert Rhea on the East and Land formerly owned by William Walker on the South. 7 23 Jan 1834 Lewis Clark of Lumpkin Co., Ga. To Isaac Lowery of McMinn Co.; Bill of sale for slave Lucy. 11 30 Oct 1833 … Read more

McMinn County, Tennessee Chancery Court Deeds

Page 81 Deed Book L has been missing for many years. It was evidently here in May 1871 when the Register made a copy of the deed on page 387, but was missing by 1895, according to testimony in Chancery Court Case No. 1340. The following deeds were found in the Chancery Court files by this compiler, while doing the research for her book of abstracts of these cases, and were reregisters in the current deed books. 49 17 Jan 1855 Now in Deed Book 8L, page 634 MARIA L. HOLSTON formerly PECK of Jefferson Co., to W. W. PECK; … Read more

McMinn County Tennessee Grant Book A

Page 1 267 91 Dec 1829 Act of Relief by the General Assembly for Nancy Allison, widow of Uriah Allison dec’d late of Roane Co. and for benefit of his heirs, three small female children. (302) 11 Jan 1836 The heirs are Mariah S., Catherine I. And Mary Allison. 288 910 Nov 1820 Abraham Heard enters land; 1824, James Kennedy, Sr. pays the interest; 21 July 1835 Nancy Kennedy, late Nancy Heard, Abram A. Heard, John Joseph Heard, Pryor Lea and wife late Minerva Ann Heard, George Felix Hears, and Joshua T. Heard, legatees of Col. Abraham Heard dec’d, pay … Read more